Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1522: Seven nine sixty three! Rise! (one more)

   Chapter 1522 Seven Nine Sixty Three! Rise! (one more)

   The helm of the Xi Group, whose Weibo has been in the grass for 100 years, actually posted on Weibo!

   Everyone was excited for a while, but after seeing the content of Xi Jiu's Weibo, the excitement all turned into '? ? ? ’.

  The helm of the Xi family specially sent a Weibo to praise Ruan Qi's good singing?

   And the phrase 'beautiful', what the **** is it?

   Are you saying that the mv looks good?

Where does   mv look good? Isn't it just a clip of Ruan Qi recording a song in the recording studio?

   Netizens who didn't know the inside story thought that Xi Jiu's Weibo post was a little weird, but before everyone could figure it out, Xi Jiu had another operation.

   - He reprinted Gu Feiyang's Weibo post congratulating Ruan Qi for winning the Lemmy Award.

  [Xi Jiu: Congratulations //@Gu Erye: Congratulations @ Ruan Ruan Qi for winning the award, awesome! 】

   Netizens: ? ? ? ? ?

   Xi Jiu completely screwed everyone up.

  What happened to the helm of the Xi family?

   The two Weibo posts are all related to Ruan Qi?

what's the situation?

   Does he have a good relationship with Ruan Qi?

  [...Master Xi knows Ruan Qi? 】

  [Two Weibo posts in a row, all related to Ruan Qi, this is not just the level of understanding, right? 】

  【emm... Gu Feiyang and Ruan Qi are friends, and Master Xi and Gu Feiyang are small, maybe it is because of Gu Feiyang's face that Master Xi congratulates Ruan Qi? 】

   This explanation does not make everyone agree.

   That is the helm of the Xi Group, how could he publicly congratulate a female artist in order to save face?

   Moreover, I still posted two Weibo!

   This is clearly not normal.

  【Is there a possibility that Mr. Xi and Ruan Qi actually knew each other? They both knew Gu Feiyang, maybe the two met through Gu Erye? 】

   This speculation was immediately rejected by everyone.

   It is indeed possible that Xijiu met Ruan Qi through Gu Feiyang, and it is indeed possible that the two of them had contact.

   But what kind of temperament is Xi Jiu?

  Emperor is notoriously low-key and indifferent.

   Will he post two Weibo for an ordinary female friend?

   That is absolutely impossible!

   He seldom liked the Weibo of Xiao Gu Feiyang.

   Xi Jiu's Weibo is simply a decoration. Just like him, full of strong sex//Cold wind.

  【Fuck...I always feel that these two Weibo posts by Mr. Xi are not right. 】

  【Me too... I'm not a CP-brainer, and I never drink sugar, but this man is really wrong today. 】

  【I flipped through Xi Jiu's Weibo. He only registered for this account for one thought, and usually rarely posts updates. But several Weibo posts this year seem to be all related to Ruan Qi. 】

Everyone:? ? ?

   All the netizens immediately went to Xi Jiu's Weibo homepage and started to read it.

   Xijiu's Weibo was registered at the end of last year, and on the day of registration, the first Weibo he posted was——【Ruan Qi's "One Thought" is nice. 】

   Everyone looked at the date he posted this Weibo, and vaguely remembered that Ruan Qi was caught in the door of plagiarism with singer Jian Chao, and "One Thought" was also accused of plagiarism by many people.

   But Xi Jiu took the risk of the world at that time and publicly supported Ruan Qi's songs.

  【I remember that time. At that time, everyone scolded Ruan Qi for plagiarizing the dog, but when Xi Jiu posted it on Weibo, everyone was dumbfounded. 】

  【Sadly! I remember too! I still remember that not long after the plagiarism incident, Ruan Qi appeared on the "Pastoral Life" variety show, and the mysterious guest in that episode was the gold master's father, that is, Xi Jiu! 】

  Everyone: ! ! !

  The first thing to do when registering on Weibo is to publicly support Ruan Qi, and not long after that, he went to the variety show where Ruan Qi was working as a mysterious guest. What happened to Xi's helm? !

  【What is Ruan Qi's variety show? Have you forgotten Ruan Qi's fight with Cheng Yan? At that time, Gu Feiyang publicly supported Ruan Qi on Weibo, and Xi Jiu liked his Weibo! 】

【exactly! There is such a thing. And Ruan Qi was framed by Miao Mengmeng, and Gu Feiyang also posted on Weibo for Ruan Qi when she said that she was fostered. Xi Jiu likes it again! 】

   The netizens who were doing archaeology on the Xijiu Weibo homepage were all shocked.

   Xijiu doesn’t post much on Weibo, and rarely gives people likes. But the few times he liked, all of them were given to Gu Feiyang!

   And the few Weibo posts of Gu Feiyang that he liked were all related to Ruan Qi!

   This time, even passers-by who don't drink cp feel that something is wrong.

  Xi Jiu's operation... a bit confusing.

  【Have you noticed, except for today's Weibo, and the first Weibo on the day you just registered, Ruan Qi has never been mentioned in Master Xi's other Weibo. But every time Ruan Qi had an accident, he would come out and praise Gu Feiyang? 】

【exactly! To be honest, I've never been a matchmaker, and I hate real cp. But Xi Jiu's operation is really a bit misleading. 】

【Um? Where is the misunderstanding? Ask for advice. 】

  【Jimei upstairs, if Mr. Xi and Ruan Qi are friends and he wants to support his friends, he can show his attitude on Weibo generously. But he chose the most roundabout way and ran to praise Gu Feiyang. Do you know what this is called? 】

  【——What is generous is friendship, what is careful is love! 】

   This wave of analysis is king.

   Those netizens who thought Xi Jiu's behavior was weird, but couldn't figure out where the weirdness was, were all enlightened and suddenly realized!


   Xijiu's behavior is too awkward!

  If you are really a friend and want to support Ruan Qi publicly, then you can post on Weibo generously. Why do you have to run to praise Gu Feiyang?

   Moreover, the first Weibo post on the day of registering Weibo was related to Ruan Qi, which is really not like what friends did.

   There is also today's Weibo, Xi Jiu's phrase "good-sounding, good-looking", what exactly is good-looking?

  mv looks good? Or the people in the mv are good looking?

  【Fuck you! So... Master Xi likes Ruan Qi? 】

  【Nine times out of ten? Otherwise, there is no way to explain his actions. 】

  【Doesn't Xijiu have a girlfriend? The watch he posted on Weibo was a birthday present from his girlfriend. 】

  【emm...Is there a possibility that Mr. Xi's girlfriend is Ruan Qi? 】

【Ha ha ha ha! Jimei upstairs really dared to think, why don't you say they are childhood sweethearts? 】

【I do not care! I'm going to eat Xijiu Ruan Qi! A family at the helm and a talented female star, this CP is too good to eat! 】

  Xijiu has done a lot of salacious operations for Ruan Qi, and many people have long wanted to do CP.

   But because he posted a birthday gift from his girlfriend on Weibo, everyone thought that he and Ruan Qi, the CP pair, smelled like glass slag, so the army of CP fans never took shape.

  Until now - those who want to drink CP can't bear it anymore.

   It's not that they have to play this pair, it's really that Mr. Xi's actions are too showy, they can't do it if they don't!

   As for Mr. Xi's real girlfriend... Maybe, maybe that girlfriend is Ruan Qi?

   (end of this chapter)

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