Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1545: Pushed into a corner (three more)

   Chapter 1545 Forced into a desperate situation (three shifts)

"Fuck..." Bo Ye stared blankly at the locator on the surveillance screen and murmured, "It was this red-haired man who responded to Pan Feng, and this man went to the Arms Show again, disguised as a staff member and gave it to Simon Austin. Locator down. What is he trying to do?"

   Xi Jiu's face was extremely ugly, and his voice was cold: "Simon Austin is on Third Avenue now."

  Boya's eyes widened suddenly.

  Simon Austin was on Third Avenue, and the red-haired man who responded to Pan Feng gave him a locator, and now, Pan Feng is also driving on Third Avenue...

   All kinds of clues are linked together, and finally point to a truth——

   "The people behind Pan Feng are stalking Simon Austin! What are they trying to do? Attack him?!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, the mobile phone in Xi Jiu's pocket suddenly screamed as if he was dying.

   is a call from the leader of Team E of the Eagle Department.

   Bo Ye suddenly felt a strong unease in his heart, he looked nervously at Xi Jiu, who quickly answered the phone.

   "Boss, there is a group of unknown forces raiding Solomon. The opponent's firepower is too strong, and the lady can't stand it! Damn! The people from Demenhawk are also coming to join in the fun!"


   A huge explosion came from the other end of the phone, and the leader of Team E let out a furious roar.

   "Protect Madam! Don't fight them hard, it's important to protect Madam!"

  The messy gunshots and the shrill screams were intertwined, and followed the communication signal into Xi Jiu's ears.

   Xi Jiu's heart tightened, and immediately asked, "Where are you now?"

   "Third Avenue! Area D is biased..." Before Team E's words were finished, the cell phone signal was blurred. Then, with two beeps, the call was cut off.

   Xi Jiu's face was terrifyingly ugly.

   He called the leader of Team E again, but the other party's mobile phone indicated that it had been turned off.

   Bo Ye, who was sitting on the side, heard the conversation between the two clearly, and couldn't help but look confused: "Ninth brother, who is the wife he is talking about?"

   "Xiao Qi." Xi Jiu quickly rummaged through the address book, "Xiao Qi is Seven Kills, she and Simon Austin are on Third Avenue."

After   , he quickly made a call.

   "Locate the location of Group E immediately. Inform everyone, all dispatched, and go to the Third Avenue to arrest Pan Feng!"

   Their previous guesses were all wrong.

   Originally, they thought that Pan Feng wanted to sell the ordnance blueprint in his hand to Solomon, and the Seven Kills were his biggest obstacle.

   However, they ignored the people behind Pan Feng.

  Pan Feng just wanted to sell the drawings to gain Solomon's interests and rights. But the person behind him wanted the whole Solomon!

  Xi Jiu's heart was filled with uncontrollable anger.

   He clutched the phone tightly, his voice cold: "Speed ​​up and go to Third Avenue!"


  The Third Avenue, the fire is soaring into the sky, and the smoke is filled with gunpowder.

   A loud explosion exploded in the darkness. Ruan Qi, who was chasing Jiang Chunian, was unprepared, and his whole body was almost overturned by the strong blast.

   The two groups of Solomon and the Hawke family who were fighting were also shocked by this sudden change and could not help but stop.

   Everyone turned to look in the direction of the explosion.

  The flames were fierce, and the cars of the Arfate family and the Hawke family were all scrapped in the explosion. The flames danced wildly in the night, and in the scorching flames, a dozen off-road AMGs came back against the light, and then slowly stopped not far from the explosion point.

  The highway was quiet for a moment, and suddenly, dozens of people in camouflage uniforms poked out of the dozen or so AMGs, and dozens of black muzzles were exposed in the darkness.

   The next moment, countless bullets flew.

   The rain of bullets intertwined into a big net in the night, and it was impermeable to everyone.

  In an instant, the screams soared into the sky.

   Solomon and the Hawke family were unprepared, and they were all killed and wounded in the blink of an eye.

   Ruan Qi and Jiang Chunian, who were closest to the off-road vehicles, suffered the heaviest firepower. Jiang Chunian was quickly hit by two bullets in his shoulder and arm. He reacted very quickly, and even rolled and crawled towards the guardrail by the road.

   Ruan Qi also quickly looked for a shelter at the same time.

   At this moment, a scream came from the messy gunfire, "Boss?! Boss, you got shot?!"

   Ruan Qi immediately turned to look.

   Behind a Bentley not far away, Simon covered his arms and leaned against the tires with a pale face. The blood dyed his expensive suit dark, and then fell to the ground drop by drop along the cuffs.

  Simon was shot.

   This realization made Ruan Qi's pupils shrank violently, and without thinking about it, he raised his foot and rushed over there.

   In the rain of bullets all over the sky, her figure was like an afterimage, and the killers in camouflage uniforms gathered firepower, but they didn't hurt her half.

   Ruan Qi quickly rushed to Simon's side.

"How are you?"

   Simon, who was resting against the tire, heard her voice and opened his eyes suddenly, with shock in his eyes: "How did you come here? Don't die?! Is there **** in your brain?!"

   Ruan Qi ignored his poisonous tongue, took out a small first-aid pill from the hidden compartment of the wristband, and put it directly into his mouth.

   "First aid medicine, you should eat it."

   Simon heard the words, without any hesitation, he swallowed the small pill in one gulp.

   The small pill melted as soon as it was swallowed into the throat, and the fresh and cool medicinal fragrance flowed down the esophagus into the limbs and bones, which lifted Simon's somewhat sluggish spirit.

   He sat up clutching his arms, "Who attacked us?"

   Ruan Qi shook his head: "I don't know. There are too many people on the other side, and the firepower is too fierce. We..."

   Having said this, Ruan Qi suddenly paused.

   There are too many people, the firepower is too fierce, and the strength is so strong. With such a configuration of top-level enemies, she really has one in her list.

   - X organization.

   Could these camouflage killers be from the X organization?

   Ruan Qi had doubts in his heart, but before he could think about it, the opponent's firepower attacked this side again.

   At the same time, a dark object streaks across the night sky and smashes down here.

   Grenade! ! !

  Ruan Qi's face changed greatly, "Everyone, run!!!"

   She grabbed Simon with one hand and dragged the secretary with the other hand. She was like an arrow and rushed out at the fastest speed.

   Less than two seconds after she left, a loud 'Boom--' exploded behind her.

  The terrifying airflow swept through wantonly, and Ruan Qi was shocked and his head dizzy.

   She gritted her teeth and threw Simon and the secretary forward, and then she fell to the ground.


   Another heat wave hit, Ruan Qi felt a burning pain in his back.

  The bullets all over the sky pierced through the firelight and smashed towards this side. Ruan Qi rolled on the ground a few times, grabbed the legs of Simon and the secretary, dragged them to death like a pig, and ran out.

  Simon was dragged so his eyes were black, he supported his body and said, "Seven kills, put me down and run by yourself."

  With Ruan Qi's skill, it would be very easy to escape without his burden.

  Simon was unwilling to drag Ruan Qi to death because of his incompetence. He kicked his legs hard, trying to break Ruan Qi's restraint.

   (end of this chapter)

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