Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1525: Devil and Angel (two more)

   Chapter 1525 Devils and Angels (two more)

  The waiter brought the wine glass back to Jiang Chunian.

  Jiang Chu Nian waved his hand and pointed at Ruan Qi with his pale fingers.

  The waiter understood and immediately handed the glass to Ruan Qi and placed it on the table in front of her.

   Ruan Qi noticed that the self in the picture immediately turned pale after seeing the glass of red liquid.

   Resisting the trembling of her body, she turned her head and didn't look at the wine glass.

   "Drink it." Jiang Chunian said suddenly.

  Ran Qi, who was tied to the dining chair, pursed her lips tightly, stubbornly not moving.

  Jiang Chu Nian raised his eyelids and glanced at the waiter.

  The waiter immediately raised his hand to squeeze Ruan Qi's chin, and turned her face hard. Then he picked up the glass and put the rim to her mouth.

  At that moment, the adult Ruan Qi outside the screen seemed to smell a pungent smell of blood.

   And the little Ruan Qi in the picture, the moment the wine glass was put to his mouth, began to retching physiologically.

  The waiter didn't seem to see her discomfort, and while pinching her face, he was about to pour the contents of the wine glass into her mouth.

  Xiao Ruanqi struggled violently, with such a thin and small body, his strength was amazing.

   The rope tied to her began to deform during the struggle. The little girl was wearing short sleeves. The exposed skin was red from the rope and began to bleed.

  Jiang Chunian's brows couldn't help wrinkling.

   "Stop." He said coldly.

  The waiter immediately stopped and let go of Xiao Ruanqi's face.

   The little girl was panting violently, looking very pitiful, but her lips were stubbornly pressed into a straight line.

  Jiang Chunian looked at the stubborn girl with displeased eyes.

   He narrowed his eyes dangerously, and his cold voice was like the tongue of a poisonous snake, "You don't seem to know your identity."

   Xiao Ruanqi pursed her lips and said nothing.

"As the most perfect piece of art in the world, you shouldn't hurt yourself." Jiang Chunian looked at the bloodstains on her body by the rope with displeasure, and his tone was gentle and horrifying, "Baby, you will pay the price if you don't obey. of."

  Xiao Ruanqi still did not speak, but his face turned a little pale.

  Jiang Chu Nian glanced at her lightly, put the silver knife and fork on the table lightly, and said to the waiter with a blank face, "Go and dispose of the inferior product No. 23."

  Xiao Ruanqi raised his head suddenly, and there was a strong hatred in the big peach blossom eyes.

  Jiang Chunian looked at her and smiled lightly: "Baby, you must know that useless and inferior products should not be left in this world. Only a perfect doll like you is worthy of living."

   The man's voice was very gentle, as if he was treating his favorite daughter.

   But Xiao Ruanqi felt horrified, and the blood all over his body was condensing.

   Holding back the trembling, she shouted in a hoarse voice: "He's not inferior, he's human! You can't kill him! That's against the law!"

   The nine-year-old girl couldn't say anything powerful, she just thought that everyone in this world would be afraid of police cymbals and respect the law.

   But she didn't know that the person in front of her was not a person, but a devil.

  The devil looked at her with a twisted smile, "You don't want him to die?"

  Xiao Ruanqi didn't speak, just looked at him stubbornly.

Jiang Chunian raised his lips and smiled maliciously and disgustingly, "Then drink that cup of blood. That is his blood, if you drink it, it means that he is no longer a useless inferior product, but a person who can give You provide the container for drinks. I will consider keeping the inferior ones that are useful."

   The devil smirked and stated his purpose, released the bait, forced the angel to compromise, and fell into darkness with him.

   Angel is still young, immature and powerless, but she still remembers what her elders taught her since she was a child - to save people. As a doctor, be kind.

   So, the angel compromised.

   She opened her mouth to drink the liquid.

  The waiter brought the glass to her mouth...

   "Little Seven!" Mo Lan's voice suddenly exploded in his ears.

   Ruan Qi, who was immersed in her memories, suddenly pulled away from it. She raised her head and met the worried eyes of Mo Lan and He Ma.

   "Why is your face so pale all of a sudden?" Mo Lan touched her cold hand, "If you're not feeling well, let's go back first?"

   Ruan Qi only then realized that his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

   The terrifying and terrifying feeling in her memories was still haunting her. She raised her hand and wiped her forehead, trying to calm herself down.

   "Sister Lan, I'm fine." The little girl forced a smile, but the hand holding the edge of the window sill was still trembling faintly.

  Those memories were too terrifying and unimaginable, Ruan Qi couldn't believe it was what she had really experienced.

   And the blood in the red wine glass...

   Did she really drink it?

   Ruan Qi tried her best to recall, but the memory was incomplete and she couldn't remember it.

   At this moment, He Ma, who was beside him, suddenly said, "Someone has come downstairs again."

   Ruan Qi immediately suppressed his thoughts and looked into the living room.

   The western man who dragged him downstairs had already left the single-family villa, and now, footsteps were heard on the spiral staircase.

Da da da--

   The footsteps are slow and very rhythmic, and the rhythmic interval of each step seems to be exactly the same.

   Ruan Qi heard the footsteps, her heart began to beat wildly for no reason.

   She stared at the spiral staircase, and after a few seconds, an extremely thin and slender figure appeared within sight.

  The figure was dressed in black, with his head down, step by step, walking down the floor slowly and gracefully, and then stood still on the floor.

   Ruan Qi's whole body's blood coagulated at this moment.

   She stared at the figure intently, her pupils dilated a little bit due to the excessive emotional fluctuations.

  Although it has been ten years, although she has long forgotten what happened back then, although she only saw that man in her dream. But when that figure appeared in front of him, Ruan Qi still recognized him immediately——

  The early years of Jiang!

   It's really Jiang Chunian!

   Ruan Qi clenched the edge of the window sill abruptly, his eyes fixed on Jiang Chunian's back.

   Originally, she thought that what happened ten years ago was so terrifying, when she saw Jiang Chunian, she might be afraid, panic, or even flee.

   However, when Jiang Chunian was standing a few meters away from her, Ruan Qi realized that she was wrong.

   In her heart, there is more hatred than fear.

  Especially after recovering the memory of Jiang Chunian forcing her to drink blood, her hatred for this man reached its peak.

   Apart from the X organization, Ruan Qi had a strong urge to kill for the first time——

   She wants to kill Jiang Chunian!

  Jiang's early years must die!

  The thin silver needle slowly drilled out of the fingers, and the tip of the needle glowed with a cold glow under the moonlight.

   Ruan Qi stared at Jiang Chunian, his eyes swept over his body, and he found all the deadly holes in his body.

   Jiang Chunian in the living room started to move at this time.

   He tidied up his clothes, raised his feet and walked towards the door.

  Demonhawk's voice sounded at the same time: "Mr. Jiang, father is in the study, let's go right now."

   I wrote this chapter hard. 【Smile】



   (end of this chapter)

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