Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1526: Qing Ben beauty, how to be a thief (one more)

   Chapter 1526 Qingben beauty, how to be a thief (one more)

  Jiang Chu Nian responded and left the single-family villa with Demenhawk outside the door.

   Ruan Qi retracted the silver needle hidden in his fingertips.

  Although she really wanted to kill Jiang Chunian immediately, she knew in her heart that the time was not right.

  Jiang Chunian disappeared for ten years, no one knows what strength he is now. If it was as Bai Li guessed, what kind of sorcery he practiced, then doing it now would be tantamount to frightening the snake.

   Moreover, she also had to find out what medicine Jiang Chunian and that Demon Hawke gourd were selling.

  Jiang Chu Nian and Demenhawk had gone far away, Ruan Qi took Mo Lan and He Ma, and silently approached the main building through the night.

  Old Hawke's study and the single-family villa where Jiang Chunian lived were located in the east and the west, and the distance was very far. During this period, there were several waves of bodyguards patrolling, and it really took some time to avoid them.

   Ruan Qi didn't want to deal with these bodyguards, so he simply asked Bai Li to block the security system, and then kicked his feet on the outer wall of the main building, swooping on the roof of the main building.

  She was crawling on the roof, like a night cat, swiftly heading towards the direction of the study.

  Bai Li looked at her dexterous movements and her crawling posture, and couldn't help but 'tsk tsk' twice.

   "A popular female star lying on someone's roof late at night, is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality? Seven girls, I really want to record your appearance and show it to the Xi family boy."

   She's such a pretty little girl that she has to lie down on people's roofs.

   Qingben beauty, how can you be a thief!

  Bai Li stood and talked without back pain, and chatted endlessly in the system.

  Ruan Qi's eyebrows jumped because of his arguing. If it wasn't for the wrong timing, she really wanted to block this silly old man.

   Fortunately, the location of the study has finally arrived.

   "This is the study below," Mo Lan pointed to the current roof position, "One study is on the second floor and one is on the third floor."

  The study on the third floor was the study Old Hawke used to discuss the secret room. The Hawke family regards Jiang Chunian as such a mysterious guest, and discussing matters with him will definitely be there.

   Ruan Qi pressed his body tightly to the roof, and then when he exerted force on his waist, he stuck to the outer wall of the main building and jumped to the railing of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner.

   She grabbed the railing with one hand, and most of her body protruded from the railing, her waist leaning towards the study window at a strange angle.

   The night is like thick ink, and the little girl dressed in black is integrated into this ink color, making it impossible for people to notice.

   Ruan Qi pressed his face to the edge of the study window and looked carefully into the room.

  In the study, the lights were bright, and a man with half-white hair turned his back to the window and sat on the executive chair in front of the desk.

   At this moment, the door of the study opened, and Demenhawk and Jiang Chunian walked in.

  Because the walls and doors and windows of the study are equipped with sound insulation materials, even if Ruan Qi's ears are amazing, he can't hear the conversation between several people.

   After thinking about it, she took out the wiretap she had prepared from the backpack she was carrying.

   She glued the bug directly outside the study window.

   "Can this work?" Bai Li couldn't help but ask, "The study is so well insulated, can the eavesdropper receive the sound?"

"Of course you can~" Ruan Qi put the bug on, twisted her waist, and retreated to the railing of the air conditioner's outdoor unit, "I asked a good friend in the academic circle to design this. He is particularly good at inventing black-tech electronic devices. This bug, within a radius of 50 meters, can all radio!"

   Bai Li heard that it was designed by people in the academic circle, and suddenly stopped talking.

  The big guys in the academic circle that Ruan Qi knew were all lunatics engaged in research, let alone 50 meters, he didn't find it unusual to design a bug that could pick up sound within 500 meters.

  Ruan Qi had already taken out his mobile phone and started debugging the bug.

   After debugging, she put on her earphones, squatted down beside the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, and shrunk into a ball.

   The voice of De Monhawk already appeared in the earphones.

   As the bug's debugging data became more and more stable, Demonhawk's voice became clearer.

   "Father, I brought Mr. Jiang."

   After Demonhawk finished speaking, there was silence in the earphones.

  Ruan Qi waited, but did not wait for Old Hawk's answer, but heard Demenhawk say again: "Mr. Jiang, please sit down. What would you like to drink, Mr. Jiang? Is red wine okay?"

  Jiang Chunian said 'OK'.

   Immediately after, the door of the study opened and closed, and the sound of pouring wine.

   After tossing around in the room for a while, it stopped. At this time, Demonhawk said again: "Father, tomorrow, Mr. Jiang will participate in the exchange meeting of the Arms Show with me. We will go to discuss cooperation with Solomon."

  The earphones were silent for two seconds, and then Ruan Qi heard Old Hawk's "um".

   "Okay, let's talk about cooperation with Solomon."

"Father," Demon Hawke said again, "Solomon's Simon Austin and Seven Kills are very cunning. I dealt with them for a long time today, and I didn't win the purchase contract for R7. The Seven Kills said that Solomon would only deal with The strong cooperate. But I am not yet the heir of the family, and they do not trust my strength."

   "Then what do you want to do?" asked old Hawke.

  Demonhawk: "Father, you are old, the family heir should be decided earlier."

  This sentence seems to touch the sensitive point of old Hawke, and his voice is raised all of a sudden: "What nonsense are you talking about——"

The sound of    came to an abrupt end here.

   The earphones suddenly became quiet.

  Ruan Qi frowned, thinking that there was a problem with the bug, and was about to open the app to debug, but suddenly heard the voice of old Hawke, "Okay, decide on the heir sooner."

   "Then when is my father going to announce my heir status? I remember that it's my eldest brother's birthday in a few days. Why don't we take advantage of his birthday party and announce it to everyone?"

   "Okay." Old Hawk seemed as if the anger just now had never happened, and his tone didn't even fluctuate. "Birthday party, make an announcement."

   Ruan Qi frowned slowly listening to the conversation between the father and son.

  This old come he speaks upside down?

   One second he was still angry and scolded Demenhawk for talking nonsense, and the next second he was quiet like a chicken, promising him to decide an heir sooner?

   Isn't this change of attitude too abrupt?

   Do the current noble family heads choose their heirs so hastily?

   Ruan Qi always thought that old Hawke was a little weird. Especially when he was clearly angry at that time, but suddenly calmed down, and then changed his attitude. Ruan Qi really couldn't understand the emotional change between them.

   She even thought that Demon Hawke had pointed a gun at Old Hawke that made him suddenly change his mind.

   But this possibility is basically zero.

  The entire Hawke family belongs to Old Hawke. If Demund dares to use a gun to force Old Hawke, then when Demond walks out of this study, a hundred guns will be pointed at him.

   (end of this chapter)

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