Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1515: Xi Jiu recognized her (two more)

   Chapter 1515 Xi Jiu recognized her (two more)

  Shen Wenqian: ! ! ! ! !

   All this turned out to be true!

   He had no auditory hallucinations, nor was he dreaming. His cub really accepted the invitation of Director Edward!

Shen Wenqian sucked in a breath of air and decisively said, "Yes! You must! The schedule is not a problem, I will help you adjust it! You must pick up this movie! Forget Ruan Xiaoqi, you can call Mr. Edward, and I will tell him personally. !"

   It was the first time to speak on the phone with an internationally renowned tour guide, and Shen Wenqian was a little excited. However, as the No. 1 gold medal broker in China, he restrained his inner joy and negotiated cooperation with Edward with high professionalism and fluent foreign language.

  Twenty minutes later, Edward hung up the phone and returned the phone to Ruan Qi.

   "Dear Miss Ruan, you have a very good agent who is very considerate of you."

   Ruan Qi smiled softly: "Brother Shen is my best friend, he is super good. Mr. Edward, how are you guys talking?"

   "Very pleasant. We will sign a contract in the next few days. Dear Miss Ruan, you are welcome to join. The Lord of the Rings will be even more exciting because of your participation!"

  Edward opened his arms and hugged Ruan Qi enthusiastically.

   Ruan Qi thanked him with a smile, then turned to look at Annie Dylan.

  Annie Dylan raised her eyebrows and looked at her with a smile: "Xiao Qi, congratulations. After the movie is released, I will go and cheer for you."

   "Thank you Sister Annie." Ruan Qi also hugged her, "Sister Annie, I have this opportunity, thanks to you."

   If Anne Dylan hadn't invited her to the studio for a photo shoot, she wouldn't have met Edward.

   If she hadn't met Edward, with her current status, she wouldn't have had such a good chance.

   Ruan Qi is very grateful to Annie Dylan.

  Annie Dylan shook her head: "Every year, there are no one thousand or eight hundred people who come to my studio to take pictures, but none of them are in the eyes of Uncle Edward. Xiaoqi, it is you who are excellent, and your uncle will see you."

   She patted the little **** the shoulder, "Okay, the cooperation between you and your uncle is over. Next, let's continue taking pictures."


   Ruan Qi spent several hours in Dylan's studio, and had lunch with Anne Dylan and Edward before leaving reluctantly.

   "The photos I took today will be used for the cover of the next issue of Dylan Magazine. After the film is finished, I will send it to your mailbox."

   "Okay, hard work, Sister Annie." Ruan Qi stood at the door of the studio, "Sister Annie, I'll go first."

   She waved at Annie Dylan and got into the taxi.

  The taxi started slowly, and Ruan Qi had just fastened his seat belt when the phone rang.

   [Simon: Seven kills, the Hawke family is here. 】

   Ruan Qi's eyes suddenly turned cold.

   [It's Xiao Qi: Who is it? 】

  【Simon: Old Hawke's third son, Demon Hawke. And Demon's daughter, Aisha Hawke. 】

  The De Monhawks did go to the Armory Show.

  So Jiang Chunian...will he follow them?

   Ruan Qi's peach blossom eyes narrowed slowly. She pondered for a moment, asked the driver to speed up, then leaned back on the seat and closed her eyes.

   After more than an hour, the Convention and Exhibition Center arrived.

   Ruan Qi had already put on a sweater cap when he left Dylan's studio. She put on the mask, put the hood of the sweater over her head, and opened the door to get out of the car.

  Gu Feiyang, who was guarding across the road from the convention center, raised his eyebrows, "Yo, isn't that Solomon's Seven Kills? Why are you here now? Brother Ninth, did you see the one in the white sweater? She's the Seven Kills."

   In the monitoring room, Xi Jiu did not speak.

   But his eyes had long been on the surveillance screen outside the gate of the convention center, his eyes focused and gentle.

   There is only one day left before the physical book pre-sale of "Master Xi"! The purchase address has been put on the scarf, and the babies can go and have a look.



   (end of this chapter)

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