Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1523: Prepare to be published (two more)

   Chapter 1523 is ready to be published (two more)

   Holding this little bit of reverie and luck, a cp super talk named '7963' finally quietly rose on Weibo.

   And the topic of #西玖文柒blog# has finally climbed up the hot search list, ranking second only to #Ruanqi's theme song "Sharp Blade"#.

  When Shen Wenqian, who was far away in country Y, saw this hot search, everyone was about to split.

   Manager Tang of the public relations department is still babbling on the other side of the video.

   "Master Xi, what does this mean? Posted two Weibo in a row, publicly complimenting "Sharp Blade".

   "Who looks good? Is the mv good-looking or the person in the mv good-looking?"

   "Shen Wenqian, give me the bottom line, are Master Xi and Xiao Qi going to make it public?"

"I can tell you, now is not a good time to go public. Fengyu Group and Jinhua Entertainment have just integrated, the company is in a mess, and Xu Dong is so busy every day that his hair is falling. If Xiaoqi dares to open it now, believe it or not Xu Dong Are you going to drive to the gate of your house tomorrow?!"

   Shen Wenqian's brain hurts from being nagged by Manager Tang, he picked up the water glass on the table and drank the whole big glass of ice water.

   After drinking, he slammed the water glass on the table with a 'bang', and said angrily, "How do I know what Mr. Xi is thinking?!"

   "Then you should ask!" Manager Tang was also not angry, "Go and ask Xiaoqi if she is going to make it public! I'll give you five minutes, hurry up! Otherwise, I will fold all the flowers in your office!"

   The flowers in Shen Wenqian's office were the 50 million water cloud lotus that the Ruan family had given him.

  Since knowing the value of the flower, Shen Wenqian has always offered it as an offering to his ancestors, and everyone in Quan Jinhua also knows that there is a pot of flowers in their brother Shen's office, and all of them together are not as expensive as it.

   Hearing that Manager Tang was going to attack Shui Yunlian, Shen Wenqian stood up from his chair with a snort.

   "Don't hang up the video, I'll ask her now!"

   Shen Wenqian ran out of the room in a hurry, and just as he was about to open the entrance door, the doorbell rang.

   He yanked the door open.

  Ruan Qi stood outside the door, holding a mobile phone in one hand and putting a hat on his head: "Brother Shen, I'm going out with Sister Lan and Uncle He Ma in a while..."

   "Where are you going? Go to Mr. Xi to make it public?"

  "???" Ruan Qi was asked with a confused expression, "What is public? Brother Shen, what nonsense are you talking about?"

   Shen Wenqian saw the question mark in her head, and knew that what Xi Jiu was going to disclose should not be true.

   He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You didn't use Weibo?"

   "Yes, I took a look at it during dinner, and the reprints of "Sharp Blade" have exploded!" The little girl replied with a smile.

   Shen Wenqian saw that she was still thinking about laughing, he couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said angrily: "Then do you know that you and Mr. Xi are on the hot search together?"

   Ruan Qi: ? ? ?

   She was stunned for a moment, then quickly unlocked her phone and reopened Weibo.

  This look, good guy!

  The topic of her and Jiujiu has reached the second place on the hot search list!

   Ruan Qi hurriedly clicked into the topic and glanced at it, and when he figured out the whole story, he couldn't help laughing.

"You're still laughing, Manager Tang is going to die in a hurry in China." Shen Wenqian rubbed his forehead and asked helplessly, "Master Xi, what does he want to do? With such a blatant and careful thought, I'm afraid that netizens won't be able to guess the two of you. relationship?"

   Ruan Qi didn't say anything, just stared at the phrase 'nice, good-looking' on Xi Jiu's Weibo, smiling as sweet as honey.

   Shen Wenqian really couldn't see her silly appearance, and asked, "Is Mr. Xi going to make it public?"

   "No." Ruan Qi put down her phone and shook her head, "Jiujiu and I didn't plan to make it public."

  Shen Wenqian: "Then he is..."

  Ruan Qi's beautiful peach blossom eyes were bent, and her tone was soft and gentle: "Maybe I just want to show it in a subtle way. We have no plans to make it public for the time being. Brother Shen, you don't have to worry about it."

   Shen Wenqian's heart finally fell back when he heard this.

   It’s fine if it’s not public.

   Now the Xinjinhua Group is in a mess. The former Fengyu Group has just been integrated. Chairman Xu Hao is so busy that he can't wait to have twenty-five hours a day. If Ruan Qi was public now, Xu Hao was afraid that he would really drive his car and ram the door of his house.

   Shen Wenqian breathed a sigh of relief, and said again: "Then I'll remove the hot search for you and Mr. Xi. Since it's not going to be made public, it's better that the popularity of this topic is lower."

   If it was before, Ruan Qi would definitely agree to Shen Wenqian's withdrawal from the hot search without hesitation.

   But this time, she hesitated for a moment, but shook her head.

   "Brother Shen, don't withdraw the hot search, just hang it up."

  "???" Shen Wenqian's heart rose again in an instant, "Ruan Xiaoqi, this kind of hot search has been hanging around for a long time, and it's not good for you. Some people will ridicule you for climbing up the Xi's family and rubbing off the popularity of Mr. Xi."

   Ruan Qi: "I know."

   "Then you still..."

"But it's impossible for me and Jiu Jiu to remain private for the rest of our lives." Ruan Qi rolled her eyes and said with a little joy in her tone, "Although it can't be made public now, maybe next year or the year after, it will be officially announced? Let everyone be startled when the time comes, why don't you let out some wind noise and boil the frogs in warm water."

   She can now live to be fifty years old. As long as she saves another fifty years of life, she will be able to help Bai Li earn enough spiritual power to completely restore her freedom.

   Ruan Qi is confident that she will soon be able to earn these fifty years of life.

   Until then, she will be able to officially reveal it to Xi Jiu.

   Ruan Qi believes that this day will not be too far away, and what she has to do now is to give fans and netizens a shot to prepare them psychologically.

   After listening to Ruan Qi's plan, Shen Wenqian only felt that the hairline he had finally grown back was going bald again.

   "Have you really decided? Will it be made public in two years?"

"Well, it's decided." Ruan Qi smiled happily, "If it wasn't for my personal reasons, I should have made it public when I was with Jiu Jiu. Brother Shen, Jiu Jiu is so good to me, I also want to give him safety. sense."

   Shen Wenqian was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, since you've decided, just do as you say. I'll keep people staring at the 7963 super words, and I will not withdraw the topics on the hot search list. After returning to China, I will talk to Manager Tang. They held a meeting and came up with several sets of crisis plans. Oh yes, and Mr. Xi's side."

   As soon as Xi Jiu was mentioned, Shen Wenqian's head started to hurt again. He pinched his brows and said helplessly: "Since you want to make it public, then talk to Mr. Xi. He posted the birthday gift you gave him on Weibo, and most netizens know that he has a real life. Girlfriend. But he secretly likes you and posts Weibo related to you, which will make everyone misunderstand that he is empathetic."

   "Tell Mr. Xi, let him post some Weibo from time to time, put some clues, and guide everyone to guess that you are his real girlfriend."

   "Of course, it's just a guide, but you can't let the netizens find the stone hammer. You let Mr. Xi take it easy and don't show too much."

   Xi Jiu: I can't control it anymore.


   Today is another two chapters of Fatty~

   A lot of babies are asking me if the physical book has a special signature on the scarf. I will reply in a unified way. There are also special signatures. The stores where my scarf is on the top, except for Bowen Xuan, other stores have them.



   (end of this chapter)

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