Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1551: This fiance can't have it (two more)

   Chapter 1551 This fiancé can't be asked (two more)

   He raised his hand and put his hand on the little girl's shoulder, took her into his arms in a protective and possessive gesture, then raised his head, and swept his cold eyes darkly at everyone.

   Everyone felt chills when he saw them, and they all looked away with a guilty conscience.

   However, the eyes have moved away, but the mouth has not been honest.

   The female member who gave Ruan Qi a wink just now whispered dissatisfiedly: "Why is BOSS so careful? You can't lose a piece of meat at a glance."

   "That's right. We didn't want to do anything, just admire beauty. Tsk, so possessive."

   "Actually, BOSS is not easy. It took twenty-seven years to find a girlfriend, and I am always coveted by others."

   "Hey! The boss is in my eyes now the dragon who stole the princess. My prince wants to fight the dragon, but I can't beat him!"

   Everyone thought their voices were low, but both Xi Jiu and Ruan Qi could hear them clearly.

   Xi Jiu's face was black and black, as cold as a block of ice.

   Ruan Qi glanced at his face, couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

   The little girl is very beautiful when she is not smiling. When she smiles, her eyebrows and eyes are curved, and her eyes seem to be full of stars.

   Several members of the Eagle Club let out amazing exclamations, and even those with itchy skin boldly whistled.

   Xi Jiu's face darkened a few degrees.

   He glanced at the subordinates who were not too big of a problem to join in the fun, then turned around and bent over to help the little girl pat the dust on her body.

   Ruan Qi grabbed his hand: "Jiujiu, Simon and Kerry are still hiding under the hillside. And Sister Mo Lan, they all rushed away from me."

  Simon was injured and bleeding all the time. Mo Lan and He Ma and the others lost their whereabouts again, not knowing whether they were alive or dead. Thinking of this, she felt a little anxious.

   Xi Jiu rubbed her head comfortingly: "Don't worry, I'll send someone to look for it."

   Ruan Qi: "Then I too..."

   "You can't go." Xi Jiu interrupted her, "Baby, you are injured."

   Ruan Qi had previously protected Simon and Kerry, exposing himself to the hail of bullets. She is not an iron man, and naturally she will be injured by bullets. It's just that the little girl can endure it, she doesn't cry when she is injured, and she can still grit her teeth and kill more than half of the X organization.

   Everyone thinks that she is strong and powerful, and can fight the cannon fire of the sky by herself.

   But Xi Jiu only cares about whether she hurts or not.

He lightly pressed, pinched the little girl's pale face, and said in a low and gentle voice, "Obey baby, I will ask Bo to look for it, and I will bring Mo Lan and the others back. You stay here and rest, okay? ?"

   Ruan Qi knew that Xi Jiu felt sorry for him, he hesitated for a second, then nodded.

   Xi Jiu immediately raised his hand to summon Bo Ye, and asked him to take someone down to find Simon.

   Then, he arranged for another thirty or fifty people to search for the traces of Moran Hema and Xi Xi nearby.

   After arranging all this, Xi Jiu picked Ruan Qi up and walked towards the Humvee closest to them.

  Gu Feiyang, who was leaning in front of the car smoking a cigarette, raised his head and glanced, then turned around and snuffed out the eyes in his hand.

   Xijiu opened the passenger's door and carried Ruan Qi to the seat. Then he walked to the back of the car, opened the trunk, and pulled out a medicine box.

   Gu Feiyang, who was leaning on the side, glanced at him, then raised his eyelids and glanced at Ruan Qi, who was covered in injuries, stood up straight, opened the rear door, and took out a bottle of mineral water from inside.

   "Ninth Brother." He handed the mineral water to Xi Jiu.

  Xi Jiu thanked her, took the mineral water and twisted it, then pulled Ruan Qi's injured right hand, poured water down on the sludge and blood in her palm.

   Ruan Qi's palm was injured while sliding down the hill. At that time, she was holding Simon and Kerry with her left hand, and her right hand was sliding on the hillside while looking for a support point. Sliding all the way down, the palm of the hand rubbed off a layer of skin.

