Chapter 1549 Hunting Time (two more)

   There are still five camouflage uniforms under the hillside. Ruan Qi used a silver needle to quickly remove them, and then climbed up the hillside with both hands and feet.

   As soon as she reached halfway up, she heard messy footsteps and voices.

The   X organization really sent someone down to find her again!

   Ruan Qi hurriedly hid behind the tree. She leaned against the tree trunk, sticking out her head cautiously, under the dim moonlight, a dozen camouflage uniforms held guns, vigilantly sliding down the hillside step by step.

   Ruan Qi glanced at them quickly, his peach blossom eyes narrowed, and the surging mental power surged over the sky.

   The closest camouflage to her was attacked first.

  The strong mental power penetrated into his brain without any defense, like a sharp blade, sharply scraping the nerves.

   The man let out a shrill scream in pain, and fell to the ground with his head in his arms.

   This sudden change shocked everyone else.

   They took two steps back vigilantly, and a dozen guns were aimed at the man who fell to the ground screaming.

   "Damn it! Anthony, what are you screaming at?!"

   Just after saying this, another camouflage uniform fell to the ground screaming.

   "It hurts! Ahhhh my head hurts!"

   It was no coincidence that two companions suddenly fell to the ground, but someone did it deliberately.

   But besides themselves, there is not a single stranger in the surrounding area. Who actually moved the hand?

   "Damn it! Is that Solomon's woman? Her skills look weird!"

   "It's seven kills! It must be seven kills!"

   "Damn seven kills! Get out of here!"

  The deafening gunshots rang out in the night, and several camouflage uniforms held guns and aimed at the empty surroundings and shot frantically.

   Ruan Qi hid behind the big tree, the bullet flew past her, shot into the soil and weeds, and splashed up the dust.

   She closed her eyes and spread out her mental power again.

  The strong spiritual power is pervasive, like a deadly hand, silently reaching out to the people of the X organization.

   The scream rang out again.

   Camouflage uniforms fell one after another, holding their heads, rolling frantically on the ground, and howling mournfully.

   This bizarre scene gave other people a layer of goosebumps.

   One of the men hurriedly pressed the bluetooth headset and yelled into the intercom: "Damn it! We **** it! Everyone is crazy! Quickly send someone to help me - ah ah ah!"

   Before he finished speaking, he also fell to the ground holding his head.

   In this world, everything that is visible is not worth fearing. Only those unknown, invisible and intangible, are the most frightening.

  The remaining four camouflage uniforms watched their companions fall one by one, and their spirits were on the verge of collapse.

   One of them was holding a gun, swept around like a lifeless man, and at the same time shouted 'seven kills' frantically.

   Ruan Qi hid behind the tree and looked at him, his mental power surrounded the last four.

   Four screams exploded in the night.

  The gunshots disappeared and everything was calm.

  Behind the big tree, Ruan Qi looked at the camouflage uniform that fell to the ground, and heaved a sigh of relief.

   Extensive use of mental power made her a little tired. She leaned against the tree, took out a small pill from the dark compartment of the wristband, and ate it.

   "Twenty people have been dealt with. Forty people left." Ruan Qi took out the bread in her backpack and ate it whole with mineral water, barely replenishing her strength.

   After she finished eating, she stood up holding the trunk, the peach blossom eyes under the cap shone with a cold light: "Let's go, the hunting continues."


   On Third Avenue, the strong smell of gunpowder mixed with the smell of gasoline shot into the sky.

   Bullet marks all over the floor, wreckage of cars rolling in raging fire, blood and corpses everywhere.

   A group of men in camouflage uniforms walked through the corpses with icy expressions. At first glance, there were about forty of them.

   "No news from Anthony and the others?"

   "No, all the intercom signals were interrupted. The two groups of people sent out before and after did not return."

   "Solomon's two people are more difficult to deal with than we expected. Especially the Seven Kills, she should be an ancient warrior in China."

   "Ancient warrior?"

   "Yes. The ancient warriors of Huaguo are very mysterious. Do you remember the Huaguo Cheng family who cooperated with our boss? They are the ancient warriors."

   "Cheng's family? It's the Cheng family who is good at making drugs? I remember that when the master of the Cheng family wanted to kill his own son, it was our boss who helped him."

   "Yes, that's the Cheng family. What was the name of the killed Cheng family son? It seems to be Cheng, Cheng Bainian? Oh damn, the Chinese language is really convoluted, the name is so hard to pronounce!"

   "That Cheng Bainian is dead, right? With so many people sent by the BOSS back then, he must not survive."

   "I don't know. But I heard that BOSS has been investigating Cheng Bainian all these years, maybe he is still alive."

   These people chatted while walking across the bullet-scarred highway, preparing to go down the hillside outside the highway to catch people.

   They didn't notice that a slender figure had quietly climbed up from the hillside and hid silently in the shadow of the highway guardrail.

The people from the   X organization are still chatting, probably because there is no one around, these people speak recklessly and very loudly.

   Ruan Qi clearly heard the words 'Cheng family, Cheng Bainian'.

   Her eyes darkened, and a layer of anger appeared in her eyes.

"Seven girls, calm down!" Seeing her like this, Bai Li hurriedly shouted, "Our top priority is to save our lives and escape. As long as we escape, you can do whatever you want with them! Don't be impulsive, think about Simon, That kid's blood is almost dry!"

   Ruan Qi's sanity that almost ran wild was pulled back by these words.

   Yes, Simon and Kerry are still spinning in the mound, she can't just take care of herself.

   Ruan Qi calmed down for a while, then leaned over between the two guardrails and looked at the gang of X organization.

  Those people are ready to cross the guardrail and go down the hillside.

   Ruan Qi didn't want to wait any longer, closed his eyes, and spread out his strong mental power.

   The screams sounded again.

   The first camouflage suit that slid down the hill fell to the ground with his head on his head, and then, the second, third, fourth…

   Ruan Qi knew the truth of how long nights dream more and didn't dare to delay for too long, so he killed more than a dozen people in one go.

   This sudden change made all the camouflage uniforms change their faces.

   "Seven kills!"

   "She is an ancient warrior! Be careful!"

   "Don't let her continue! Shoot! Shoot me!"

The people from the   X organization responded quickly. After realizing that it was Ruan Qi's ghost, they immediately gathered together and fired full force in all directions.

   Nearly forty people and forty high-powered machine guns, even Ruan Qi must be careful with such firepower.

   She dodged quickly in the hail of bullets, knocking down one enemy after another with her mental power.

   Seeing that his companions were half down, the people in the X organization became more and more crazy. They threw away their guns, took out grenades, and threw them in all directions.

  Boom boom boom!

  A deafening explosion resounded through the sky, and a huge airflow and scorching flames spread freely.

   Ruan Qi felt pain all over his body from the impact of the air current, clenched his teeth and knocked down three camouflage uniforms, then got up and ran out.

   At this moment, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the darkness and grabbed her wrist.

   Ruan Qi was startled, raised his hand and slashed over.

   "Baby, it's me!"

   My husband is here.


   The update is complete, please ask for a monthly pass



   (end of this chapter)

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