Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1552: Terrifying Possession (One More)

   Chapter 1552 Terrifying Possession (One More)

   Xijiu briefly treated Ruan Qi's wound on the outside of her clothes. After all the bandages were finished, the little girl had turned into a red-eyed rabbit with tears in her eyes.

   Xi Jiu felt helpless and distressed, he touched his pockets, and finally found a piece of yogurt-flavored toffee in his trousers pocket.

   He tore the candy wrapper: "Baby, open your mouth."

   The little girl with red eyes opened her mouth obediently, waiting to be fed.

   Xi Jiu laughed and fed the toffee into her mouth.

  Sweet yogurt flavor rolled out in the mouth, softly soothing the little girl's hurt little heart.

   She was squinted sweetly, the tip of her tongue arched the candy in her mouth, and a small bag bulged out from time to time on her cheek.

   "Jiujiu, why do you have toffee?" The little girl spoke softly, as sweet as candy.

   Xi Jiu's fingertips are a little itchy. He raised his hand and poked the little girl's bulging cheek, his voice was low and gentle: "The people in the Eagle Department said this kind of toffee is delicious, so I took a few pieces and wanted to bring it back for you to taste. If you like it. , I will ask them to buy more and send them back to China."

  Since Ruan Qi was born, Xi Jiu was no longer the Xi Jiu who had a very low appetite for food.

  In the past, every time he went to a place, the requirement for food and accommodation was to be able to eat enough and have a place to sleep.

   But now, when he goes to any city, the first thing he does is to check what is delicious here, what is there for fun, and which hotel is more comfortable to stay in.

   He wanted to show these to the little girl and let her enjoy the best in the world.

   Xi Jiu lowered her head and licked the little girl's lips, her voice slightly hoarse: "Does the baby like to eat?"

   Ruan Qi squinted her eyes like a cat, and gave a comfortable 'uh'.

   "I love it, yogurt flavor, I like it very much!"

  Xi Jiu's lips curled, her heart filled with a strong sense of satisfaction.

   Maybe because of possessiveness, he especially likes to arrange Ruan Qi's necessities. He wanted to arrange her clothes, her room, her three meals, even every bite of snacks and candy she ate.

   He hoped that Ruan Qi from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, was contaminated with his breath and marked with his mark.

   At the same time, he also hoped that every joy and happiness of Ruan Qi would be brought to her by him.

  This will give Xi Jiu a strong sense of satisfaction and security.

  Beasts will always approach cautiously when they see their favorite prey. When the prey gradually relaxes its vigilance against him, the beast will quietly circle it into its own territory bit by bit, allowing the prey to get used to its own breath and get used to everything.

   Finally, when the prey is completely unsuspecting and opens its belly softly, the beast will completely reveal its fangs, knock her down, and eat it.

   Xi Jiu admits that he is a beast.

   He is domineering, strong, paranoid, possessive to the point of terror.

   And Ruan Qi, is his small prey.

   He will spend his whole life turning her into a cage with deep affection, wrapping her little by little in his arms and holding her on the top of his heart forever.


  Eagle members are very efficient.

   Not long after Ruan Qi finished taking the medicine, Bo also brought Simon and Kerry back.

  Kerry is okay, just a little embarrassed. But Simon was shot and was bleeding all the time, and when Bo Ye carried him back, his face was as white as paper. If it wasn't for his breathing, Ruan Qi almost thought he was dead.

   "How did he become like this?" She widened her eyes in surprise, "I fed him a small first aid pill, and his injuries couldn't have been this serious. Did something happen?"

   Ruan Qi looked at Kerry.

Kerry nodded wearily: "Boss, he heard the explosion and thought something had happened, so he wanted to go out to save you. When running, he pulled the wound, and the blood was gushing out, and then he lost too much blood and fainted. fall down."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   For a while, I didn't know whether to be moved or angry.

  Simon has a vicious and mean mouth, but he treats his friends with sincerity and kindness. Ruan Qi looked at his white, almost transparent face, sighed helplessly, and pulled out a small pill from the hidden compartment of the wristband.

   "My medicine box was blown up. Fortunately, there are still a few first aid pills. How can you be so tossed?" She muttered softly, squeezed Simon's mouth and threw the small pills in.

   Simon swallowed unconsciously.

Ruan Qi pinched his wrist and took a pulse, and said, "There is too much blood loss, and there is no danger to life. Send him to the car first and let him lie down. Is there any hemostatic medicine? Give him some food. The environment here is not good. Well, not for bullets. Let's..."

   She looked at Xi Jiu.

   Xi Jiu rubbed the top of her head: "Go back to the Eagle Department in a while, where the medical conditions are sufficient and you can get bullets."

   Ruan Qi heard the words, nodded, and felt relieved.

   Simon and Kerry are back, and next is Mo Lan and Solomon's bodyguards.

   Ruan Qi sat in the car and waited for a while. The Eagle Department found some bodyguards one after another, but there was no news from the three of Mo Lan.

   Ruan Qi couldn't sit still.

   She jumped out of the car and called Mo Lan with Xi Jiu's cell phone.

   As expected, the phone could not be connected.

The firepower of the   X organization was too strong before, and everyone's mobile phones were basically scrapped, and they couldn't even find the location.

   Ruan Qi became more and more anxious, stood in front of the car and looked out eagerly, hoping to stare Mo Lan and the three back with his eyes.

   "BOSS! Call BOSS!" The walkie-talkie in Xi Jiu's hand suddenly rang.

   Ruan Qi immediately turned his head and looked at him expectantly.

   Xijiu pressed the intercom: "Speak."

   "Boss, we found Sissy by the river!"

  "!" Ruan Qi's eyes lit up instantly. She grabbed Xi Jiu's wrist and asked anxiously, "How is Uncle Hee Hee? Are you injured? And Sister Lan and Uncle He Ma, how about them?"

The person over the walkie-talkie paused for a while, then seemed to recognize Ruan Qi's voice, and quickly replied: "Xi Xi was seriously injured and is currently in a coma, but it should not be life-threatening. There is also a couple of men and women, who suffered a little Slightly injured and now confronting a man."

   Ruan Qi wondered: "Confronting a man?"

   "Yes. That man..." The person on the other side of the walkie-talkie organized the language, and his tone was slightly hesitant, "The man looks a little scary, his face is white like a ghost, he looks like a skeleton."

   Ruan Qi was shocked and immediately guessed who the man was.

  The early years of Jiang!

   Nine times out of ten, it is the first year of Jiang!

   Before X organized a raid, Jiang Chunian took advantage of the chaos to escape, she thought he had already escaped. But I didn't expect to be caught by Mo Lan and a few people!

   Ruan Qi hurriedly said: "I'll go right now, little brother, please help Mo Lan and the others, don't let them get hurt again!"

   The walkie-talkie hung up, Ruan Qi turned around and grabbed a submachine gun from the car.

   She carried the gun on her shoulder and was about to leave when she suddenly remembered that she had overlooked something——

   Xijiu was still by her side.

   If she went to arrest Jiang Chunian, how would she explain it to Xi Jiu?

   (end of this chapter)

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