Chapter 1546 Sold Solomon (four more)

   Ruan Qi slapped him on the calf, "Don't move!"

  Simon: "Seven kills, I..."

"You are Solomon's helmsman, what should I do if you die?" Ruan Qi dragged him, panting while running, "I am very lazy, I don't want to take care of Solomon's business at all, I just want to every year Get dividends at the end of the year. If you die, what will happen to my dividends?"

  "..." Simon felt that the girl really had a deep friendship with him, and she was thinking of exploiting him even at this time.

Ruan Qi didn't know what Simon was thinking, and continued: "I have already thought about it. If you die here, I will sell Solomon. Anyway, I don't care and sell it to others at a high price. Do you think Thomson How? He hates you so much that he must be very willing to buy the company you worked so hard to start. At that time, Solomon will be his, the money will be mine, and you will see nothing in the sky."


   Just thinking about that scene made Simon's blood pressure rise.

   He gritted his teeth, and his voice came out between his teeth: "Seven kills, you concentrate on escaping for your life, shut up, don't talk!"

   Ruan Qi heard his frantic voice, hooked his lips, and speeded up with a smile.

  The killers of the Hawke family are not very useful, and they have basically been wiped out.

  The bodyguards on Solomon and Arfate's side were dead and wounded, but the firepower of those camouflage uniforms was too fierce, and no one cared about the other, all of them were running for their lives.

   Ruan Qi can't point to those bodyguards, he can only rely on himself. But the road is too flat and there is no shelter, and it is easy to expose the figure.

   She dragged Simon and the secretary and looked around calmly as she ran.

   Suddenly, her eyes fell on the guardrails and barbed wire by the road. There was a big hole there that Thomson had driven out of.

   Ruan Qi stared at the big hole, his eyes twinkling.

  Since you can’t hide from people on the road, you can only hide elsewhere.

   Ruan Qi pursed her lips, dragged Simon and the secretary, turned around, and ran quickly towards the broken barbed wire.

  The camouflage killers found her at this time.

   Intensive gunfire rang out in the night, those camouflage uniforms were determined to kill Ruan Qi, and even used heavy fire weapons.

   Ruan Qi wanted to be distracted to protect Simon and the secretary, and was accidentally grazed by a few bullets on his right leg. The severe pain spread, she gritted her teeth, accelerated again, dragged Simon and the secretary and jumped directly from the big hole in the barbed wire.

   A strong sense of weightlessness instantly swept through the body.

  Because it was too dark, the terrain outside the barbed wire could not be seen clearly. Ruan Qi only felt that she had been sliding down the slope, as if she would fall to pieces at any time.

   The secretary who had never seen anything in the world screamed in fear.

   Ruan Qi held Simon with one hand, the secretary under his arm, and climbed the **** with the other hand, trying to find a point of focus.

  Finally, when her palm was numb, she finally touched a big rock.

   Ruan Qi grabbed the edge of the stone, his body fell down under the action of inertia, and then stopped on the slope.

The    Secretary-General's century-long screams finally stopped.

   Ruan Qi breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed the stone hard, and said with difficulty, "Which of you still has a cell phone? I need lighting."

   The secretary immediately took out his phone from his clothes, tremblingly.

   He turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone, and with the white light, Ruan Qi finally saw the surrounding terrain clearly.

   This is an extremely steep hillside. The top of the hillside is a road, and the bottom is a rushing river. On the other side of the river are rolling mountains. And around the rivers and hillsides, there are many trees and weeds.

The place where    Ruan Qi slipped down now is the half waist of the hillside. If she didn't catch the stone just now and slipped another two or three meters, she would have hit a big tree.

   The speed was so fast when it slipped down just now, if it hit this big tree, it would be miserable for people to die.

  Secretary and Simon Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi.

   Ruan Qi was also a little scared. Using the light of the flashlight, she carefully sat up on the big rock, and then rubbed down the hillside little by little.

   After rubbing for about a minute, the three finally reached the bottom of the hill.

   Ruan Qi heaved a sigh of relief, just about to raise his hand to wipe off the sweat, but found that his palm was covered in blood.

   "My God! Miss Seven Killings, you have a lot of blood on your hands!" The secretary shouted, "What should I do? Will you die if you bleed so much?!"

   Simon, who was lying on the side, said unbearably: "Damn Kerry, shut up! Your boss has been shot and bled for ten minutes. Why do you only care about the Seven Kills?!"

"Uh..." Secretary Kerry shrank his neck, maybe he had just experienced a life and death, which made him a lot more courageous, and bit his head and whispered, "We all depend on Miss Seven Kills to survive. Boss If you bleed, you will bleed, anyway..." Kerry said the last words in a low voice.

   But Simon could still see his mouth shape, what he said was - it was useless.

   If you bleed, you will bleed, anyway, no, no, use.

  Simon's face suddenly turned green.

   He gritted his teeth viciously, looking at Kerry as if he was looking at a dead man. But he also knew that there was nothing wrong with what Kerry said.

   In this situation, whether it is him or Kerry, it is really useless.

  Only Ruan Qi can create a miracle and lead them to escape together.

  Simon gave Kerry a cold look, then turned to look at Ruan Qi's palm, "How are your hands?"

   "It's all right. It's just a minor injury." Ruan Qi shook his hand indifferently, looked up, and then got up and walked towards the swift river.

   She put her hand, which was mixed with blood and sand, into the river and rinsed it. After rinsing it clean, she lowered her head and touched her sweater pocket.

  Empty pockets, nothing.

   Ruan Qi turned his head helplessly, "Do you have something like a handkerchief? I'll wrap my hands."

   When the secretary heard the words, he immediately flipped through his pockets.

   is also empty.

   "I seem to be carrying a handkerchief." Simon said, feeling in his suit pocket with his uninjured hand. When he touched the pocket on the right, he frowned and took out a handkerchief and a black round object from it.

   "What is this?" He pinched the round object the size of a fingernail with a puzzled expression, "When did I have this kind of thing in my pocket?"

  Ruan Qi, who was treating the wound, raised his head, and his expression changed suddenly when he saw the round object clearly.

   She rushed to Simon and snatched it away, "When did you put this thing in?"

   Simon frowned slightly: "I don't know, this is not my thing. Seven kills, what is it? How is it a bit like..."

   Ruan Qi: "Locator."

  Simon's face changed suddenly.

   There is one more update tonight.



   (end of this chapter)

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