Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1530: "Blade" airs! (one more)

   Chapter 1530 "Blade" aired! (one more)

  Old Hawke was controlled by Jiang Chunian's mental power. Harman Hawke accepted it very quickly and without any sadness.

   He worked hard for the family and Old Hawk for decades, but Old Hawk gave up on him for a little benefit. As early as six days ago, when Old Hawke decided to hand over the heir to Demon, Haman's little affection for Old Hawke vanished.

   The only thing he cares about now is what will happen to the Hawke family if old Hawke is controlled by mental power.

   "This kind lady," Harmanhawk said, "I need your help. You must have a way to help me get through this difficult time. Of course, I won't let you pay for nothing, I will give you the corresponding reward."

  Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows: "The corresponding remuneration? It means..."

"Your kindness." Harman Hawke is worthy of being the heir candidate recognized by the entire upper class, and he is very polite, "You saved me and the entire Hawke family, and I and the entire family will treat you as a guest. In the future, if you If you need us, as long as the interests of the Hawke family are not jeopardized, we will do our best to serve you."

   Ruan Qi wanted this guarantee.

   The power of that X organization has penetrated all over the world. The more she can help, the more chance she can win against the X organization. The Hawke family has existed in country Y for hundreds of years, and their abilities and connections are naturally not to be underestimated.

   Ruan Qi happily accepted Harman Hawke's request for help.

   "It's a bit of a shock. I can't save you from here for the time being. I'll give you a few medicines in a while. After you take it, your body will slowly recover."

  Harman Hawke: "Nardmond and that Mr. Jiang..."

"They will go to the Arms Show tomorrow, and I will do it then." Ruan Qi took out several small healing pills and handed them to him, "My enemy is Jiang Chunian. If Jiang Chunian is dead, your third brother is not enough. fear."

  Harman Hawk doesn't know what means Ruan Qi has to kill Jiang Chunian, but the matter has reached this point, he can only choose to believe her.

  Harman Hawk resolutely took the small pill given by Ruan Qi.

   "Girl," Bai Li's voice sounded in his mind at this moment, "The shielding time of the security system is coming, if you don't leave, you will be exposed."

   Ruan Qi heard the words, stopped dawdling, tightened her shoulder bag and stood up.

   "I'm leaving first, hold this phone and contact me if you have anything."

   After she said that, she walked to the balcony railing, took a step with her long legs, and slid out with a 'swoosh' of the rope with both hands.

  Harman Hawk: ! !

   Such a big living person suddenly disappeared, and Harman Hawke was almost terrified.

   He subconsciously wanted to get up, but as soon as he exerted force, his legs hurt and fell back.

   "Fuck!" Harman Hawk thumped the ground in exasperation, shouting to the night sky piercingly, "Benefactor! You forgot to attach my leg!!"


   Ruan Qi and Mo Lan Hema left Hawke Manor quickly at the last minute when the security system was blocked.

   On the way back to the hotel, Ruan Qi always felt restless.

   How could she feel like she forgot something?

  What did you forget?

  The little girl racked her brains for a long time, but couldn't come up with it. In the end, she decisively chose to rot.

   Forget it, I don’t want to.

  If I can’t remember it, it’s definitely not a big deal.

  Harman, who was still desperately crawling into the house far away in Hawke Manor: "…"


   This night, Ruan Qi unexpectedly did not have nightmares.

  The impact of Jiang Chunian on her seems to be much smaller than before, and even the newly recovered memory of being forced to drink blood by Jiang Chunian did not appear in her sleep.

   Ruan Qi slept very peacefully.

   At this time, in China, a TV drama set off the entire network—


  Tonight at 8 o'clock, the large-scale military drama "Blade" will be broadcast on time on China TV.

   This giant system, which was invested heavily by the state, with famous directors and famous editors, and starred and popular actresses, has already attracted the attention of countless people before it was launched.

   And this kind of attention reached its peak after Ruan Qi won the Ramy Award.

  Everyone is waiting for this drama.

   And "Blade" did not live up to everyone's expectations. As soon as it was launched, less than one episode was broadcast, and the ratings exploded.

  【Report—! The first episode of "Blade" aired for ten minutes, and the ratings broke 2! 】

  【Re-report—! The first episode aired for half an hour, and the ratings broke 3! 】

  【Fuck! After the first episode aired, China Television's ratings did not drop during the commercial time! 】

  【Has the second episode started yet? Ahhh, can the advertising time be shorter? The whole family is waiting for the second episode! 】

  【The second episode is here! Hastily! It only took ten minutes to broadcast, and the ratings broke three to four! 】

   "Blade" was broadcast on the first day, and the ratings exploded.

   Among them, there is naturally the credit of Ruan Qi, the winner of the Lemmy Award, as well as the fame of the male lead Zhan Rong and the second male lead Wei Jiaming. But more, or "Blade" is really good-looking.

  Different from most military-themed TV series, "Blade" mainly tells the story of the recruits in the military camp, but revolves around a large-scale international mission, telling the story of a group of comrades who are bloody, hard-working, and reckless during the mission.

   In this story, in addition to the hot and touching emotions, there are also tense and exciting suspenseful fighting plots, and meticulous and high-end professional details.

   In short, the whole drama reveals an excellent production, exquisite service, online plot, and the IQ of all staff who do not pull their hips, which makes people want to stop.

  [I originally watched it for Ruan Qi, but after watching it for five minutes, I was attracted by the plot. It is indeed a national giant system, it is so impressive! 】

  [I haven't always liked watching military-themed TV dramas. I always feel the same thing and nothing new. But "Blade" is really good! The whole process is tense and exciting, too brain-burning! 】

  【I have never seen Ruan Qi act. Before, I was worried that she could sing well and whether her acting skills would be bad. As a result, when I saw "Blade", I was really fragrant. Is Ruan Qi acting so good? ! 】

  【The actor Zhan Rong and the video emperor Wei Jiaming are known for their good acting skills, but Ruan Qi's acting skills really amazed me. The character in the play has no resemblance to her own character, yet she plays it so well! 】

  # "Blade" is good-looking##Ruanqi acting##Zhanrong is so handsome##Full acting online# and several other topics, in just one hour, they were spontaneously topped by the netizens of the tap.

   When the two episodes are finished tonight, the ratings will directly break through four to five, and I will never look back on the record-breaking avenue.

  The number of Weibo followers of Ruan Qi, Zhanrong, Suai, Wei Jiaming and other protagonists have also grown wildly at a gratifying rate.

   Director Jian Guoqiang happily distributed dozens of big red envelopes in the main creative group. When Ruan Qi woke up the next morning, the number of unread messages on WeChat was 99+.

   And along with the unread information, there is also the belief value in the system.

   (end of this chapter)

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