Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1541: The storm is coming (one more)

   Chapter 1541 The storm is coming (one more)

   The guests who can come to the Arms Show are either rich or expensive, and ordinary people can’t afford to offend them.

  The staff apologized again and again, Simon waved his hands expressionlessly, raised his feet and left the exhibition center with Ruan Qi.

In the monitoring room of the    Convention and Exhibition Center, Xi Jiu watched his little girl and Simon get into the car.

   "Group E, keep up. Don't follow too closely, beware of Xiao Qi's detection."

   The members of Team E of the Eagle Department, who were lurking near the Convention and Exhibition Center, immediately started the car and followed Simon's Bentley unhurriedly.

  The black Bentley walked out of the parking lot of the Convention and Exhibition Center, onto the wide road and into the dense traffic.

   Xi Jiu watched the disappearing back of the black Bentley through the monitor, his eyelids jumped a few times for no reason.

   He felt a little uneasy for some reason, as if something was about to happen, and he panicked.

   Thinking of Ruan Qi's abnormal behavior on the terrace today, Xi Jiu couldn't sit still.

   He stood up from his chair and pressed the intercom: "Is there still no movement from Pan Feng's side?"

"No." Bo Ye's voice came from the walkie-talkie, "We stayed outside the convention center for a day and didn't find Pan Feng. Ninth brother, did you think we guessed wrong? Maybe Pan Feng didn't plan to come to Ordnance. exhibition?"

   Xijiu: "No. If Pan Feng wants to maximize the benefits of the ordnance drawings in his hands, the Armory Show is the best choice. The blond man who was connected to Pan Feng before..."

   Having said this, Xi Jiu's voice suddenly stopped.

   He suddenly remembered what the blond man had said before when he was interrogating him.

   The man said that Pan Feng had a lot of ordnance blueprints in his hands, and he wanted to come to the arms exhibition to sell the blueprints at a high price. And the person Pan Feng most wanted to sell the drawings to was Simon Austin of Solomon.

   He wanted to use these drawings in exchange for Solomon's rights and interests.

  But Solomon has always done regular business, and Simon Austin will never ask for ordnance drawings of unknown origin. What's more, Solomon has a seven-kill town house, and Simon Austin doesn't look down on other ordnance designs.

  There is only one way for Pan Feng to successfully sell the blueprint to Simon—kill the Seven Kills.

After   7 is killed, Solomon will not have the top ordnance designer, nor the top ordnance design drawing. And the top blueprints that Pan Feng stole from Hua Kingdom can just fill the loophole of Solomon.

   Therefore, Pan Feng wants to cooperate with Solomon, and killing the Seven Kills is the best way.

   Xi Jiu's heart beat inexplicably.

  The fact that Pan Feng wanted to kill Seven Kills was just a guess by the blond man about Pan Feng. Pan Feng might not really have this plan, but Xi Jiu still felt uneasy.

   He couldn't tolerate any accidents with Ruan Qi.

   Xi Jiu closed his eyes, raised his hand and picked up the walkie-talkie.

   "Group E, report the situation over there."

   "Everything is normal." The head of Team E of the Eagle Department replied quickly, "Simon Austin took a different road today than usual. This road doesn't seem to be taking the lady back to the hotel."

   When Xi Jiu heard the words, his handsome eyebrows could not help frowning, "Which way did they go?"

   Group E leader: "Third Avenue."

   Xi Jiu's frown deepened.

  L City's Third Avenue leads to the suburbs, with undeveloped jungles and mountains on both sides of the avenue, and very sparsely populated. Why does Simon Austin's car drive so far?

   Xi Jiu's heart became more and more chaotic. He took the walkie-talkie and asked the leader of Team E, "How many bodyguards does Solomon have?"

   "A lot. In addition to the Bentley that Simon Austin and his wife were in, there were six sedans. There were twenty-five bodyguards in total, most of them mercenaries."

  Xi Jiu's heart dropped a little when he heard this.

   He instructed the leader of Group E in a cold voice: "Protect Xiaoqi, and don't let her make any mistakes. Let me know as soon as possible if there is any situation."

After the conversation between    and the leader of Group E ended, Xi Jiu pressed the walkie-talkie.

   He sat back on the sofa, trying to calm down his unease. Suddenly, the phone on the coffee table rang.

   Xijiu picked up the phone.

   "BOSS, we have discovered Pan Feng's whereabouts! In the eastern district of L City!"

  Xi Jiu heard the words, his eyelids lifted slightly, and his thin lips were cold: "Chase. Regardless of life or death, Pan Feng must be captured today."


  L City, 3rd Avenue.

  The black-grey asphalt road is flat and endless, and the green hills roll up and down, wrapping the Third Avenue and reaching the sky in the distance.

   It was already past six o'clock in the evening. It was getting dark earlier in L City this month, the sunset had already set, and the sky was dyed with foggy blackness.

  The slightly dim sky makes the empty Third Avenue more and more lonely, and the undulating mountains look like shadows in the night, giving people a sense of oppressive unease visually.

  Seven black Bentleys zip down the road between the mountains.

  In the Bentley in the very middle, Ruan Qi and Simon Austin sat side by side in the back row, Simon was playing with a silver pistol with his slender fingers.

  It was extremely quiet inside the car, and neither of them spoke.

   Ruan Qi sat by the car window with a laptop on his lap. On the computer screen, all traffic monitoring maps of Third Avenue are displayed.

"There are three groups of people following us at the moment." She raised her finger and pointed to the screen, "These three Hummers should be a group of people. Not far behind the Hummers, there are five SUVs, which should be another group of people. The third set was four off-road vehicles, and inside was the guy who lent me to the old Alfate."

  Simon Austin turned his head and glanced at the computer screen. The traffic surveillance images on the screen made his eyes twitch.

   "Have you hacked into the traffic system of City L?"

Ruan Qi's eyebrows and eyes were curved, and she nodded with a pure face: "Yes. Now is a special situation, of course, some special measures must be used. But don't worry, I am a good citizen who abides by the law and will not do anything that will endanger the construction of the city. thing."

  Simon Austin's eyes twitched even more.

   He glanced at the traffic monitor on the computer without a word, and asked, "Which of the three groups of people following us are BC Manufacturing and Demon Hawke?"

   "I don't know." Ruan Qi shook his head, "Just wait. If they want to attack us, they will definitely follow closely."

   As soon as these words were finished, the five white SUVs on the monitoring screen suddenly accelerated their driving speed.

   They quickly overtook the three or two black Hummers, then overtook the four SUVs of the old Alfate, and approached Solomon's convoy at breakneck speed.

   "Miss Seven Kills," the bodyguard hired by Old Arfate, his voice sounded on the walkie-talkie, "Five Mercedes-Benz SUVs have passed us and are approaching your convoy. The other party seems suspicious, do you want to stop it?"

   Ruan Qi: "No. Wait and see what they're going to do."

   (end of this chapter)

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