Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1561: Xi Jiu has a child (two more)

   Chapter 1561 Xi Jiu has a child (two more)

The little girl recalled hard for a moment, and pulled her hair in distress, "I only remember a few pictures of him. He seems to have been thrown into the river to save me. But I can't see his face, so I can't check it. I know his identity. I seem to call him Brother Bingshan in my memory. Jiujiu, I really want to know if he is alive or dead."

  Xi Jiu's heart beat uncontrollably for a few times, and suddenly had the urge to say everything.

   But his Adam's apple rolled, and he finally swallowed the words in his mouth.

   He couldn't tell Ruan Qi that he was Brother Bingshan.

  In Ruan Qi's memory, brother Bingshan was sunk to the bottom of the river to save her. But in fact, the truth was even heavier than her memory.

   Not only was he sunk in the river, but his brain was also severely injured, and he was in a vegetative state for two years in a hospital bed.

  If Ruan Qi knew about much should the soft-hearted little girl blame herself?

  Ruan Qi had already endured too much pain at her age ten years ago, and Xi Jiu didn't want her to add another heavy guilt.

   Hide it for now.

   The mental state of the little girl cannot be easily stimulated. Instead of telling her all the truth all at once and causing her emotional breakdown, it is better to let her think about it little by little.

   At least, that would have a buffer.

  Xi Jiu's heart turned back and forth, but he calmly rubbed Ruan Qi's head on his face.

   "Don't worry, baby. Jiren has his own destiny, and that brother Bingshan will definitely escape. He is reluctant to die, and he wants to watch you grow up happily."

   Xijiu's tone was normal when he said these words, but Ruan Qi felt that something was not right.

   Her eyes flashed, and something suddenly occurred to her mind—

   A year ago when Xi Jiu and her first met, he once asked her a question: he asked her where was August 14th ten years ago.

  Because of losing his memory, Ruan Qi was not very impressed with that summer vacation ten years ago, but only remembered that he seemed to be resting at home during that time.

   But in fact, on August 15th of that year, she was already arrested by Jiang Chunian and entered into Xiaoyao Village.

   August 15 is only one day away from August 14 when Xi Jiu asked.

  Why does Xijiu ask her where she is today?

   Does he have anything to do with what happened ten years ago? Or...he knew her ten years ago?

  Thinking of this, Ruan Qi suddenly came up with an extremely bold guess——

   Xijiu was seventeen ten years ago.

   And the boy in the white shirt in her memories and dreams was also sixteen or seventeen years old.

   Could they be... the same person?

   As soon as this guess arises, it can no longer be pressed. Ruan Qi's heart was beating wildly, and a thin layer of sweat poured out from her fingertips because of her nervousness.

   She squeezed her fingers hard, mobilized all her acting skills to make a calm expression, "Jiujiu, you are right. That brother Bingshan is so good, he will definitely live safely. It's just..."

   She paused, glanced at Xi Jiu and smiled, "Jiujiu, although I can't see his face clearly. But that big brother seems to be a bit like you in terms of temperament."

   Xi Jiu's pupils shrank instantly.

   Ruan Qi's heart also jumped with a 'crack'.

   Xi Jiu's reaction was wrong.

  If it was normal, Ruan Qi might not have noticed such a weak reaction as pupil shrinkage. But now she has the heart to test, so any abnormality of Xi Jiu will be infinitely magnified in her eyes.

   Xi Jiu's reaction was obviously a guilty conscience after being stimulated.

   He may really have something to do with Brother Iceberg.

   Ruan Qi's palm instantly broke into a cold sweat. She felt like her heart was about to jump out, and the pounding sound of her heartbeat made her eardrums rumble.

   Xi Jiu's heart also hangs in the air.


   He opened his mouth and was about to speak when someone suddenly knocked on the bedroom door.

   Dong Dong Dong!

   "Ninth Brother, there is news from the interrogation room that the situation of those few people is not right. Do you want to go over with your sister-in-law to see?"

   is Boya's voice.

   The stagnation in the bedroom was instantly broken.

   Xi Jiu glanced at Ruan Qi before saying anything, turned and walked over to open the door.

   "What happened to the interrogation room?"

"Uh..." Bo Ye glanced at Ruan Qi who was standing behind Xi Jiu, made sure that he didn't disturb the good things of the two, and then said with confidence, "Those people in the X organization seem to be poisoned and their faces are blue. Barkley I didn't find anything, I want you to come and take a look."

   Xijiu let out a 'um' and turned to look at Ruan Qi.

   Ruan Qi was still immersed in the tension just now.

   She let go of her sweaty hands, rubbed her clothes with her back behind her, and said with a slow response, "Wait for me for three minutes, I'll wash my face."

   After the test just now, she had some points in her heart.

   Xijiu is indeed related to brother Bingshan, but the truth is still uncertain.

   It seems that the matter of Brother Bingshan cannot be rushed. If Xi Jiu didn't want to say it, there must be his reasons. She also didn't want to persecute him in order to seek the truth.

  It doesn't matter, she can check it herself.

   Ruan Qi made a decision in his heart, turned around and got into the bathroom.

  Three minutes later, the little girl who had finished washing changed into clean clothes and walked out refreshingly.


   The group came to the second basement floor.

  The interrogation department of the Eagle Department is very secure, and you need to pass six checkpoints to enter the interrogation room. Ruan Qi followed behind Xi Jiu, accompanied by the high-ranking members of the Eagle Department, and passed through many levels, all the way to the innermost room.

   "Boss," the person in charge of the interrogation department saw Xi Jiu and quickly walked out of the interrogation room.

  The door of the interrogation room opened and closed as he walked, and a few screams came from the crack of the door along the gap.

   Xi Jiu frowned slightly when he heard this voice: "Is it tortured?"

   The person in charge hurriedly shook his head: "It's not our hands, it's those people who shouted. BOSS, these people are a bit strange, take a look."

   The person in charge said and pressed the remote control in his hand. The wall of the interrogation room immediately turned into a piece of transparent glass, and the situation in the room was clearly displayed in front of everyone.

   There were three people locked in the interrogation room. Ruan Qi remembered that their faces were all those camouflage uniforms sent by the X organization last night.

   At this time, the three camouflage uniforms sat stiffly on the chairs, their faces dark blue as if poisoned, and their facial features were twisted and screamed.

"We really didn't torture these people. It took them a whole night last night, and they didn't ask anything. These people were like puppets and didn't say a word. Then just twenty minutes ago, they started to feel wrong, their faces It's blue, and his words and deeds look a bit like..."

   The person in charge could not find the adjective, so Ruan Qi, who was standing beside Xi Jiu, answered, "Zombie."

   "That's right! It's zombies!" The person in charge nodded again and again, "They seem to have lost their sense of self."

   Ruan Qi: "Is your body functioning normally?"

   "Everything is normal." The person in charge replied subconsciously. He only reacted after answering, and looked at Ruan Qi suspiciously, "May I ask who you are..."

   Ruan Qi was about to answer that he was Xi Jiu's girlfriend.

   Xi Jiu spoke first: "My baby."


  Boss has a child? !

   Xi Jiu: Give you a chance to reorganize the language.



   (end of this chapter)

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