   Before Ruan Qi was busy running for his life, he didn't feel any pain. But now that he was relaxed, the pain came up after realizing it.

   The little girl couldn't help but **** in the air in a low voice.

   Xi Jiu's hand that poured the water paused, and then she continued to help her rinse.

   After the mud and blood in his palms were washed away, he opened the medicine box and took out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.

  Ruan Qi saw the white bottle and her hair stood up.

   "Jiujiu...I don't need this..."

   A layer of skin has fallen off the palm of her hand, and then soaked in hydrogen peroxide, is she still alive? !

   The little girl desperately retracted her hands, with a stubborn expression of "I would rather have a rotten hand than hydrogen peroxide".

   Xi Jiu was made fun of and distressed by her, but she could only force her heart to pull her hand out from behind.

   "Baby, bear with me a little, can I fix it a little bit?"

   Ruan Qi shook his head in a rattle-like manner, his whole body and even the strands of hair exuding rejection.

   Xi Jiu sighed helplessly, stretched out her long arms and hugged her whole body, and grabbed her small paws with her big hands.

   He turned to look at Gu Feiyang: "Second brother, come and help me."

  Gu Feiyang's eyes flickered, he raised his feet and walked over.

   Xijiu freed his right hand and handed him the hydrogen peroxide and medical cotton ball: "Soak the cotton ball."

  Gu Feiyang skillfully opened the hydrogen peroxide, poured it into the disinfection tank, and then dipped the medical cotton ball into it with tweezers.

  Medical cotton **** are instantly filled with moisture.

   Xijiu took the tweezers, picked up a cotton ball, and carefully touched Ruan Qi's palm.

   When the transparent hydrogen peroxide touched the wound, it foamed instantly.

   Heart-piercing pain rushed from the palm of the hand to the cranial nerve at this moment, Ruan Qi was stimulated by a shock, and the conditioned reflex was to withdraw his hand.

   Xi Jiu immediately held her down, her big hand firmly embedded in her wrist.

   Ruan Qi was in pain to death, but he couldn't escape, and the grimacing eyes suddenly turned red.

   "Jiujiu, I hurt so much..." The little girl who didn't change her face in the face of bullets just now turned into a squeamish bag.

  Xi Jiu saw her red eye circles, and her heart ached along with it. But for the sake of the little girl, the wound on her hand must be disinfected, otherwise it will be easily infected.

   Xijiu was cruel and did not speak, she gritted her teeth and pressed the cotton ball on Ruan Qi's wound.

  The pain of hydrogen peroxide hitting the wound is unbearable for most people. Not to mention that Ruan Qi's palm had lost a layer of skin.

   In just a few breaths, she was sweating from the pain.

   Xijiu knew that Ruan Qi was uncomfortable, so in order to make her suffer less, she simply accelerated the speed of disinfection. The cotton **** in the disinfection tank decreased one by one. When Ruan Qi's palm was almost unconscious, the disinfection was finally over.

   The little girl couldn't hold back, and the physiological tears that were stimulated by the pain flowed out.

   While crying, she asked tremblingly with red eyes: "Finished, finished?"

   "It's done." Xi Jiu threw the tweezers back into the sterilizing tank, then took out two tissues from the center console, and wiped away the tears from her face distressedly, "Don't cry, baby, your eyes will swell if you cry again."

  The little girl couldn't hold back, and choked again.

   Xijiu rubbed her head distressedly, and whispered softly, "I'll help you bandage your hand, baby can bear it a little longer. I'll check the other wounds after I've dealt with the wound on the hand."

   After saying that, he glanced at the half bottle of hydrogen peroxide left, and said to Gu Feiyang: "There should be not enough hydrogen peroxide, you can go to other cars to find it, and bring a few more bottles over."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   The sobbing stopped abruptly.

   She was silent for two seconds, then hiccupped.


   Ruan Xiaoqi: Is it too late to break up now?


   The hydrogen peroxide to disinfect wounds is really sour and refreshing, it hurts like that.

   The update is completed today, please ask for a monthly pass.



   (end of this chapter)

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