Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1548: The head is twisted into a hole (one more)

   Chapter 1548 One twist of the head, a pit (one more)

   accidentally discovered the X organization, which made Ruan Qi's mood cloudy and sunny, very happy.

   She carried the backpack that came from the man, carried the gun, and left here silently.

   The night is getting darker and darker. In the woods where you can't see five fingers, vague footsteps can be heard from time to time.

   Ruan Qi moved his ears and recognized the location of several other camouflage uniforms, and then melted into the dark night like a ghost.

  Two minutes later, the silver needle flashed.

  A man in camouflage fell silently to the ground.

   After another minute, two more men fell.

   The night was as cold as water, and the surroundings became more and more deadly.

   The remaining camouflage uniforms seemed to sense something was wrong, and all raised their guns vigilantly.

  Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew past.

  The two men in camouflage immediately aimed their guns at the pitch-black night.

   They held their breaths and looked around, but did not find any suspicious persons.

   "Damn it!" One of them couldn't help yelling, "Why did the operation go so poorly tonight? I can't even catch a woman!"

   "I didn't expect the Seven Kills to be able to run like this. If I can't complete the mission tonight, I will be punished again when I go back."

   "Damn it! What a broken place, why is the wind blowing?"

   Both of them felt a chill on the back of their necks, as if the wind was blowing.

   One of them couldn't help but raised his hand to touch his neck, but terribly touched a cold hand.

  The man was stunned for a moment, and a chill shot straight from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

   In the middle of the night in the middle of the night, where is the hand? !

   It can't be a ghost, can it?

   The man's face turned pale in an instant. He trembled and wanted to turn his head, but as soon as he turned his head halfway, there was a sudden tingling in his neck.

   A silver needle glowing with cold light pierced his throat at some point.

   The man opened his mouth, but without making a sound, he closed his eyes and fell down.

   The companion standing beside him sensed something was wrong and turned to shoot.

   But Ruan Qi's movements were faster than his, with five fingers forming claws, and his hands were like lightning. In the blink of an eye, he grabbed the man's head and twisted it hard——


   A bone fracture, the man opened his eyes in disbelief, and then fell down limply.

   Bai Li in the system couldn't help but let out a 'fuck' when he saw this scene.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, are you **** a human head or a Chinese cabbage? Are the movements a little too skilled?"

Hearing this, Ruan Qi smiled a little shyly, "Oh, you found out? I used to go to the ground to help my grandma pick vegetables when I was a child, and I used to twist the cabbage. You don't know, Uncle Baili, the big cabbage grows in the ground. As soon as the cabbage is twisted into a hole, it is particularly decompressed. I liked doing this when I was a child, and now I haven't twisted the cabbage for more than a year, and I can't help it."

  Bai Li: "..."

   What a diligent little bee, should I applaud you?

  The old man Bai rolled his eyes speechlessly and asked, "You killed them both?"

"No. Am I the kind of person who cares about people's lives?" The little girl shoved the two fainted men into the dirt pit, and then blinked innocently, "I didn't kill them, I just twisted my neck. . Sent to the hospital to lie down for a year and a half and it will heal."

  Bai Li: "..."

There are so many    slots that I don't know what to say for a while.

   Ruan Qi dealt with several people from the X organization one after another, but he did not feel relaxed at all.

The methods of the   X organization are too ruthless. If they are determined to kill her and Simon, they will never send only these few people to find them.

   Ruan Qi's heart became more and more solemn when he thought of the dozen or so off-road vehicles on the road.

  Although she has already sent a help message to Baby Damai, she can't quench her thirst from afar, and no one can tell when the reinforcements will arrive.

   Even if she tried to delay the time, the people in the X organization might not make her wish.

   Especially with so many camouflage uniforms she stunned, once Organization X couldn't get in touch with these people, they would definitely realize that something was wrong.

   Ruan Qi was thinking when the bluetooth headset that the man she put into the pit was wearing suddenly lit up.

   "Four groups! Four groups, four groups!" Ruan Qi took the earphones and put them in his ears. A man's cold voice came from the earphones, "Four groups, please reply when you hear me."

   Ruan Qi remained silent.

   The person on the other end of the earphone keenly sensed something was wrong and immediately cut off the signal.

   Sure enough, the other party found out!

   Ruan Qi's heart sank.

The people from   X organization found out the abnormality, and soon more people should be sent down to arrest her.

   She had to think of a way to turn passive into active, and buy herself and Simon more time to live.

   "...Actually, there is a way, which is a little dangerous. But with your ability, you should be able to do it." Bai Li suddenly spoke.

  Ruan Qi's eyebrows moved slightly, "Uncle Bai Li, you want to say..."

"Go deep into the tiger's den." Bai Li said, "With your skill, although you can't hold a hot weapon, you still have mental power. Seven girls, your mental power is very powerful, and you can kill those people quietly, shouldn't it be? Problem. However, there is a downside to this..."

   No matter how powerful the spiritual force is, there will be a time when it will be exhausted. Ancient warriors who have exhausted their spiritual energy will be very fragile.

  If Ruan Qi didn't get rid of all the members of the X organization before her mental power was exhausted, then her situation would be very dangerous.

"Before on the road, I made a rough count. The number of killers sent by the X organization is about 60. The number is a bit large, but it should be within the range of your mental strength. Girl, whether to go deep into the tiger's den or continue to delay time, You choose."

   Ruan Qi fell into deep thought.

  Intellectually, it is not a good choice to go deep into the tiger's den and use mental power rashly. The people in the X organization are all lunatics. She runs over alone, and it is easy to have accidents.

  The best option is to delay time until reinforcements come.

  However, time waits for no one. Simon Austin was injured.

   The gunshot wound on his shoulder was bleeding all the time, and he continued to drag it on. Before the reinforcements could arrive, he waited for the black and white impermanence of the soul.

  There is only so much blood in the human body. Simon Austin, an ordinary person, really can't stand it.

   Ruan Qi pondered for a moment and then made a decision.

   "I use mental power."

  Bai Li: "Really decided?"

"Mmmm." The little girl tightened her backpack and pressed the cap down, "Simon's injury won't last long, and the reinforcements from Baby Damai don't know when they will arrive. Instead of waiting for outside support, Rather than relying on myself."

  Nie Beilou had taught her from a young age that people must not wait passively when they are in a desperate situation. Taking the initiative to attack can find a silver lining.

   Ruan Qi is not a passive person, she has to find a way for herself and Simon.

   Bai Li saw that she had made up her mind, and said, "Okay, let go and do it. With me here, as long as you have one breath left, I can save you."

   Ruan Qi rolled his peach eyes and rushed out like a swallow.

   It is really cool to twist Chinese cabbage, and it will be addictive if you twist it.



   (end of this chapter)

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