Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1562: Starving to death (one more)

   Chapter 1562 Starving to death (one more)

   The person in charge looked terrified.

   He was hesitating whether to call Ruan Qi "little miss" when he heard Xi Jiu's voice ringing in his ears again: "It's also my lover."

  My baby. Also my lover.


   The person in charge was deeply grateful for the 'little miss' he hadn't said yet.

God bless.

   Let him save his life.

   The frightened person in charge quickly greeted Ruan Qi. Ruan Qi politely shook his hand and asked, "Can I go into the interrogation room and take a look?"

   The person in charge was stunned for a moment: "Uh...the situation of these few people is relatively dangerous. Miss Ruan may enter the interrogation room by herself..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Xi Jiu said, "I'll accompany her in."

   The person in charge was well aware of Xi Jiu's fighting power, and immediately relieved when he heard the words, "With the boss here, Miss Ruan will definitely not be in danger."

   He pressed the remote control and opened the door of the interrogation room, "You two, please come in."

   The heavy metal gate opened slowly.

   A shrill cry came from the interrogation room.

   Xijiu took Ruan Qi's hand and the two walked in together.

  The interrogation room is very large, and the cold air from the central air conditioner is blowing down from the ceiling.

   There was a white interrogation table in the center of the room, and three men in camouflage were sitting on the three edges of the table.

   They were held firmly in place by handcuffs and iron chairs, handcuffs screeching screeching as they roared and struggled.

   Ruan Qi let go of Xi Jiu's hand, raised his foot and walked over.

   She walked to a camouflage suit and stood half a meter, her clear peach blossom eyes scrutinized his complexion.

"The face is dark blue, the center of the eyebrows is dark, and the lips are purple. The pupils are dilated, and the corners of the mouth are drooling..." Ruan Qi stretched out her hand, grabbed the man's brain and tilted it to the right, "The ears are slightly blue, the head... Huh? "

   The little girl let out a light whimper, put her face close to the camouflage uniform, and observed the back of his head up close.

   "Why is there a little red dot here? It seems to be left after the needle was inserted."

   Ruan Qi rubbed the little red dot with her fingers. The man in the camouflage uniform who was being held by her seemed to be hit by a thunder spot.

   Ruan Qi slapped him on the head: "Don't move!"

   This slap was powerful, even though the man in camouflage had lost his mind, he was still stunned by the slap.

After    Ruan Qi checked his head, he pinched his cheek and pried the man's mouth open.

  Suddenly, a bitter smell came out of the man's mouth.

   Ruan Qi frowned slightly: "This smell is not right."

   "What's wrong?" asked Xi Jiu beside him.

   Ruan Qi: "He smells of medicine in his mouth."

   Ordinary people will only regard this bitterness as bad breath, but Ruan Qi has studied medicine for many years and can clearly distinguish the difference between bad breath and bitter medicine.

   "Did you give him any medicine during the interrogation?"

   The person in charge of the interrogation room heard the question and quickly shook his head: "No."

   "That's weird." Ruan Qi let go of the man in the camouflage uniform and pushed his struggling head aside, "The man looks very healthy from the look of his face. He shouldn't need to take medicine."

   After she finished speaking, she grabbed the man's wrist and took her pulse.

   The pulse is strong and healthier than most people. only……

   "Huh?" Ruan Qi looked puzzled, and carefully probed his pulse.

After   , she stood up, walked over to the second camouflage suit, and grabbed his wrist.

   Ruan Qi felt the pulses of the three men, and the more he touched his face, the more doubtful he became.

   Immediately after, she tore off the hair of the three of them and searched back and forth on the back of their heads.

   Xijiu came over, "Baby, what are you looking for?"

   "Look for the eye of the needle." Ruan Qi answered while searching.

   Xi Jiu frowned suspiciously: "The eye of a needle?"

   "That's right. I suspect that they were injected with some kind of medicine." Speaking of which, Ruan Qi suddenly said "Ah", "I found it! Jiujiu, look here."

   Ruan Qi tugged at the man's hair and pointed to a spot on the back of his head.

   There, there is a very imperceptible little red dot.

   Xi Jiu looked at the little red dot, his eyebrows moved slightly, "Is this a pinhole?"

   Ruan Qi nodded: "Yes. Someone has injected an injection into the back of his head. Judging from the color of the eye of the needle and the degree of healing, the injection time should not exceed 72 hours."

  Due to subcutaneous bleeding, when a person injects an injection, a very inconspicuous wound or scab will be left at the eye of the needle.

   This wound is so tiny that most people don't care. However, an experienced doctor can determine the approximate time when the person injected the injection based on the color, swelling and healing of the wound around the eye of the needle.

   "These three people have the same pinholes in the back of their heads, and their mouths also smell of bitter medicine. They should have all been injected with some kind of drug. By the way, what about the rest of the X organization?" Ruan Qi looked at the person in charge of the interrogation room.

   The person in charge quickly replied: "Shut up in another room."

  Ruan Qi nodded and ordered, "You guys, go and check the back of those people's heads to see if there are the same pinholes."

The members of the    Eagle Club acted very quickly, and within ten minutes, the inspection results were reported.

   The person in charge was shocked when he saw the message sent by his subordinates.

   Ruan Qi had an answer in his heart when he saw his reaction.

   "Do they have pinholes in the back of their heads?"

   The person in charge nodded in shock: "...Yes."

   "Is there a bitter taste in your mouth?" Ruan Qi asked again.

   The person in charge nodded again in shock: "Yes, they all have the taste that Miss Ruan described."

   This time, the truth came out.

   The collective abnormality of these people, nine times out of ten, is related to the injections injected into the back of the head.

   "What was the medicine they injected? Why didn't Buckley find out with the instrument?" Everyone was full of doubts.

  Ruan Qi released his hand holding the camouflage suit and said slowly: "Of course the instrument can't find it out. Because what they injected was not poison, but a medicine to strengthen the body."

   Person in charge: "? Strengthen your body?"

"Yes." Ruan Qi felt the pulse of the camouflage suit and stood up, "The medicine they injected should be able to make the human body's strength reach its peak in a short period of time. It is similar to a stimulant, but it has more side effects than a stimulant. ."

She pointed to the dark blue face in the camouflage suit, "This is the side effect. People who have been injected with this drug will have a strong fighting power during the onset of the drug's effect. However, after the drug's effect wears off, their bodies and consciousness begin to puppeteer. change."

   "Puppetization?" Everyone wondered, "What is that?"

  Ruan Qi: "It is to become a puppet. Not only physically, but also in terms of physical functions, will become a puppet. For example, swallowing, humans can swallow automatically, but puppets cannot."

   Everyone gasped, "Can't swallow, don't you want to starve to death?"

   (end of this chapter)

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