Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1560: The big brother in memory (one more)

   Chapter 1560 Big Brother in Memory (One More)

   "What if the boss is domestic violence? That beauty will be beaten and cry?"

   "My God, how could BOSS be domestic violence? How could he be willing to do something to such a beautiful girl?!"

  The gang of Yingbu may have been squeezed by Xi Jiu on weekdays, but now that he is arranging them, he just wants to come out one after another.

   Thin also started to have a headache again. He rubbed his forehead and was about to speak when Gu Feiyang, who was sitting beside him, took the lead and spoke slowly.

   "Ninth Brother's fiancée used one person to overthrow most of the X organization last night. She has good ears and can hear any sound within 100 meters. If you want to make her angry, keep talking."

  "..." The beeping members of the Eagle Club were instantly quiet as chickens.

  Gu Feiyang raised his eyebrows in satisfaction, glanced in the direction of the bedroom, then lowered his eyes and started playing Xiaoxiao.

  Bo also breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the document and started working on it.


   At this moment, in the dimly lit bedroom, Ruan Qi gradually woke up from her drowsiness.

  The voice of the living room came into her ears through the door panel, the little girl remembered her previous actions, her face turned red all of a sudden.

   "Jiujiu, who are those people outside?"

   "They're all senior members of the Eagle Department. Last night they tried people from the X organization, and they came to report the situation to me today." Seeing her face flushed, Xi Jiu lowered her head and pinched the tip of her nose, "Shy?"

   Ruan Qi covered her cheeks and made a small 'uh'.

   Xi Jiu thought that her little girl was too cute when she was shy.

   He laughed, rubbed her cheek affectionately, and asked in a low voice, "Then I drive them out?"

   Ruan Qi quickly shook his head.

   How can you drive people out because of shyness?

  Isn’t that there is no silver 300 taels here?

  The little girl is determined not to let others know that she is shy. She patted her flushed cheeks hard, and looked like she didn't care: "What are you driving them out for? Everyone is an adult, what a big deal! I don't care at all!"

   Xi Jiu suppressed a smile and nodded cooperatively: "Well, baby is the most arrogant."

   Ruan Xiaoqi was groomed, and the shyness dissipated a lot.

   She remembered that these high-level executives came to report to Xi Jiu the interrogation of Organization X, and quickly asked, "Did you find out what happened last night?"

   Xi Jiu put away her smile and shook her head solemnly.

  "?" Ruan Qi widened his eyes in surprise, "No information has been reviewed?! How is this possible?!"

   As the No. 1 intelligence organization in Asia, Europe and the United States, the strength of the Eagle Department cannot be underestimated.

   Especially their interrogation ability, no matter how tough the mouth is, as long as they stay in the Eagle Department for one night, they will not be able to bear to spit out the truth.

  Everyone said that as long as you reach the Eagle Department, the dead mussels can also open their mouths.

   However, with such a powerful interrogation ability, he didn't even get the slightest information about the X organization.

   This is not scientific at all!

   "It's true that the trial didn't come out." Xi Jiu frowned slightly and said solemnly, "Bo also said that those people were in a wrong state during the trial."

   Ruan Qi: "Is the state wrong?"

  Xi Jiu said with an 'um', "During the interrogation process, these people's eyes were dull, and their behavior and thoughts seemed to be being manipulated. It is precisely because of this that nothing came out of the interrogation."

   Behaviour and thought being manipulated?

  Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows, "Did you get hypnotized by someone? Or was your mind manipulated?"

   "It doesn't look like it." Xi Jiu shook his head, "The Eagle Department has interrogated hypnotized people before, and the state of those in the X organization doesn't look like hypnotism. Baby, would you like to go and have a look?"

The methods of the   X organization are a bit evil. The Eagle Department has interrogated so many people, and they have never encountered such a situation.

   Ruan Qi studied medicine and studied under Nie Beilou, and has seen many strange people. Maybe she could see something.

   "Then I'll go take a look after dinner. By the way, Jiujiu, have you found someone over there in Jiang Chunian?"

   "No." Xi Jiu's face was a little dark, "Everyone turned upside down along the river last night, and found no trace of Jiang Chunian."

   Ruan Qi: "The bottom of the river was also fished?"

   "I found them all. A total of five salvage teams were sent out, and only Jiang Chunian's shoes were found in the river, but no one was found."

   As soon as this incident was mentioned, Xi Jiu couldn't control her mood.

  Although the ancient martial arts of Jiang Chunian have been abolished, a waste person can no longer overcome any big storms. But just letting him run away, Xi Jiu still felt uneasy.

  This beast will not die for a day, so he felt that there was still a knife hanging over Ruan Qi's head.

   Moreover, he also felt that Jiang Chunian's disappearance was a bit strange.

  The ancient martial arts in the early years of Jiang have been abolished, and when the body is the weakest, it is impossible to escape the river with his own strength.

  Unless someone helped him.

   Xi Jiu's mood became even gloomier when he thought that there were people behind Jiang Chunian. He didn't want to spread this emotion to Ruan Qi, so he changed the subject and said, "I have already dispatched additional staff to expand the search scope. Don't worry, baby, Jiang Chunian will catch it sooner or later."

   Speaking of this, he hesitated for a while, but still asked the question that had been in his mind for a long time: "Baby, how much has your memory recovered?"

   Ruan Qi's memory was restored. This was a tacit understanding between the two of them since last night.

  Ke Xijiu took into account her injury, and her doubts were buried in her heart all night, and she never asked.

   Until now, the two mentioned Jiang Chunian again, and this matter finally came to the fore again.

   Ruan Qi's body stiffened visibly.

  Xi Jiu saw that she was so nervous, and immediately changed her words in distress: "Baby, don't say anything if you don't want to, I just..."

   "No, I don't want to say it." Ruan Qi slowly shook his head and interrupted him, "Jiujiu, I just don't know what to say."

She pursed her lips and organized the language, "Actually, I only recovered a few memories, and most things were seen in my dreams. I saw Jiang Chunian and Qiu Weiren in my dreams. Oh yes Now, Qiu Weiren is Qiu Peng, the assistant before Jiang Chunian. Last time I went to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, I caught him back."

   Xijiu: "..."

   Xi Jiu really didn't expect the little girl to do so many great things without a word.

  He was helpless and a little distressed, and asked, "Where is Qiupeng now?"

"In Ember Xiu's apartment. Last time Qiu Peng gave me a USB flash drive, which contained evidence of Jiang Chunian's crime. Jiu Jiu, in fact, I still don't remember exactly what happened ten years ago. I only remember Jiang Chu. Years forced me to drink human blood..."

  Xi Jiu's face instantly covered with frost.

   His voice came out of his throat, gritted his teeth word by word: "He forced you to drink human blood?"

   "Hmm." Ruan Qi frowned, "But I can't remember whether I drank or not. Also, there seems to be a big brother in my memory."

   Xijiu's breath stopped, and his tone was inexplicable: "Big brother?"

   "That's right. A sixteen- or seventeen-year-old older brother, wearing a white shirt, is tall and thin."

   I have something to do today, so I am late. The first chapter is updated, and the second correction is being written.



   (end of this chapter)

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