Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1533: The first confrontation with Jiang Chunian (two more)

   Chapter 1533 The first confrontation with Jiang Chunian (two more)

   "Why did you come so early?" Ruan Qi was a little surprised that Demenhawk and Jiang Chunian were so impatient. The three-day exchange meeting had just begun, and the two of them even had a bad attitude and ran over in the morning.

   It seems that Jiang Chunian really needs these weapons.

   Ruan Qi thought so, put down the juice, put on the mask and cap again, and prepared to welcome the two of them into the door.

But Simon's face turned cold, "Don't let people rest in the morning? It's only ten o'clock in the morning, and I haven't even breathed. You go and tell Demenhawk that Seven Kills and I have just arrived at the exhibition. See you after a half-hour break."

  Bodyguard: "Ah this..."

   "What is this?" Simon frowned dissatisfiedly, "You will pass on my original words to Demenhawk. If he makes trouble, blow him away!"

  Bodyguard: "..."

  The bodyguard looked at Ruan Qi helplessly.

   Ruan Qi speechlessly twitched the corners of his mouth and nodded at him: "Go, let them come back in half an hour."

  The bodyguard had to leave the lounge and bite the bullet to convey Simon's words.

  Ruan Qi glanced at Simon helplessly, and complained in a soft voice: "Didn't you think I came late? Why do you blame Demenhawk for coming too early? Mr. Austin, are you a well-known double standard in country Y?"

   Simon, who has a deep research on Chinese internet terms, heard that she was joking.

   He glanced at her and said with a cold and arrogant face: "I have double-standard capital, but Demonhawk doesn't. If he wants to cooperate with Solomon, he has to follow mine."

   Ruan Qi: "Aren't you afraid that he will run away?"

   "Run and run," Simon snorted coldly, "I didn't want to do business with him at all. If it weren't for him being useful to you, I wouldn't bother to care about him."

   Ruan Qi couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

   She pushed the glass of juice that she hadn't had before to Simon, and laughed and teased him: "Thank you, Simon Boss, for thinking of me, please have a drink."

  Simon glanced at the glass of pink juice, frowned in disgust, and then, like a picky and arrogant king, raised the glass with a cold and handsome face.

   The two stayed in the lounge for half an hour.

   After Simon finished his last sip of juice, the bodyguard finally let go and put Demenhawk and his party in.

   The door of the lounge opened, and Demonhawk walked in with a displeased expression.

   With his daughter Aisha Hawke and a few bodyguards behind him, Ruan Qi glanced quickly, but did not see Jiang Chunian.

   However, her eyes fell on one of the bodyguards.

  Dmonhawk brought a total of five bodyguards, of which four were Westerners, and only this one had black hair. Moreover, although this person was wearing a mask and hat, the breath of an ancient warrior was faintly lingering around him.

   should be Jiang Chunian without a doubt.

   I just don't know why Jiang Chunian is so secretive and doesn't even want to show his face.

   Ruan Qi's gaze fell on Jiang Chunian for half a second, then he took it back. Simon knew that she didn't want to reveal Ruan Qi's identity, so he got up and blocked her behind him.

   "I was too tired in the morning, so I took a break in the lounge just now. Mr. Demon has been waiting for a long time. I hope you don't mind my neglect."

  Simon said sorry, but his tone was loose and casual, and there was no apology at all.

  Demonhawk was originally displeased, but now seeing him apologize so carelessly, his heart is even more angry.

   But what about regenerating gas?

  If you want to buy R7, you must cooperate with Solomon. If you want to work with Solomon, you have to be kind to Simon.

  Demonhawk was so angry that he had to squeeze out a smile on his face, "Mr. Austin's body is the most important thing, I don't care if I wait."

   "Mr. Demond is really a kind person." Simon complimented very carelessly, then sat back on the high stool and took a sip of his wine glass.

  Demonhawk couldn't help but feel a little anxious when he saw that he was dawdling and not talking about business.

   "Mr. Austin, the cooperation we talked about yesterday..."

   Simon raised his hand to interrupt him: "Mr. Demon, I said yesterday that if you want to cooperate with Solomon, you must be strong enough. You have to show me your strength."

Demenhawk nodded quickly, "Mr. Austin is right. I have brought my ally, Mr. Jiang." He said, raising his finger and pointing to Jiang's early years, "This is my partner, Mr. Jiang. . . . He's great and my dad has a lot of respect for him."

  Simon's gaze followed Demon's fingertips and swept across Jiang Chunian's body.

   He stared at Jiang Chunian for two seconds. Suddenly, he hummed and placed the wine glass heavily on the bar.

   "Demonhawk, are you kidding me? Mr. Jiang is clearly a bodyguard! You use a bodyguard to have fun with me?!"

Demon Hawke didn't expect Simon to get angry when he said he was angry. He was shocked and quickly explained: "Mr. Austin, you have misunderstood. Mr. Jiang just disguised himself as a bodyguard because it was inconvenient to show his face. He is really the most important member of the Hawke family. A strong ally."

  Simon looked incredulous: "Inconvenient to show his face? Is it inconvenient to show his face? Is he a wanted criminal? A person who dares not even show his face, do you think I will cooperate with him at ease?"

   Simon's random guess turned out to be the true identity of Jiang Chunian.

   Ruan Qi noticed that Jiang Chunian shook his hand hanging by his side.

   Demonhawk's expression also changed slightly.

   "Mr. Austin, you..."

"I won't cooperate with unidentified people." Simon looked unreasonable, "there are so many people who want to buy R7, I don't need to take the risk to find an unidentified, unknown person to make a deal. Mr. Demon, if This is the sincerity you said, those few can leave."

  The conversation has reached a dead end.

  The atmosphere in the lounge gradually solidified.

  Demonhawk looked at Simon with an ugly face, his lips moved a few times, as if he wanted to say something.

  Simon ignored him and took a sip of the wine glass.

   Ruan Qi sat beside him, Simon's broad shoulders blocked her face. She tilted her head slightly, and looked at Jiang Chunian and De Meng from the corner of her eye.

   She saw that Demon Hawke glanced at Jiang Chunian. Jiang Chunian moved his hand hanging by his side, and a few fingers suddenly made a strange gesture.

   "He is being controlled by mental power!!!" Bai Li in the system shouted in shock, "Seven girls, stop him! He is attacking Simon with mental power!"

  Bai Li's voice had not yet finished, and the surging mental power rushed towards Ruan Qi like a flood.

   Ruan Qi's eyes suddenly turned cold, he grabbed Simon and pulled him back from the high stool, blocking him in front of him.

  The strong and majestic spiritual power poured out from Ruan Qi's body, like a giant dragon pulled up from the deep sea, roaring and rushing towards Jiang Chunian.

   Today's Dragon Boat Festival, add a new chapter, turn back.



   (end of this chapter)

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