Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1524: Restoring memory (one more)

   Chapter 1524 Restoring memory (one more)

   Ruan Qi and Shen Wenqian quickly finished their business.

   "By the way, what are you doing in my room? Are you looking for me?" Shen Wenqian asked.

   Ruan Qi said "um", "I'll go out with Sister Lan and Uncle He Ma in a while, let me tell you."

   "Go out?" Shen Wenqian frowned, "What are you doing out?"

   Ruan Qi blinked, coughed, and said politely, "Go to a friend's house for a walk."

   Bai Li in the system couldn't help rolling his eyes.

   Also ‘going to a friend’s house for a walk’?

   is really nice to say.

   Ruan Xiaoqi, can you take out the wiretap that was in your pocket and prepared for the Hawke family before saying this?

  Bai Li complained frantically, and Shen Wenqian didn't know Ruan Qi's little calculus, just thought she was really going to see friends.

   He nodded: "Okay, pay attention to safety on the road and come back early. By the way, remember to wear a mask."

   Ruan Qi answered obediently, then waved goodbye to Shen Wenqian.

  Twenty minutes later, three people dressed in black quietly left the hotel.

In the    black car, Ruan Qi sat in the co-pilot, and on the pad in his hand was the interior layout of Hawke Manor.

"When the Hawke family receives VIPs, they will arrange each other in a separate building next to the main building. The environment is elegant and quiet, and it is most suitable for people to live alone." Mo Lan, who was sitting in the back row, leaned forward and used a stylus on Ruan Qi's pad. I clicked, "This is the building."

   Ruan Qi looked at the little red dot on the layout and asked, "Where is Old Hawk's study?"

   "Old Hawk has a total of two study rooms." Mo Lan pointed out the location of the two study rooms on the pad, "One is used for general office work and reception of subordinates, and the other is used to discuss secret affairs."

   Ruan Qi looked at the two study rooms. The study rooms are all in the main building, which is located in the east, far from the single-family villa next to the main building.

   Ruan Qi stared at the layout map for a while, and then called up the monitoring map of Hawke Manor.

   These are all found by Ho Ma through hacking channels.

  The security system of Hawke Manor is very advanced, with monitors installed everywhere, and the professional level of the bodyguards responsible for patrolling is also very high.

   It is indeed a hassle to sneak into the manor quietly without being detected by the monitor.

   Ruan Qi thought for a while and asked Bai Li, "Uncle Bai Li, can you block the monitor?"

   "Theoretically, it's possible. But I don't have enough spiritual power right now. With so many monitors, it is estimated that it can only be blocked for about 40 minutes."

  Forty minutes is enough.

   Ruan Qi nodded and said, "In that moment, you help me block the surveillance, and don't let the surveillance record me."

   The black sedan was driving fast on the wide avenue of Y City.

   An hour later, Hawke Manor arrived.

  As a famous old noble in country Y, Hawke Manor is really, really big. If you walk from the gate to the main building, it will take at least half an hour to get there.

   And the fact that the manor is so large also means that Ruan Qi has to face more risks and is more likely to be discovered.

   The black car stopped at the edge of a small forest outside the Hawke Manor.

   Ruan Qi asked Bai Li to block the surrounding monitors, then armed his face, opened the door and walked out of the car.

   Ho Ma and Mo Lan followed behind her.

  The three people walked silently through the night, running as fast as a few afterimages.

  Two minutes later, the splendid gate of Hawke Manor appeared in front of Ruan Qi.

   She swept around quickly, made a gesture to Mo Lan and Ma, then turned around and rushed towards the wall not far away.

  The alarm system on the fence has been manipulated by Bai Li and will not sound again. Ruan Qi was like a little leopard in the dark night, her body dashed, and then she turned over with a light leap, and she turned into the wall.

  Ho Ma and Moran followed.

   This fence is the weakest part of Hawke's manor's security system. The bodyguards are on duty at this time every night, and few people will patrol here. Therefore, as long as Bai Li blocked the monitor, Ruan Qi's skills would be like being in a no-man's land.

  The three hid in the grass for a while, and after confirming that no one was there, they began to move towards the main building.

   Not far away, the voice of the bodyguard's voice drifted by the wind from time to time. Ruan Qi's expression remained unchanged, she cleverly avoided all inspections, her pace was like the wind, her figure was erratic like a ghost, and she regarded the huge Hawke Manor as her own back garden, strolling casually and unrestrainedly.

   The original walking distance of at least half an hour was shortened to ten minutes.

  The main building has finally arrived.

  Behind a rockery, Ruan Qi squatted among the flowers and looked up at the main building and the single-family villa not far from it.

   She pondered for a moment, and finally chose to take a look at the single-family villa first.


   At this time, in the single-family villa, the cool light was dim.

   Ruan Qi hid silently outside the window on the first floor and looked up.

   In the large living room, there is no popularity, only a chandelier is lit at the bar.

  The furniture in the living room is clean and tidy, and every chair is well placed, as if no one has ever lived there.

   Ruan Qi stared at the living room for a while, and was about to withdraw his gaze when suddenly the sound of footsteps came faintly from the room.

   She hurriedly looked over at the windowsill.

  On the spiral staircase leading to the second floor, a person is walking down slowly.

   Ruan Qi thought it was Jiang Chunian, and clasped his hand on the window sill tightly, a heart in his throat.

   But at this moment, the man on the stairs showed his face.

  ——It turned out to be an unfamiliar western man.

   Ruan Qi heaved a sigh of relief.

   But before she could finish her breath, she suddenly widened her eyes——

   What is that Western man holding in his hand? !

   "Fuck!" Mo Lan couldn't help lowering her voice and cursed.

one person!

   That Western man is carrying a living person in his hand!

   But the man's legs were covered in blood, and the western man dragged him like this, walking down the stairs step by step!

   That person's legs dragged two terrifying blood marks on the stairs, dragging them all the way from the stairs to the living room on the first floor. The blood marks were weird and terrifying under the cool light.

  Ruan Qi stared at the bloodstain, and another picture suddenly popped up in his mind——

   In the picture, she is tied to a dining chair, and Jiang Chunian is sitting beside her.

   An expensive gilt dining table was placed in front of the two of them, and the table was full of delicious food.

  Jiang Chu Nian elegantly held a knife and fork, while eating steak, he held up the red wine glass on the table.

   He handed the glass to the waiter beside him. The waiter, wearing white gloves, walked to the other side of the table with a wine glass, and picked up a decanter on the table.

   The decanter was filled with red liquid. But the color of the liquid does not look like red wine, and the consistency is slightly different from red wine.

  The waiter held the decanter and tilted the bottle to the red wine glass.

  The red liquid slowly flows out of the decanter and silently flows into the crystal clear wine glass.

   (end of this chapter)

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