Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1532: Xi Jiu hates you (one more)

   Chapter 1532 Xi Jiu dislikes you (one more)

   Ruan Qi looked at the old gentleman, and was dazed for a moment, and soon remembered.

   Oh yes, on the first day of the Armory Show, she did save a grandmother from a heart attack and asthma in the bathroom.

   Ruan Qi recognized the old gentleman as the husband of the old lady.

   "Sir, I still remember you." She rolled her eyes at the old gentleman and asked with concern, "Is your wife okay? Has your body recovered?"

The old gentleman immediately smiled and said, "Dear little girl, thanks to you, my wife received timely treatment and saved her life. The doctor said, if it weren't for your magical acupuncture, I might have been separated from her yin and yang. "

   "It's good to recover." Ruan Qi nodded with a smile, "Both you and your wife are lucky people, and they will live a hundred years in the future."

  The old gentleman thought this little girl's speech was very appealing. He was originally grateful to her for saving his lover, but now hearing her say this, he feels that this little girl is really super cute.

  The old gentleman sent an invitation to the lovely little girl: "Good little girl, may I have the honor to invite you to lunch? My wife also hopes to thank her saviour in person."

   Ruan Qi had a good impression of the old man, but he politely rejected him.

   "Sorry, old man, I'm busy today and may not have time to eat with you."

  The old gentleman realized that there were many people around Ruan Qi.

   He has been taking care of his wife in the hospital for the past few days. He has never heard of anything that happened at the Armory Show. Naturally, he does not know that the cute little girl standing in front of him is the legendary genius designer Seven Kills.

  The old gentleman was about to ask Ruan Qi what he was doing, could he coordinate the time, when a man suddenly rushed over from one side.

   "Miss Seven Kills!" The man rushed in front of Ruan Qi, reaching out to hold her hand, "I want to discuss cooperation with you! I like R7 very much, please give me a chance!"

  The man's words and deeds were too rude, and Ho Ma and Xixi hurriedly blocked his hand.

  Simon Austin's secretary immediately protected Ruan Qi to the direction of the lounge, "Miss Seven Kills is going to the lounge. If you want to discuss cooperation, you can communicate with Solomon's negotiation team."

   There are too many people here, and staying here will only cause more trouble.

   Ruan Qi allowed Simon Austin's secretary to lead her out, and at the same time turned his head and apologized to the old gentleman.

   "Sir, I really can't get away, so I'll go first."

  The little girl waved her little paw politely, and then left quickly surrounded by the crowd.

   The old gentleman stared blankly at her back. After a while, he turned his head and asked the bodyguard beside him, "What did those people call little girls just now? Seven kills?"

  The bodyguard nodded.

   The old gentleman's eyes slowly widened: "Is it Solomon's Seven Kills?"

   "emm..." The bodyguard hesitated for a moment and replied, "I don't think there should be a second Seven Kills at the Armory Show."

   Old gentleman: "!!!"

   The old gentleman was shocked.

  The bodyguard then threw out another explosive message: "Sir, I heard that the newly designed R7 of Seven Kills has subverted the current level of ordnance technology in various performances. You can check it online."

  The old gentleman immediately took out his mobile phone and opened the Armory Forum when he heard the words.

   Then, it was even more shocking.

   "This R7 was designed by that cute little girl?!" He asked in disbelief.

  Bodyguard: "I think so."

   Old gentleman pupil earthquake.

   He stared at the pictures and performance data of the R7 for a long time, and finally slammed the phone into his palm in excitement, "I want to see that little girl! I want to see Seven Kills!"


   Leaving aside the excited old gentleman, Ruan Qi went directly into the lounge after leaving with Solomon's people.

   Due to the high probability of disputes and armed fights at the Armory Show, in order to avoid bloodshed, the organizers waved their hands and provided independent resting space for the top bosses.

   In this way, the boss and the boss don't have to be in the same room, and the chance of friction is smaller.

  Solomon is the industry leader, and the lounge arranged by the organizer is naturally the largest and most comfortable. Not only sofas and TV computers, but also small bars and buffet tables are well prepared.

  When Ruan Qi pushed the door and came in, Simon Austin was sitting at the small bar, tasting every sip of wine. The sunlight from the floor-to-ceiling windows shone on his broad shoulders and handsome features, which looked like a beautiful oil painting from a distance.

   However, this beautiful oil painting completely shattered when the person in the painting turned to speak.

"It's ten o'clock in the morning, and it will take you up to an hour to get here by car from your hotel. That is to say, you left the hotel at nine o'clock. According to the speed of normal people washing and eating breakfast, your wake-up time should be between eight o'clock and eight o'clock. It's half past eight. But I remember that the time you posted on your Moments last night to say good night was eleven o'clock in the evening. So, you slept for nine and a half hours in total. Seven kills, are you the reincarnation of a pig god?"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  The little girl had the urge to turn her head and slam the door and leave.

But the person in the oil painting did not feel that he was talking too much. With a cold and arrogant face, he continued to speak viciously: "Some experts say that when people sleep more than eight hours at night, their brains will become more and more stupid. You I'm not very smart in the first place, in order to avoid becoming a fool, I'd better sleep less in the future. Otherwise, I'm very worried that Xi Jiu will dislike you."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   fist hardened.

   The little girl clenched her fists so hard that her knuckles clacked. But Simon Austin didn't seem to hear the death prelude, and was ready to continue dancing on the line of life and death.

His secretary really couldn't stand it, and stepped forward to stop him from this murderous behavior, "Boss, just now, a lot of people wanted to find Miss Seven Kills to discuss cooperation, and Miss Seven Kills was blocked by them at the elevator entrance and almost couldn't get out. "

   When Simon Austin heard this, the cold and decisive expression on his face turned gloomy.

   "These people know how to pick up soft persimmons. They dare not approach me, so they go to contain Qisha. Qisha is my second boss of Solomon. Do they really think she is a little girl who is bullied?"

   The secretary nodded, sharing the same hatred.

Simon Austin tapped the bar twice with his fingertips and said to him: "You go and tell the people outside, don't come to me for orders under one billion, go to Solomon's negotiation team. I and Seven Kills only accept More than a billion cooperation talks. Also, people who harass the Seven Kills at will, Solomon will never cooperate with them.”

   This ruthless word is very powerful.

  The secretary spread these words out, and those who wanted to make Ruan Qi's idea immediately put their minds away, and no one came to harass her again.

   Ruan Qi's ears finally calmed down.

   She took off her cap and mask, and was about to drink the juice specially prepared by the secretary when a bodyguard suddenly pushed open the door and walked in.

   "BOSS, Miss Seven Kills, people from the Hawke family are here."

   (end of this chapter)

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