Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1542: Different Ruan Qi (two more)

   Chapter 1542 Different Ruan Qi (two more)

After    Ruan Qi finished speaking, he raised his head and glanced at the rearview mirror.

   In the rearview mirror, the five white SUVs are getting closer. They were traveling so fast that they entered within 100 meters of Solomon's convoy in just a few breaths.

  Suddenly, the SUV driving in front dropped the window, and an arm holding a weapon stretched out from the window.

   The Alphard bodyguard who followed closely behind saw this scene and immediately yelled at the walkie-talkie: "Miss Seven Kills, be careful!"


   A gunshot rang out, and bullets mixed with sparks cut through the night sky, officially kicking off the **** prelude.

  A Bentley in Solomon's team was hit by a bullet, the tire screeched on the ground, and the body was thrown out.

"Fuck! Someone attacked!" The captain of the bodyguard who was sitting in the same car with Simon Ruan scolded and shouted with the walkie-talkie, "Three cars and four cars to protect the BOSS, the others will come to me! Kill those wretched followers. !"

  The two Bentleys following Ruan Qi's car immediately shortened the distance between them, sandwiching Ruan Qi and Simon's car in the middle for protection.

   In the other four Bentleys, more than a dozen bodyguards opened the windows, got out halfway, and started to shoot fire with the five SUVs behind.

  The quiet night sky was instantly filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

  The sparks from the hot weapons exploded in the night, and the hail of bullets blocked the bright moonlight.

   Ruan Qi was sitting in the car, staring at the traffic monitoring screen on the computer.

   In the picture, four of the five white SUVs are fighting with Solomon's bodyguards, only the one in the middle, there is no movement in the car.

   And the four warring SUVs seem to be protecting the car consciously or unintentionally.

   It seems that the big boss is in this car.

   Ruan Qi picked up the walkie-talkie: "Concentrate fire on the car in the middle, and shoot the people inside for me!"

  The bodyguards received the order and immediately concentrated their firepower, and all the bullets fell on the SUV in the middle.

  This sudden attack caught the people in the SUV off guard, and the tire squeaked, and the whole car was thrown to the side of the road.

  The Third Avenue is built between the mountains. In addition to the guardrails on both sides of the road, there is also a large layer of barbed wire made of iron wire. Outside the barbed wire is a bottomless deep valley and jungle, and the black hole is extremely infiltrating.

  The SUV directly smashed through the guardrail under the huge inertia and rushed towards the barbed wire. The barbed wire couldn't bear such a big impact and broke a big hole.

The   suv followed the big hole and rushed out most of the body. Fortunately, the driver in the car operated in time, and at the last moment of falling into the deep valley, the car's **** was hung on the barbed wire.

The   suv was precariously suspended in mid-air. In front of him is a bottomless dark valley, and behind him is a broken highway guardrail. The man in the car was so frightened that Tian Linggai was about to fly, and he didn't care about the hail of bullets. With the help of the bodyguard and the driver, he rolled and climbed out of the car.

   "Yo, isn't this Mr. Thomson made by BC?" A soft female voice jokingly sounded above her head.

  Thomson rolled down the car for a while, slowly raised his head, and met a pair of smiling peach eyes.

  Thomson's brain 'hum', "You, you..."

"I'm Seven Kills." Ruan Qi rolled her eyes, squatted down, and extended her hand to him friendly, "I'm sorry to talk to Mr. Thomson in this way. Don't be nervous, Mr. Thomson, I have no ill intentions towards you, just Just happened to know about your plans with Demonhawk."

  Thomson's face turned pale when he heard this.

Ruan Qi watched him change his face, smiled, and gently patted his shoulder twice with his small hand. The two brothers seemed to say, "Mr. Thomson wants to join forces with Demenhawk to deal with Solomon, right? How many did you hire? Killer? Should there be more than that?"

  Thomson's mouth moved, but he didn't speak.

As soon as Ruan Qi raised his hand, the bodyguard beside him immediately lifted Thomson and pressed the muzzle of the gun to his temple.

  Thomson was so scared that he almost peed his pants.

   "Don't, don't do it, there is something to discuss!"

   Ruan Qi still looked at him with a smile: "How many killers have you hired? Where are Demenhawk and Jiang Chunian?"

   Although Thomson is a BOSS made by BC, he grew up in a honeypot, where has he experienced this?

Now that he was pointed at by someone with a gun, he was afraid of everything and said: "De, Demenhawk and that Mr. Jiang followed, and there were more than a dozen killers. Demenhawk said to take advantage of you Prepare for a sneak attack. He, he has a sniper in his hand."

   Ruan Qi heard the words and beckoned someone to take out the laptop in the car.

   She clicked on all the surveillance footage on Third Avenue, then turned the computer screen towards Thomson, "With so many cars, which one is De Monhawk?"

  Thomson was dumbfounded when he saw the criss-crossing surveillance images on the computer.

   He never dreamed that this Seven Killer had such a great ability to monitor the entire Third Avenue!

   This is such a fart!

  People have traffic monitoring maps in their hands. God's perspective monitors your location at any time. A bullet goes down, accurate positioning, and the blood tank is directly emptied!

   How does this work? Who has played?

   Thomson's face was ashen, his eyes filled with regret.

"Demonhawk and Mr. Jiang are sitting in a dark blue Cadillac with a license plate number ending in 19." He betrayed his allies without any guilt, "they hired top killers and their weapons were top notch, you guys No one can beat it.”

   Ruan Qi immediately looked at the traffic monitor, and soon found the car where Demenhawk and Jiang Chunian were sitting on the monitor screen.

She bent over and picked up Thomson's cell phone from the ground, stuffed it into his hand, and said in a slow voice, "I'll give you a chance to live. Now, immediately call Demonhawk and tell him your side. If you need support, let him come to save you as soon as possible. As long as this is done, I will spare your life."

When   Thomson heard that he was still alive, he didn't care about anything, picked up the phone and dialed.

   The phone rang and was picked up.

  Thomson didn't wait for Demon Hawke to speak, and he said, "Mr. Demond, save me! Solomon's firepower is too strong, I can't hold it anymore!"

   In order to meet the situation, Solomon's bodyguards immediately pulled the safety lock and started shooting at Thomson's several SUVs.

  Intense gunshots drifted down the phone into De Monhawke's ears.

  Demonhawk's face sank, and he immediately asked the driver to speed up.

  The night was getting darker and darker, and everything around Third Avenue was shrouded in darkness.

   On the empty road, several dark blue Cadillacs came galloping. Suddenly, a bunch of dazzling high beams lit up not far ahead, and several Cadillacs were shaken and could not see the road, and hurriedly stopped in the middle of the road.

  The harsh braking sound rang out one after another, and then everything fell silent.

   Surrounded by quiet and scary. There were clear bullet marks on the road surface, but there was not even a single person on the road.

   The bodyguards in the car faintly sensed that something was wrong, and with weapons in their hands, carefully pushed the door and walked out of the car.

   At this moment, the high beam light came on again, and then went out again.

   Immediately afterwards, a normal beam of headlights came on.

  The bodyguards raised their heads along the light.

   In the light not far away, a black Bentley parked quietly on the side of the road.

   On the roof of its car, a girl in a sweater and jeans, carrying a heavy M43 in her hand, sat cross-legged in the dark night.

   Xiaoqi is sitting on the roof with a heavy weight cross-legged, this picture is too A.

   Is there any baby you can draw?


   The babies of the college entrance examination should go well!



   (end of this chapter)

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