Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1547: X organization appeared (five more)

   Chapter 1547 X Organization Appears (five more)

  Why is there a locator in his pocket?

  Who put it for him?

   What does the person who puts the locator want to do?

  In an instant, countless questions and conspiracies flooded into my mind. Simon tightened his lips and was about to speak when Ruan Qi suddenly 'shh'.


  Simon and Kerry fell silent immediately.

  The surroundings were quiet, only the sound of the gurgling water and the wind drifted by.

   Ruan Qi pricked up his ears, leaned over among the grass, and listened hard to the conversation in the distance.

   "Where did the person go? Is it over there?"

   "Locator appears near here. Look carefully."

   "Damn it! How can that woman run like that!"

   The intermittent voice wafted down the wind.

   Ruan Qi's eyes darkened, and he looked down at the locator in his hand.

   Simon sensed that she was in a wrong mood and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

   "Nothing," Ruan Qi raised his hand and shook the locator, "We are being followed."

  Simon's expression froze: "Are those camouflage uniforms?"

   "It should be. They chased the locator and found it." Ruan Qi said, put the locator in the palm of his hand, and slammed his five fingers together.

   The small locator was pinched flat, and Ruan Qi raised his hand and threw it into the fast-flowing river.

  The river quickly drifted away with the locator.

   From the distance came the screams of those who were in desperation.

   "Fuck! The locator doesn't respond!"

   "Has it been discovered? What should we do now?"

   "Look for it. Simon Austin is injured, and the woman with two men should not run far."

  The sound of rapid footsteps came in the darkness, and those people were approaching.

   Ruan Qi listened carefully, the footsteps of the other party were very mixed, and there should be more than ten people. There are two or three people closest to her, and the distance from her should be 100 meters.

   Ruan Qi thought for a while, raised his hand and pulled Simon to his back.

   "There are too many of them, I have to break them one by one. Simon, I will send you and Kerry to a safe place first, and you lie on my back."

  Simon knew that now was not the time to be arrogant, so he immediately leaned on the little girl's back obediently.

   Ruan Qi cat on his waist and covered Simon with the dense trees on his back.

   "Kerry, you follow me. Be gentle with your feet and don't make any noise."

   After she finished speaking, she carried Simon on her back, half-bent her body, and quietly left the place at a very slow speed.

   Kerry held his breath, paddled his feet, and followed her closely.

   This mountain has few places to hide except for trees. Ruan Qi searched for a while before finding a small mound that could barely hide two big men.

   She put Simon behind the mound, then took off the M43 from her shoulders and stuffed it into his arms.

   "This gun is for self-defense."

  Simon: "Then you..."

"I have other weapons." Ruan Qi shook the silver needle on her fingertips, "There are too many opponents, and if you want to destroy them one by one, you can't use a gun. Otherwise, when the gun sounds, I will be surrounded and beaten. You guys Stay here at ease... By the way, Kerry, can you make calls on your phone?"

   Kerry fiddled with the phone a few times, then shook his head: "It broke when sliding down, only the flashlight function can be used."

   "Okay." Ruan Qi pressed down the peaked cap on his head, "Then I'll go first, take care of yourselves."

  The time was urgent, Ruan Qi stopped talking and quickly melted into the dark night.

   She walks through the dense woods, like an elf in the dark night, with a lithe figure and an erratic figure.

  Suddenly, she stopped.

   "At two o'clock, about fifty meters away, there are two people." Bai Li's voice sounded in his head.

   Ruan Qi held his breath, bowed his waist under the cover of the grass, like a little leopard staring at its prey, and rushed out.

  Several silver needles flew out from her fingertips, breaking through the night and going straight to the throats of the two of them.


   Two extremely faint sounds, silver needles pierced into their throats, the two of them didn't even have time to say a word, they closed their eyes and fell to the ground.

   Ruan Qi immediately bent over and ran over, unloading the guns in their hands, and carrying them on his shoulders. Then, she took out a mobile phone from one's pocket, tapped the screen twice with her fingertips, and the lock screen interface was successfully deciphered.

   Ruan Qi tried to dial the phone number of Attend Jiu, but the signal in this mountain area was not very good, and the phone hung up automatically as soon as the call was made.

  So, she tried the special contact method with Baby Damai again.

   She typed a string of obscure and complicated codes into her phone, the phone screen lit up a few times, and then a strange symbol appeared.

The    symbol flashed for two seconds, and then the words 'Send successfully' appeared on the screen.

   Ruan Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

  Location and help have been sent to Baby Damai, and the next step is to delay until Baby Damai brings the rescuers.

   Ruan Qi put the phone in his jeans pocket, then reached out and touched the two men again.

  This time, she pulled out a box of bullets and two bags of bread.

   Ruan Qi simply tore off the backpack on the man's back. She stuffed the bullets and bread into her bag, put them on her shoulders, and was about to get up and leave when Bai Li in the system suddenly screamed.

   "Seven girls, look at his arm!"

   Ruan Qi subconsciously looked down.

   The man's sleeves were rolled up a few centimeters during the pull just now, revealing his strong forearms.

  By the faint moonlight, Ruan Qi saw the pattern exposed on his forearm——

   A flame totem, and an X symbol.

   Ruan Qi's head 'boom' and exploded.

   She looked at the two familiar patterns in disbelief, her pupils shrunk tightly.

   "X...organization?" Ruan Qi said with difficulty.

   The two patterns on the man's arm will never be forgotten in her life.

   is the person with these two patterns, who chased and killed Ruan Fengmian and Yang Liu for 20 years, making them unable to recover their true identities until now.

   These are the same people who almost turned her family into a pile of loess twenty years ago, and she almost couldn't be born with her.

   Ruan Qi dreamed of killing these people.

   And now, this mysterious organization that she hated to the core has just appeared in front of her eyes.

   Ruan Qi wanted to laugh and cry a bit. She stared at the man's arm, her body started to tremble with her excessive excitement and excitement.

  Bai Li was frightened by her fierce reaction: "...Seven girls, are you alright?"

   This kid doesn't get excited, just go crazy.

  Bai Li looked at her tremblingly, Ruan Qi grinned, her always soft peach blossom eyes showed a dazzling light.

   "I'm fine, of course I'm fine." She laughed, cool and excited, how terrifying it was in the middle of the night in the deep mountains and old forests.

   Bai Li's goosebumps came out.

   He was afraid that Ruan Qi would take out a knife in the next second and use the moonlight to dismember the two men.

  Fu, so scary.

   scared the old man to death.

   Bai Li: Help!


   Five more completed! Feel free to ask for a monthly pass. 【rub your hands】



   (end of this chapter)

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