Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1531: Destined to be a fierce battle (two more)

   Chapter 1531 Destined for a fierce battle (two more)

   "Seven girls, last night, you gained another month of life."

  Bai Li's words made Ruan Qi's sleepiness disappear in an instant.

   She sat up from the bed with a shudder, "It's been a month? So fast?!"

   "That's right. "Blades" has a large audience, and the TV station that broadcasts it is still the same as China TV. You know the China TV set? Uncles, aunts, grandparents and grandparents love it."

   No matter how many fans a star has, it is impossible to have as many passers-by.

   These passers-by may not have as high a love value as fans, but they can't stand the number of them. When this number reaches a terrifying value, the quantitative change becomes a qualitative one.

   Last night's "Blade" was like that.

  CTV is a national channel, and countless middle-aged and elderly viewers like to watch it. And "Blade" has a wonderful plot. These uncles, aunts, grandparents and grandparents were attracted when they saw it.

   Then, countless running waters rolled in, and one by one, the favorite values ​​that were not high came together, and finally formed the sea.

   Ruan Qi hurriedly flipped through her Weibo, it was only one night, and her Weibo followers were about to break 40 million!

   The little girl exclaimed happily.

   "Uncle Bai Li, my fans are going to break 40 million!"

  Bai Li smiled smugly: "Where is this going? There are only two episodes of "Blade", and there are more than 20 episodes left. In the next two months, your Faith value will increase rapidly!"

   Ruan Xiaoqi's eyes lit up with joy.

   She watched Weibo with great interest, and picked up a few more fans to reply to the comments. After the excitement passed, she got into the bathroom and started to wash.

   At this time, Shen Wenqian and Mo Lan were already waiting in the restaurant.

  Ruan Qi walked into the restaurant after washing up. Shen Wenqian first told her about the broadcast of "Blade" last night.

   "Director Jian called me and said that the crew of "Blade" would participate in a variety show for a few days, and asked if you could spare some time. There are also two magazines, and I also need you and Zhan Rong to shoot."

   Ruan Qi heard the words and immediately opened the schedule on the mobile phone and looked at the to-do list for October.

  The Armory Show will be over in three days, followed by the Rong Yao League playoffs. The playoffs lasted for 15 days. Except for the few days when myq team participated in the competition, her time was still free.

"Brother Shen, except for these few days, I have time." Ruan Qi pointed to the mobile phone calendar, "In a few days, the Rong Yao League playoffs will be played, as long as you give me enough time to train, you can do whatever you want. Make arrangements."

  As a six-year fan of the myq team, Shen Wenqian is more interested in the Rong Yao Alliance than Ruan Qi.

   He hurriedly wrote down the date of myq's schedule, and then he turned around and went to make arrangements without even having breakfast.

   And Ruan Qi left the hotel in a hurry after having breakfast, and took a taxi to the Armory Show.

  This time, she brought Mo Lan, Ma and Xi Xi.

   Ruan Qi is very clear about his mental state. Although she has good skills, she is prone to such and such situations when facing Jiang Chunian.

   And today, she is destined to have a fierce battle with Jiang Chunian.

   Ruan Qi cherishes her life, she will not go deep into danger alone for the sake of a momentary spirit. In order to avoid accidents, she decisively brought the three of them with Mo Lan.

  When the taxi stopped outside the exhibition center, Mo Lan and the three finally knew what the little girl was doing in the past few days without a trace.

   Especially Sissy. He looked at the Convention and Exhibition Center building with a bewildered face, then turned his head with a bewildered face and looked at the black Hummer parked across the road.

   The license plate number of that Hummer...a little familiar!

   At this time, inside the Hummer, Gu Feiyang was also staring at Ruan Qi Xixi and his party.

"There are three strangers around Qisha today, they look like bodyguards?" Speaking of which, Gu Feiyang let out a sigh, sitting upright and looking at Xixi, "These bodyguards are not small, they are all It's an ancient warrior. Is Seven Killing worried that today's exchange will be in danger?"

   Xi Jiu, who was guarding the monitoring room of the convention and exhibition center, heard Gu Feiyang's words, and immediately turned to look at the surveillance screen at the gate of the convention and exhibition center.

   In the picture, the little girl in a white sweater and jeans walked slowly to the door with her hands in her pockets.

   And behind her, followed by three people dressed in the same way with masks on their faces.

   And the identities of those three people... Xi Jiu just glanced at them and recognized them.

  Mo Lan, He Ma, and the other one is Xi Xi who went out from Xi's house.

   Xi Jiu glanced at Xi Xi, who was still bewildered, and took out his mobile phone and sent him a WeChat message.

  【Concentrate on protecting Xiaoqi, don't care about the rest. 】

   Outside the door of the convention and exhibition center, Xi Xi looked stunned for a moment when he saw the WeChat message sent by Xi Jiu.

   He really read it right, that Hummer really belonged to the Eagle Department.

  How could the Eagle's car appear at the Armory Show?

  What are the masters and Xiaoqi doing?

   Confused, Xi Xi followed Ruan Qi into the exhibition center.

  The first four days of the Ordnance Exhibition have all ended. Starting today, the next three days will be all exchange meetings.

The    exchange meeting is held on the second and third floors of the Convention and Exhibition Center. Ruan Qi took the elevator up to the second floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, a group of people thumped around.

   "Dear Miss Seven Kills, nice to meet you."

   "Seven kills! I adore you so much, seven kills!"

   "Miss Seven Kills, I'm the general manager of Lei Ting Company, can I talk to you about R7's cooperation?"

   The guests who had been suffocating at the exhibition before were finally released at the exchange meeting.

  A large group of people surrounded Ruan Qi on the third floor and the outer three floors. Those who talked about cooperation, those who expressed their admiration, and those who wanted to have a relationship with Ruan Qi, were noisy and noisy.

   Mo Lan, who was squeezed out of the crowd, had question marks all over their heads.

  What seven kills?

  Who is Seven Kills?

  What are they doing around Xiaoqi?

  Mo Lan and the three had countless questions they wanted to ask, especially Xi Xi, whose eyes had been blank since they saw the Humvee of the Eagle Department.

   Although they were full of doubts, the three dutifully squeezed into the crowd and protected Ruan Qi.

   At this time, Solomon and his party also came.

"Everyone, let's make it!" Simon Austin's secretary took several bodyguards and split the crowd. "The exchange meeting will start immediately. If you want to cooperate with Solomon, you can discuss in detail later. Solomon has prepared three negotiation groups. , there is plenty of time, don't worry!"

  The secretary shouted while protecting Ruan Qi and rushed out of the crowd.

   "Miss Seven Kills, the boss is waiting for you in the lounge."

   Ruan Qi nodded, raised his feet and was about to leave when a pleasant voice suddenly entered his ears.

   "My dear little girl, I finally found you!"

  The voice fell, and a gray-haired old gentleman leaned on a civilization stick and blocked Ruan Qi's way.

   He looked at her in surprise, "Little girl, do you remember me? On the first day of the Armory Show, you saved my wife in the bathroom!"

   Xixi: August 18 was a crazy day for me.


   Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival. Have you bought zongzi?



   (end of this chapter)

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