Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1555: Join the rogue (two more)

   Chapter 1555 The rogue (two more)

   Xi Jiu continued to hold the little girl's face and carefully wiped every inch of her skin.

   Seeing that the delicate little face full of dust became like a plucked egg again, he couldn't hold back, he lowered his head and took a sip on the tender face.

   Ruan Qi, who raised his head, widened his eyes in surprise.

   "Jiujiu!" She complained, her little eyebrows trembling, "Why are you doing this?"

  Why are you acting like a hooligan all of a sudden?

   The little girl looked at him like a little ruffian. Xi Jiu thought it was funny and couldn't help but chuckle.

   Suddenly, Ruan Qi's eyes became more resentful.

   Like a struggling little milk cat, she pulled Xi Jiu's hand away with her small paws, and was about to speak when Xi Jiu's phone on the seat suddenly rang.

   A life-threatening name lit up on the screen of the mobile phone - Shen Wenqian!


  Ruan Qi's hair stood on end in an instant.

   It's over!

   Brother Shen doesn't know her plan tonight. It's midnight and she hasn't gone back yet, so he can't be mad? !

   Ruan Qi looked at the caller ID on the phone in horror like a ghost.

   Xijiu picked up the phone.

   "Baby, I forgot to tell you that after you sent Damai the signal for help, it called Shen Wenqian and me. Shen Wenqian already knew what happened tonight."

  "!!!" Ruan Qi's face was even more frightened.

   Brother Shen knew that she would not go back to the hotel in the middle of the night and ran to the road to play the speed of life and death? !

   Will he be **** off at the hotel by himself?

  The little girl was trembling.

   Xijiu handed her the phone, "Do you answer? He has called many times before."

   Ruan Qi was afraid that Shen Wenqian would scold her, but she knew that the other party was worried about her, so she took the phone over and shivered.

   Press the answer key.

   "Hello? Brother Shen?" The little girl said cautiously.

   The man on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment when he heard the voice.

   Immediately afterwards, the full-level lion roar broke through the communication signal and swayed deafeningly throughout the carriage.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, you are so talented!"

   "Don't go back to the hotel in the middle of the night, and go to the gunfight without telling me?! How many heads and how many lives have you grown? Do you think you have lived too long and want to see the king first?!"

   "And let Mo Lan and the others hide it from me together? Why don't you go to the sky! I'll buy you a sky monkey, tie it up and run up to the sun side by side, okay?!"

   "Want to play gunfights, right? You wait! Tomorrow I'll pick up ten or eight shootout films for you, I will let you play enough!"

   Shen Wenqian was really angry this time. Usually quite a gentle person, he couldn't help but start swearing.

   He shouted louder than ever, exhausting his dantian energy. Bo Ye, Gu Feiyang, who was sitting in the front row, and the driver at the front could hear it clearly.

   The driver who didn't understand Chinese looked at him through the rearview mirror in horror.

   Shen Wenqian continued to scold.

   Ruan Qi knew that he was wrong this time, so he didn't say anything, holding his mobile phone and hanging his small head, suffering pitifully.

   But Xi Jiu couldn't bear to suffer this kind of crime for the little girl.

   He directly reached out and grabbed the phone from her hand.

   Ruan Qi was taken aback: "Jiujiu..."

   Xi Jiu put the phone to his ear and said softly, "Xiao Qi is injured."

   The scolding on the other end of the phone stopped abruptly.

   Shen Wenqian's full stomach anger was completely extinguished by this sentence, replaced by a strong anxiety and worry.

   "How are you injured? Is it serious? Do you need to go to the hospital? Is it a gunshot wound? Where are you now? Should I go over now?"

   Shen Wenqian couldn't care less about being angry, and he kept asking questions like a barrage of cannons, burning with impatience.

   Ruan Qi heard his repeated questions, and his heart warmed, and the circles of his eyes turned a little red.

   She took the phone from Xi Jiu's hand again, and said softly in a nasal voice: "Brother Shen, I'm fine, I just got scratched by a bullet."

   "Grazed by a bullet?!" Shen Wenqian's voice rose instantly, "Where is the injury? Internal organs?!"

   Ruan Qi hurriedly replied: "No, no, it's all skin injuries. Jiu Jiu and I are on our way back to the Eagle Department. The Eagle Department has a hospital, I'll just go back and deal with it."

   Shen Wenqian's heart that jumped to his throat instantly fell back.

   "As long as it doesn't hurt the internal organs. By the way, what about Mo Lan and the others?"

   "Sister Lan and Uncle He Ma suffered some minor injuries. Uncle Hee Hee was mentally injured and was in a coma. I gave him first aid medicine and he could wake up after a night's sleep."

   Shen Wenqian was completely relieved when he saw that the lives of several people were not in danger.

He let out a long sigh, because he shouted too loudly before, and his voice was a little hoarse: "Ruan Xiaoqi, you can't scare me like this in the future. I called you and Mo Lan 800 times tonight, and none of you Pick it up. I was so scared that I almost called the police."

   Ruan Qi felt even more guilty when he heard the words.

  Actually, according to the original plan, after she and Simon finished dealing with Jiang Chunian, they should go back to their respective homes. But who knew that an X organization was killed halfway, and all of them were driven to a desperate situation.

   Tonight really made Shen Wenqian worried.

   The little girl plucked the corner of her clothes with her fingers, and said in a small voice, "Brother Shen, I'm sorry. I won't be like this in the future. If there is such a thing, I will definitely tell you."

   Shen Wenqian's only remaining anger was so coaxed to dissipate.

   He scolded himself for being useless in his heart, but he said softly: "I'm not angry, don't feel bad. You go back to the Eagle Department with Mr. Xi first and get a good treatment. By the way, do you need me to go over there?"

  Ruan Qi couldn't let him run around in the middle of the night, he quickly shook his head and said, "No need. Brother Shen, rest well in the hotel, I'll go back tomorrow."

   Shen Wenqian saw her say this, so he stopped insisting, and hung up the phone after a few more words.

   Ruan Qi returned the phone to Xi Jiu, her white and tender face looked a little listless.

   Xi Jiu rubbed her head: "Being scolded for wilting?"

   "No." The little girl puffed her cheeks and lowered her head in a low voice, "I just feel a little sorry for Brother Shen. I made him worry tonight."

   Having said this, she remembered another thing, "By the way, Jiujiu, why did you appear on Third Avenue? Is it because of the help message I sent to Baby Damai?"

   Ruan Qi thought that the reason why Xi Jiu came to save her was because Damai called him and Shen Wenqian.

  Unexpectedly, Xi Jiu shook his head.

   "No. I was already on Third Avenue when Barley called me."

   When he saw the little girl's puzzled face, he told Pan Feng's story from beginning to end.

The more Ruan Qi listened, the more surprised, "Old Arfate said before that there is an ordnance designer in the X organization, and that person has a lot of design drawings. I didn't expect this person to be Pan Feng! This is too coincidental, right? "

   Xi Jiu also thought it was a coincidence.

   They searched for Pan Feng for more than half a month, but they did not expect that the force behind Pan Feng turned out to be the X organization.

   But thanks to the X organization, he was able to rescue Ruan Qi in time and let her avoid a danger.

  Recalling the previous scene on Third Avenue, where Ruan Qi was running wildly amid the continuous artillery fire, Xi Jiu was terrified for a while.

   He stretched out his hand and hugged the little girl into his arms, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist, as if he was holding a lost and found treasure.

   I went out to run errands in the morning, and I haven’t updated until now. bow! ~



   (end of this chapter)

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