Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1527: Mental control (two more)

   Chapter 1527 Mental Power Control (two more)

  Demon Hawke definitely didn't have the guts to force Old Hawke, even with Jiang Chunian's help, it wouldn't be possible.

   However, if Demon Hawke did not threaten Old Hawke, why did Old Hawke suddenly change his attitude and promise him to announce his heir to the public?

   It can't be because old Hawke loves the father of the three sons like a mountain, right?

   Ruan Qi was puzzled, and at this moment, De Monhawk's voice sounded again in the earphones.

   "Father, since the heir has been decided, how do you want to place him, my dear eldest brother? I remember that you have given him many rights, and the future owner of these rights should be me."

  Old Hawke: "Well, it should be you."

"It seems that my father also agrees with what I said." Demenhawk's tone was faintly smug, "In that case, you can take back the rights in the hands of the eldest brother. The eldest brother is not the heir, it is not easy to get too much. Do you think so?"

  Old Hawk said "um" again: "Well, take it back."

   Ruan Qi heard this, and felt more and more that Old Hawk was weird.

  Is the patriarch of the Hawke family a repeater?

   Demonhawk said something, and he repeated it?

  You are an old man, do you listen to your son like this?

   Ruan Qi thought something was wrong, she stood up, grabbed the railing of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, and leaned out again.

   The night was deep, and the little girl in black was like a ghost, quietly sticking her face to the window.

   She looked inside cautiously.

  In the study, Jiang Chunian sat leisurely on the sofa by the wall, holding a red wine glass in his hand, and didn't say a word from beginning to end.

  Old Hawk was still sitting in the executive chair, still with his back to the window, motionless.

   And Demenhawk... Ruan Qi couldn't help wrinkling his brows when he saw his posture clearly.

   Demon Hawke was half-sitting on Old Hawke's desk, a pair of golden swords and horses, rude and sloppy.

   Seeing this scene, Ruan Qi's sense of eccentricity became stronger and stronger.

   With the authority of Old Hawke in the family, how dare Demon Hawke be so presumptuous in front of him?

   Is De Monhawk Crazy?

   "Seven girls," Bai Li said suddenly, "Pay attention to Old Hawk's hand."


   Ruan Qi was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked at Old Hawk's hand on the arm of the executive chair.

   Seeing this, her brow furrowed even tighter.

   When a normal person puts his hand on a chair, his fingers will curl or fall naturally. If the person is angry or agitated, he may subconsciously grab the arm of a chair or clench his hand into a fist.

   But old Hawke's hand was not like that.

   Like a primary school student in an open class, his five fingers are neatly close together, and they are neatly and regularly attached to the armrest of the executive chair.

   This sitting posture is very normal for elementary school students. But when an old man with a high authority does this, there is a strangeness.

   Ruan Qi even had the illusion that Old Hawk was not alive.

   But he is indeed alive. The color of his skin, the hardness of his limbs, all proved that he was still alive.

   Then why is his hand placed like this?

   Ruan Qi was thinking when a knock on the door suddenly came from his earphones.

   Someone knocked on the study door.

   Demenhawk, who was half seated on the desk, immediately stood up. He walked over and opened the study door, and a strange female voice also sounded in Ruan Qi's earphones.

   "Third brother? Why are you here?"

   "I'm discussing things with my father. Eva, what are you doing in the study?"

"I heard from the housekeeper that Dad was not asleep, so I wanted to persuade him. Where's Dad?" The woman named Eva should have glanced at the study and saw Old Hawk sitting at the table, and said helplessly, "Dad, it's too late, it's time for you to go to bed. Did you forget what Dr. Joseph said?"

   Old Hawke, who was sitting at the table, did not move.

   When Eva saw her father ignore her, she couldn't help frowning suspiciously, "Dad, why are you ignoring me?"

   As the youngest daughter of Old Hawke, Eva has always been very popular in the family. Old Hawke loved her very much, and he was almost responsive to every request. He wanted to hold her in his hand and it hurt.

   It has never happened before that Old Hawke didn't respond when she spoke today.

   Eva couldn't help but wonder, "Dad?"

  Old Hawk still didn't move.

   But at this moment, Jiang Chunian, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly said, "Old Duke Hawke, your daughter is persuading you to go to bed earlier. It's time for you to go back to sleep."

  This time, Old Hawk moved.

   He stood up from the executive chair and nodded slowly: "Okay, it's time for me to go back to sleep."

   When Eva saw her father being so obedient, a smile appeared on her pretty face.

   "Then Dad, go to bed, I'm going back to the room. Third brother, Mr. Jiang, good night."

  The carefree young woman left the study with a happy mood, she didn't notice her father's strangeness at all.

   But Ruan Qi outside the window could see it clearly.

  Old Hawke didn't seem to have any reaction to anyone other than Demond and Jiang Chunian.

   He seems to be... an intelligent machine programmed by Demon and Jiang Chunian. He only knows to obey the orders and arrangements of the setter, and will only repeat the instructions given by the setter.

   "Seven girls," Bai Li stared at Old Hawk for a long time, then suddenly said, "Doesn't you look hypnotized by looking at the old head?"

   Ruan Qi frowned and shook his head hesitantly.

"Hypnosis can indeed manipulate people's behavior, but it's only for a short period of time. Once the hypnotist stops hypnotizing, the hypnotized person will regain consciousness and have self-awareness. But Old Hawke has no self-awareness at all. In his situation, it's not like It's hypnosis, it's like..."

  Bai Li: "Like what?"

   Ruan Qi pursed her lips and said softly, "It's like being controlled by mental power."

   Many people believe that hypnosis can manipulate a person’s behavior. In fact, this is all deified by movies and TV shows.

  Real hypnosis is actually a suggestion from the subconscious mind. The hypnotist suggests the hypnotized person through language or action, and the hypnotized person accepts the suggestion and then obeys the hypnotized person's instructions.

   This sounds amazing, but it is very difficult to actually implement.

  Because, in order to be successful in hypnosis, the environment, time, and the psychological state of the hypnotized person must meet the conditions of hypnosis. Especially the psychological state of the hypnotist, he must voluntarily accept the hypnosis, without any resistance to the hypnosis, the hypnotist can proceed smoothly.

  Otherwise, once a link goes wrong, the mental state of the hypnotized person will have problems, and may even go crazy.

  Old Hawke is obviously not a person who can be hypnotized voluntarily.

   And with his environment, Jiang Chunian and Demenhawk wanted to hypnotize him completely, the possibility is basically zero.

   Therefore, the situation of Old Hawke should not be hypnosis.

   The way he looks now is more like... mental power manipulation.

  Ancient warriors or other people with special abilities use their powerful mental power to invade the opponent's consciousness, and then achieve the purpose of completely controlling the opponent.

  If we say, hypnosis is a subconscious and spiritual suggestion.

   Then mental power manipulation is a naked encroachment. This kind of occupation does not require the other party's consent or acceptance. As long as the mental force is strong enough, the manipulated person can be completely turned into a slave!

   Many babies haven't bought the stand of Bowen Xuan's house. Yesterday, his family added another 200 per cent sign, and treasures who want to stand up can go and buy it!



   (end of this chapter)

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