Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1563: The true identity of Ruan's father (two more)

   Chapter 1563 The true identity of Father Ruan (two more)

   "Yes." Ruan Qi nodded, "People who have been injected with this medicine are at their peak physical strength. Even if the medicine fails, their body functions are healthier than most people."

   "But because they can't swallow and have no self-awareness, their bodily functions decline rapidly with hunger, thirst and depletion. Eventually they become a corpse."

   "To put it simply, it is to consume people alive and dead."

   Ruan Qi has studied medicine for more than ten years, and has seen many appalling poisons with Nie Beilou. If she were to rank the savageness of these poisons, she felt that this potion could at least rank in the top five.

   Turns people into a mindless puppet, like zombies and beasts that only shout. Then slowly exhausted life force in hunger and thirst, and finally turned into a real puppet.

   This way of dying is horrible.

   And what's even more terrifying is that if a doctor wants to treat the puppet, he doesn't even know how to do it.

  Because the physical functions of these puppets are normal.

   When the body functions normally, the instrument cannot detect what is wrong. If you can't find out what's wrong, you can't prescribe the right medicine.

   Therefore, even if the hospital has the most advanced medical equipment, it can only watch the puppet die.

   This is horrible.

   Even people like Yingbu, who are used to seeing blood and blood, couldn't help but feel chills all over.

   "Fuck, is the person who developed this potion the devil? Who gave these people the needle?"

   The answer is obvious.

   - X organization.

  Many illegal underground organizations will use various means to restrain members and make them loyal, and the use of medicine is one of these means.

  However, Takabe had never heard of an organization that would use such a terrifying potion.

   This is no longer restraining members, but it is against human nature and treats human life as a toy.

   "Compared to this X organization, our Eagle Department is simply heaven."

   "I used to think that BOSS was inhumane. Now compare it to us, our BOSS turned out to be a soft-hearted angel!"

   "Can you not compare the X organization with the Eagle Department? We are an underground organization with legal documents, not the kind of pheasant organization. Don't make us popular, ok?"

   "Then what to do now? These people... just let them live and die?"

   This question made the interrogation room quiet again.

  Everyone looked at Ruan Qi.

   The little girl who was doing research on several camouflages felt everyone's attention and raised her head suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

   Xijiu didn't want to put more pressure on the little girl, so she glanced at everyone coldly, and patted her head with her big hand, "It's okay. How is the baby's research?"

   "The time is too short to diagnose so much. If I want to investigate further, I have to draw some blood." Ruan Qi said, took a small pill from the wristband and stuffed it into the mouth of the camouflage suit.

   Xijiu: "What do you give him to eat?"

"A first aid medicine." The small pill melted in the mouth, Ruan Qi pinched the neck of the camouflage suit, raised his head, and let the medicine slide down his throat, "He can't swallow now, so he can only feed the medicine like this. This kind of emergency medicine can calm his excitement and make him feel better."

   Xi Jiu was worried that the little girl was too tired, so she reached out to take the man in the camouflage suit, lifted his head, and asked, "Baby, can he regain consciousness?"

   Xijiu is not a good person. These people want to kill Ruan Qi, that is his enemy. Whether the enemy dies or not, how or when he dies, he doesn't care.

   But he cares about Organization X.

   He needs these people to soberly tell the relevant information about the X organization.

  In the past, Xi Jiu's knowledge of the X organization came from Ruan Qi. He knew that Ruan Fengmian and Yang Liu had been hunted down by this organization for twenty years, and he also knew that this organization was mysterious and powerful.

   But how powerful he is, he has no idea.

   Until now, Xi Jiu finally understood how sinister and evil this mysterious organization was.

  X organization cannot stay - this is Xi Jiu's only thought now.

  This organization is too evil, and the threat to Ruan Qi is even greater than Jiang Chunian. If Jiang Chunian is a knife hanging on Ruan Qi's head, then the X organization is the abyss that Ruan Qi will fall into at any time when she walks on the road.

  The abyss is not removed, Ruan Qi is not even safe to go out and walk.

   Xi Jiu felt cold in her heart. He looked at Ruan Qi, Ruan Qi thought for a while and nodded.

   "I can make him sober for a short time. But if I want to be completely sober, I can't do it now. The medicinal materials here are not complete, and I can't develop an antidote for this medicine."

  Xi Jiu heard the words, raised her head and gently rubbed her little head: "It's enough to wake up for a short time. The baby is still injured, don't work too hard. Do you need me to do anything?"

   "Hmm..." The little girl tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "I need a laboratory and some medicines. Also, make these people dizzy first. Excessive excitement will speed up their death."


  What Ruan Qi needed, Xi Jiu quickly arranged.

  There is a hospital in the Eagle Department, and the laboratory is ready-made. Ruan Qi was missing several potions, but the Eagle Department had a wide network of contacts, so Xi Jiu made a few calls, and the missing potions were filled.

   Ruan Qi quickly finished breakfast and got into the laboratory.

   About two hours later, she delivered a small bottle of pills. Xi Jiu took these small pills and went to the interrogation room, where he and Bo Ye and Gu Feiyang stayed for six hours, digging out the secrets in the stomachs of those camouflage suits.

   It was after five o'clock in the evening, Ruan Qi, who had spent a day in the laboratory, finally opened the door and walked out.

   Xi Jiu had been waiting outside, and when the little girl came out, he immediately stood up.

   "Is baby tired?"

   "It's okay. It's much easier than filming." Ruan Qi yawned, reached out to take the man's arm, and hung it on him lazily, "Did you ask the question from the interrogation room?"

  Xi Jiu gave a low 'um'.

   Ruan Qi heard that his tone was wrong, and immediately raised his head and asked, "What's wrong? The result of the interrogation is not satisfactory?"

   "No. I've already asked what I should have asked. It's just..." Xi Jiu paused and touched her face, "Baby, those people said something, which may have something to do with your parents."

   Ruan Qi immediately looked solemn when he heard the words.

   "Related to Mom and Dad? What is it?"

   "The interrogation record is ready. Baby, I'll show you."


   Ruan Qi followed Xi Jiu to the office of the interrogation department.

   Xijiu turned on the computer, retrieved a folder, and opened the documents inside.

   Ruan Qi sat down in front of the computer, his eyes fell on the document.

The    document densely records all the conversations during the interrogation process.

   So many words, Ruan Qi saw the word 'Cheng' at a glance.

   Her pupils shrank slightly.

   "... Organization X is still cooperating with the Cheng family?"

   "Also?" Xi Jiu caught the word, "Have the X organization cooperated with the Cheng family before?"

   Ruan Qi did not expect Xi Jiu to be so keen.

   She pursed her lips, and after a while, she slowly opened her mouth and finally revealed the truth that had been buried for 20 years.

   "When my parents were hunted down, it was the Cheng family and the X organization who did it together."

   "Jiujiu, my father's real identity is the deceased second son of the Cheng family, Cheng Bainian."

   Father Ruan: I am now Niu Hulu Bai Nian


   The update is complete, please ask for a monthly pass, okay?



   (end of this chapter)

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