Chapter 1576 Master knows (one more)

   After discussing with Bai Li, Ruan Qi told old Davis about the chance of survival.

   Of course, she didn't say that she had an artifact, but made up a reason, saying that she had a peculiar fate, and that an expert once promised her a chance to survive.

  Old Davis has a deep research on the metaphysics and numerology of China, and also knows that the mysterious oriental Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon hides many capable people. Therefore, he believed Ruan Qi's words without any doubt.

   "Since there is a chance of life, then this card may be able to be cracked. It just takes some time to crack the card and catch the chance, Miss Seven Kills, you may have to leave later."

   Ruan Qi is fine to go back today. It is not a problem to stay in Davis Manor for a few more hours.

   But, she had to tell Xi Jiu.

   Ruan Qi had a headache at the thought of telling Xi Jiu the prediction results.

  Her physical and mental state has already made Xi Jiu very worried. Now if he tells him that he has drawn a super aggressive card, what kind of worry will he be?

   Ruan Qi didn't want Xi Jiu to worry too much, but when things got to this point, she had to say it if she didn't want to.

   Ruan Qi controlled the wheelchair and left the fortune-telling room with old Davis.

   The door opened, and Xi Jiu, who had been guarding outside, immediately stood up.

   "Are you okay?" He walked to Ruan Qi, squatted down on one knee and looked at her face.

   Ruan Qi shook his head: "Jiujiu, we may have to leave later."

   Going late?

   Xi Jiu was stunned for a moment, and a bad premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

   "Is there a problem with the forecast?"

   Ruan Qi hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Well, there is indeed such a small problem. It's not serious, it's just a small problem."

   Ruan Qi tried to keep things as small as possible, but Xi Jiu noticed the solemn expression on the face of old Davis, and her heart sank to the bottom.

   He stood up slowly and turned to look at old Davis: "Old Duke, what is Xiao Qi's prediction?"

  Old Davis glanced at Ruan Qi, ignoring her pleading eyes, and said to Xi Jiu truthfully, "Thirteen blood-colored stars are sure to die."

  Xi Jiu's head seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and there was an instant 'hum'.

Seeing his reaction, Ruan Qi quickly grabbed his hand: "Jiujiu, don't be nervous. Mr. Davis just said it was scary, but the situation is not so bad. I still have a chance to catch... …”

  Xi Jiu's mind was roaring, and he couldn't hear anything clearly, but he clearly captured the word 'vitality'.

   He grabbed Ruan Qi's hand with his backhand and made a difficult voice in his throat: "What vitality? How to capture it? Can capturing the vitality resolve the predicted result?"

  Xi Jiu has experienced countless lives and deaths. Even though his mind was already in a mess at this time, he still maintained a trace of rationality and accurately grasped the key points.

Old Davis glanced at him with admiration and explained: "Theoretically, as long as this ray of life can be captured, the card can be resolved. But Miss Seven Kills has a strange fate, and I have to wait for the outcome. Grab that line of vitality, and then make a conclusion."

  Xi Jiu had already forced himself to calm down at this time, and he asked in a hoarse voice, "When will I start grabbing life? What do I need to do?"

   "You don't need to do anything. It's enough as long as Miss Seven Kills is by my side. It's uncertain how long it will take to catch anyone. The two of you have to be prepared to leave later."

   Xijiu naturally has no objection.

   As long as he can help Ruan Qi seize that chance of life, let alone leave later, he will be happy to let him lay a floor at Davis Manor.

   After the discussion was over, Ruan Qi followed old Davis into the fortune-telling room.

  The heavy door of the divination room slowly closed, cutting off Ruan Qi's figure and Xi Jiu's gaze on her.

   Xi Jiu silently stood outside the door, with a straight body, but revealed a cold silence.

  Time passed by minute by minute, and an hour passed quickly.

   Xijiu was like a tireless stone statue, still standing straight in the same place, not moving a single step.

  A servant from Davis Manor passed by and walked up to him and asked him if he needed drinks and snacks.

  Xi Jiu, however, seemed to have his five senses closed, and did not respond to the outside world. He only had a pair of eyes staring at the door of the fortune-telling room.

   That's it, another two hours passed.

  The sun gradually fell to the west, and the huge ancient bell of Davis Manor slowly rang sixteen times.

   It's four o'clock in the afternoon.

   Ruan Qi and old Davis haven't come out yet.

   Xi Jiu's whole body's blood gradually turned cold, and his eyes that had barely blinked were stained with bloodshots.

   The servant of the manor came up again and asked him if he wanted to rest.

   Xi Jiu still didn't respond, it was not impolite, but he really couldn't hear the outside world at this time.

   Suddenly, a 'ding dong' sounded in the quiet air.

   The servant standing beside him saw that he was still and couldn't help but reminded: "Sir, your phone is ringing."

   Xi Jiu didn't hear it, and still stared at the door of the divination room.

   At this moment, the phone in his trouser pocket rang several times.

  The servant couldn't stand it any longer, so he dared to pat him on the arm.

   "Sir, your phone is ringing!"

  This time, Xi Jiu finally felt the touch of the outside world.

   He blinked his eyes very slowly, as if the statue that had been covered in dust for thousands of years was gradually awakening. He turned his head and looked at the servant.

   The servant was startled by the bloodshot eyes in his eyes, "First, sir, your phone keeps ringing."

   As soon as he finished speaking, the phone in his trouser pocket rang again.

  Xi Jiu thanked the servant in a hoarse voice, and then took out the phone in a sluggish manner.

   There is a series of WeChat messages on the screen of the mobile phone, all of which are sent by - Nie Beilou.

   Xijiu unlocked the screen.

  【Mr. Beilou: Xiaoqi has recovered his memory? 】

  【Mr. Beilou: What happened? You speak carefully. 】

  【Mr. Beilou: Where are the people? Why don't you answer? How is Xiao Qi's mental state now? 】

  【Mr. North Tower: ? 】

  【Mr. North Tower: ? ? 】

  【Mr. North Tower: ? ? ? 】

  Nie Beilou sent a dozen WeChat messages in a row, and the urgency of his mood was obvious.

   Xi Jiu looked up at the closed door of the divination room, knocked down and sent a message.

   [Xi Jiu: Mr. Beilou, Xiaoqi and I are at Davis Manor. 】

  Nie Beilou should have been standing by the phone all the time, and the reply was very fast.

  【That nobleman who fortune-telling on the overpass? What are you guys doing there? 】

   Xi Jiu hesitated for half a second and told Nie Beilou exactly what happened today.

   It may be that there is too much information, and there has been no reply from Nie Beilou.

   After waiting for about five or six minutes, he made a direct call from across the ocean.

   Xijiu presses on.

"You said that Xiao Qi's life is strange, and old Davis can't predict what will happen to her in the future?" Nie Beilou was straight to the point on the phone, but the focus was not on the results of the divination, but on Ruan Qi's fate, "This is Old Davis said it himself?"

   I went out this morning, and I started writing when I came back in the afternoon. Put a chapter first, and the second correction is being written, and it is estimated that it will be updated in about an hour.



   (end of this chapter)

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