Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1556: The ECG is flattened (one more)

   Chapter 1556 The ECG is leveled (one more)

   There were other people in the car. Ruan Qi was too embarrassed to attack Qingqing, me and me, and stabbed him with a blushing face: "Jiujiu, let me go. You have to hug me when I go back."

   Xi Jiu laughed when she saw her shyness, and let go of her hand obediently.

   Ruan Qi asked another doubt in his heart: "Jiujiu, how did you know that I was Seven Kills?"

  Although Xi Jiu didn't say it clearly, Ruan Qi knew that his vest had fallen off since he appeared on Third Avenue.

   She was a little curious about how she revealed herself.

   Xi Jiu hooked her lips, held her uninjured hand, and said slowly, "I've been in the convention and exhibition center, the monitoring room for the past few days."

   Ruan Qi was stunned when he heard the words, and then suddenly realized.

   "In the exhibition hall that day, I always felt that someone was watching me from behind the surveillance camera, so it was you!"

   Xijiu nodded slightly: "It's me."

   "So, Jiujiu, you already recognized me?"

   Xijiu nodded again.

   Ruan Qi felt that her boyfriend's eyesight was really good. She was armed to the teeth, Yang Liu and Ruan Fengmian might not recognize her, but Xi Jiu recognized her at a glance.

   This is true love.

  The little girl is happy.

   She grinned happily, her peach blossom eyes curved into small bridges.

  Xijiu saw her so happy, the corners of her lips hooked, and she said in a meaningful tone: "Baby, is there anything you haven't explained to me yet?"


   Ruan Qi's smile froze.

   She seems...there is indeed something she hasn't explained yet.

  ——Jiang Chunian and her memory recovery.

   Ruan Qi felt a little guilty at the thought of hiding these things for several months.

   She glanced at Xi Jiu, struggling to save herself again, "Jiu, Jiu Jiu..."

   Xi Jiu was expressionless and hit a straight ball: "What happened to Jiang Chunian?"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   Failed to rescue.

   Xi Jiu continued to ask the second question: "Have the baby's memory recovered?"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   The rescue failed again.

Xi Jiu glanced at the little girl who wanted to turn into an ostrich, a smile flashed across her cold eyes, but her tone was so calm that it made people chill: "Restored my memory, found out what happened ten years ago, and found Jiang Chunian. So many things, Mr. Beilou and I don't even know a thing." He laughed, "My baby is really amazing."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  Drip, drip, drip, drip...beep!

   ECG flattened.

   It's no help, it's burning.


   An hour later, the Eagle base arrived.

   Maybe because he was worried that there were Bo Ye and the others in the car, Xi Jiu only mentioned two things about Jiang Chunian, and didn't ask any further questions.

   Ruan Qi also breathed a sigh of relief.

  The matter has been exposed, and she is not going to continue to hide it from Xi Jiu. But Jiang Chunian's affairs were too complicated, and he didn't know how to tell Xi Jiu for a while.

   And, it was messy enough tonight. The sequelae of excessive use of mental power gradually appeared, Ruan Qi was a little dizzy now, and the sleepiness surged up.

   After the car stopped at the Eagle Department headquarters building, she stumbled out of the car with Xi Jiu.

  The night in L City was a bit cold, and Ruan Qi was injured again, so he couldn't bear the coolness. As soon as I got out of the car, I was shivered by the night wind.

   Xi Jiu immediately took off her jacket and wrapped her tightly.

  The man's coat was very large, like a big bag, covering Ruan Qi's calf. There was a cold rosin that belonged to Xi Jiu on the clothes. It was cold, faint, and smelled very nice.

  Ruan Qi smelled the smell, and his dazed head became clearer.

   Xi Jiu raised his hand and touched her forehead.

   No fever, the temperature is normal.

   Xi Jiu breathed a sigh of relief and asked in a low voice, "Is there any discomfort?"

   "No." The little girl yawned softly, with some physiological tears oozing from the end of her eyes, "It's just a little dizzy, and she overused her mental power."

   Xi Jiu let out a 'um', then bent down and hugged her horizontally.

  Suddenly, the sound of whistling in front of the Eagle Building came one after another.

   When the people who stayed at the headquarters heard the movement, they all ran out in a rush, and their faces were filled with joy of eating melons and gossip.

   Ruan Qi was instantly frightened.

   She struggled to jump out of Xi Jiu's arms, but was held down strongly by Xi Jiu.

   "...Jiujiu!" The little girl's face turned red from the gazes cast from all directions.

   Xi Jiu was not ashamed, hugged her and said solemnly: "Baby, you are dizzy, and it is easy to fall when walking."

   Ruan Qi: "...You can walk with me!"

   "No, I'm not at ease." Xi Jiu showed a cold face, but what she said was shameless at all.

   He held the little girl tightly in his arms as if he was holding a great treasure. Then he raised his head and swept his cold eyes sharply around.

  In an instant, the roaring, whistling, and screaming stopped abruptly.

   Everyone kept their mouths shut.

   In the thick night, all sounds are silent, and the wind is silent.

   Xi Jiu gave everyone a cold look, holding the baby in her arms, step by step like walking the wedding red carpet, calmly and powerfully walked into the Eagle Building.

   Everyone who stayed outside the building and was forced to be a stone statue: "..."

   Ruan Qi, who was saluted all the way: "..."

   My face is useless, so I donated it.


   Xi Jiu carried Ruan Qi all the way to the hospital of the Eagle Department.

  Simon Austin and Sissy were also pushed in.

   Simon's gunshot wound was serious and required surgical treatment, and was directly pushed into the operating room. Xixi's mental strength was injured, and after taking Ruan Qi's first aid pills, she was admitted to the intensive care unit.

  Mo Lan, Homer and Kerry suffered minor injuries and went to the emergency room. And Ruan Qi was directly carried by Xi Jiu to an office on the second floor of the hospital.

  The office was empty and no one was there. Ruan Qi was wondering when the door of the lounge was suddenly rudely opened.

   A middle-aged foreign man in pajamas with messy hair came out cursing.

   "Being disturbed in the middle of the night, BOSS, your behavior violates the labor law of country Y! I can go to court and sue you!"

   "Go ahead." Xi Jiu helped Ruan Qi take off his coat, and said coldly, expressionless, "If you are willing to pay seven-figure annual salary and generous employee benefits, then go and sue."

   The expression on the middle-aged man's face instantly froze.

   He coughed and rubbed his nose hard, trying to maintain his dignity, "A gentleman will not bow down for five buckets of rice!"

   "Barkley," Xi Jiu looked at him with cool eyes, "I remind you, your annual salary is not five buckets of rice, but five million pounds."

  Buckley: "..."

   The man who did not bow down for five buckets of rice decisively chose five million pounds.

He quickly put on his white coat and turned his head: "Where is the injury... Oh my God!" The man in his forties was startled and looked at Ruan Qi in shock, "Boss, this is you. Is she his fiancée?! How old is she? Is she an adult?! BOSS, seducing a minor is a crime in any civilized country!"

   (end of this chapter)

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