Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1528: I really feed the dog (one more)

   Chapter 1528 Sincerely feed the dog (one more)

   Ruan Qi's guess made Bai Li gasp.

   "Hey—mental control?! There shouldn't be many ancient warriors who can do this kind of thing, right? Jiang Chunian would have that ability?"

   Controlling a person through mental power is not something that every ancient warrior can do. He must have a strong ancient martial arts strength, as well as a very strong spiritual force.

   Jiang Chunian was just an ordinary ancient warrior ten years ago. At that time, it was impossible for him to control his mental power.

  However, it has only been ten years, how could he have grown to this point?

"This is unscientific!" Bai Li resolutely came to a conclusion based on her experience of living for tens of thousands of years, "He definitely has practiced sorcery, otherwise it is impossible to progress so fast! Seven girls, you can't fight with him today. This kid If you are in a crooked way, you are very likely to suffer!"

  The practitioners of sorcery are full of sinister moves, and the orthodox ancient warriors are simply unable to guard against them.

   Ruan Qi also knew that today was not a good time to start, so he nodded and said, "I won't start today. When he goes to the Arms Show tomorrow, I won't be too late to start."

   No matter how powerful the sorcerer is, it is impossible to avoid the attack of hot weapons.

   There are very few great masters in this world who can be as invulnerable as Xi Jiu.

   Moreover, even Xi Jiu, when faced with enough hot weapons, would be forced to break through the defense and get shot and injured.

  Jiang's early years can never be more powerful than Xi Jiu.

   Ruan Qi hid out the window and discussed with Bai Li about Jiang Chunian's practice of sorcery. At this time, in the study, Old Hawk had stood up stiffly from his chair.

   "Father, it's time for you to go to bed, go back to your room." Demon Hawke said to Old Hawke with a smile. Old Hawke seemed to have received instructions from a machine and walked out of the study step by step.

  Jiang Chunian also stood up from the sofa at this time, "I should go back too."

   Demenhawk immediately showed a flattering smile, bowed slightly and respectfully said to Jiang Chunian: "Mr. Jiang, tomorrow's Arms Show..."

   "I will go with you." Jiang Chunian neatly arranged his sleeves and said slowly, "By the way, did you find the person I asked you to investigate?"

  Demonhawk: "I'm investigating, there will be news in the next few days."

  Jiang Chunian let out a 'um', turned around and raised his feet to leave.

   "Who did Jiang Chunian ask Demenhawk to investigate?" Bai Li asked curiously.

   Ruan Qi shook his head.

   There is no one in the study, and it is futile to stay here. Ruan Qi turned over a few times and returned to the roof of the main building. Mo Lan and He Ma, who were on top, quickly caught her.

   "I heard everything that should be heard, Sister Lan, Uncle He Ma, let's go back."

  The time limit for the white glass to shield the security system is forty minutes, now half an hour has passed, and there are only ten minutes left until the security system returns to normal.

   Ruan Qi quickly jumped down from the main building with Mo Lan and Hema, and then followed the path when he came, skillfully dodging several waves of bodyguards, and ran to the gate of the manor in a ghostly figure.

  Suddenly, a weak moan drifted into Ruan Qi's ears along the wind.

   Ruan Qi paused for a while, and before he could react, another moan floated over.

   Ruan Qi stopped.

   "Sister Lan, Uncle He Ma, did you hear anything?" she asked uncertainly.

  He Ma nodded expressionlessly, raised his hand and pointed to the front right: "The voice came from over there."

The direction   Home points to is an abandoned tower of Hawke Manor. The outer wall of the tower has been mottled and covered with moss after several years of wind and rain, and the door on the first floor was also sealed with seals.

   Such a tower that has been abandoned for many years, how can there be a groan?

   Ruan Qi was puzzled. She raised her head and was about to look at the tower, but she saw a creepy scene——

  In the attic at the top of the tower, a shadow like a ghost dragged on the ground, climbed to the balcony railing at an extremely slow speed.

   He crawls extremely slowly, and every step seems to use up all his strength. And his crawling movements are also very strange, the two arms coiled on the balcony railings look like aliens.

   Such a picture looks really infiltrating in this quiet manor at night.

  Fortunately, Ruan Qi was an ancient martial artist, and his vision range was very far, so he could see clearly that the crawling was not a ghost, but a living person.

   She stared at the man who was more terrifying than a ghost. After watching for a while, she suddenly said, "What does Haman, the eldest son of the Hawke family, look like?"

  Mo Lan immediately recalled the photo of Harmandelmond on his mobile phone.

   Ruan Qi glanced at the photo, then raised his head and looked at the man hanging from the balcony railing.

   She 'tsk'.

   "We went around this lap tonight, and the harvest was so great!"

  Who would have thought?

   The future heir of the Hawke family, which the upper class has acquiesced in, the eldest son of the old Hawke, the elegant and calm noble son Harman Hawke, was imprisoned in an abandoned tower as miserable as a ghost.

   If this news is sold to the media, she should be able to make a lot of money, right?

   Ruan Xiaoqi was fascinated by the money secretly in his heart, then tightened his backpack, raised his feet and walked towards the tower.

  Ho Ma and Moran followed.

   The three walked down to the tower, and Ruan Qi took out a rope from his backpack.

   "I'll go up, Sister Lan, Uncle He Ma, you guys can help me down below."

   After finishing speaking, the little girl threw the rope up, grabbed the rope with both hands, and climbed up like a swallow.

   At this time, in the attic at the top of the tower, Harman Hawk climbed **** the balcony railing, trying to make a sound to ask for help.

   But he hasn't dripped water for several days, his throat is already dry and he can only make a slight moan.

  Harman Hawke felt extremely desperate.

   He never dreamed that he had been living smoothly for decades, but was abandoned by his father and was directly locked in an attic where no one cared about.

   And the reason why his father gave up on him was ridiculous, it was for his ignorant third brother, Demon!

  Harman Hawke felt that all his filial piety for more than 40 years had been fed to the dog!

   His heart was filled with hatred, and he gritted his teeth and tried to stand up against the railing.

  However, the pain in the broken arms and legs was unbearable, and Harman Hawke was only half a second ironed before being beaten into a quail by reality.

   He couldn't grasp the railing, and without the support of his legs, his whole body fell out of the railing.

  The attic of the tower is at least twenty meters from the ground. With his current physical condition, if he falls, he will surely die.

  Hamanhawk closed his eyes in despair and began to wait for death.

   The conceivable pain and fall did not come.

   As soon as he fell off the railing, he felt his neck tighten and the collar of his shirt was lifted by a force.

   "Tsk," a soft girlish voice sounded above his head, "jump off the building if you can't think of it, Mr. Harman, is your heart made of crystal?"

   (end of this chapter)

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