Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1577: Xi Jiu collapses (two more)

   Chapter 1577 Xi Jiu collapses (two more)

   Xi Jiu felt that Nie Beilou's focus was a bit strange.

   When normal people hear these news, shouldn't their first reaction be concerned about whether Ruan Qi will die?

  Why did Nie Beilou pay attention to her fate?

   Xi Jiu felt strange, but she still answered the other party's question truthfully.

"Yes. Old Davis said that Xiao Qi's life is very strange. He can only predict the crisis, but he can't see what will happen to her in the future." Xi Jiu said, paused, and couldn't help asking, "Beijing Lou, is there any problem with Xiao Qi's fate?"

Any questions?

   Big problem!

  Nie Beilou has traveled from south to north for decades, and he knows talented people, different scholars, three religions and nine streams, only a lot more than old Davis.

   And many of the people he knew were masters of numerology and metaphysics.

   And these masters were forced by Nie Beilou to tell Ruan Qi's fortune.

   Of course, Nie Beilou did this not because he relied on numerology and metaphysics.

   But because of Ruan Fengmian and Yang Liu.

   Ruan Fengmian and Yang Liu's identities and backgrounds were too twists and turns. Ever since Ruan Qi was born, Nie Beilou was worried that she would be implicated by her parents.

   He finally got a soft and soft female apprentice, but he couldn't let her be in danger.

   Therefore, Nie Beilou carried Ruan's family behind his back, and secretly found friends to help Ruan Qi die several times.

   And the results of fortune-telling are all the same——

   Childhood twists and turns, wisdom will be hurt. Before the twentieth birthday, there is a death calamity. If you can pass it smoothly, your life will be smooth; if you can't, then the jade will die.

   This hexagram is not a good sign. Nie Beilou got a lot of fire because of this, and even the parents of the Ruan family dared not tell it.

   In order not to let the hexagrams come true, Nie Beilou has been very strict with Ruan Qi in her homework since she was a child. He carefully protected her until she was nine years old. Who would have known that something happened to Ruan Qi when she went to the fishing village in Shanghu.

   She met Jiang Chunian.

The first eight characters in the hexagram of    have been verified - childhood twists and turns, wisdom will be hurt.

   After that time, Nie Beilou felt even more uneasy.

  If all the hexagrams are true, then Ruan Qi will have a catastrophe before his twentieth birthday.

  Nie Beilou raised Ruan Qi nervously until he was nineteen, and Ruan Qi offered to go to the imperial capital. Nie Beilou had no reason to object, and could only watch the little girl go north alone.

  The year Ruan Qi was in the imperial capital, Nie Beilou didn't sleep well at night. He waited anxiously for a year, and Ruan Qi finally passed his twentieth birthday safely.

The death catastrophe in the    hexagram did not appear.

  Nie Beilou heaved a sigh of relief. But before this breath was relieved, old Davis' divination gave him a heavy blow.

   Ruan Qi actually found thirteen blood-colored stars!

   How is this possible? !

   "Theoretically speaking, the death before the age of seven or twenty has passed, and after the age of twenty, it should be smooth sailing."

Nie Beilou told Xi Jiu about his fortune-telling for Ruan Qi, "My friends are all masters of numerology and metaphysics, and their hexagrams can't be wrong. Xiaoqi shouldn't be a unique destiny either. ."

   Ruan Qi's fate, no one knows better than Nie Beilou.

   She is not a unique destiny, nor should she be unable to predict the future.

   Xijiu listened to Nie Beilou's words, and his handsome eyebrows slowly wrinkled: "If Xiaoqi is not a unique destiny, what is the matter with old Davis' divination?"

  As a famous divination genius of the Davis family, the ability of old Davis is obvious to all.

  His divination can't go wrong, but he really can't see Ruan Qi's future.

   "There is something wrong with this matter." Nie Beilou's voice was deep, "I have also studied numerology and mysticism over the years. As far as I know, there is only one type of person in this world who cannot predict the future."

   Xijiu: "Who?"

  Nie Beilou was silent on the phone for a moment before slowly opening his mouth: "...Dead people."

  Xi Jiu's pupils tightened suddenly.

   "It's impossible!" He subconsciously retorted, ignoring that Nie Beilou was an elder, and said coldly, "Xiao Qi is alive and well, how could he be dead! Mr. Beilou, some things can't be said nonsense!"

  Nie Beilou also knew that what he said was somewhat irritating.

   He was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "According to Xiaoqi's original fate, she will have a death catastrophe before her twentieth birthday. But the catastrophe did not appear. Xi's boy, have you ever thought about why this is?"

why is that?

   Xi Jiu's full of anger suddenly solidified, and even his breathing stopped.

  Yes, if those numerology masters' calculations are true, why didn't Ruan Qi's death before the age of 20 appear?'s already there, but all of them don't know it.

  Death calamity, a person who has died, suddenly becoming a unique destiny... All kinds of factors are linked together, and Xi Jiu suddenly has a guess that makes him collapse.

   And this guess, Nie Beilou obviously also thought of it.

   "It is impossible for a person's fate to change suddenly," Nie Beilou's voice was a little hoarse, "It is impossible for a living person to not be able to predict the future. Unless..."

  Unless the person is dead, but for some reason comes back to life.


  The phone became dead silent.

  Xi Jiu's hand holding the phone turned blue and white.

   He felt as if the blood in his body had frozen, and the whole world was spinning with a loud tinnitus.

   There is a death before the age of twenty.

  If you don't get over it, the jade will disappear.

   A sudden change of fate, a future that cannot be predicted...

  When all the clues were linked together, a cruel and crushing truth was placed in front of Xi Jiu——

   Ruan Qi did not survive the death before the age of twenty.

   She died once alone, before any of them knew it.

   She didn't tell anyone, just silently concealed the truth, and then revived by some chance.

  So, her destiny changed.

   Therefore, she cannot foretell the future.

   Because numerologically speaking, she is a dead person.

   dead man.

  What a horrible word.

   is now used on Ruan Qi.

  Xi Jiu suddenly felt as if a huge hole had leaked out of his heart, blood gushed out, and the cold wind poured in unscrupulously, making even his breath chill.

   Such a soft little girl, the treasure he wanted to protect at the tip of his heart, died when no one knew about it...

   Did it hurt when she died?

  Is there anyone by her side? Did those people save her?

  Where was he at that time?

  Why didn't he notice the little girl's death?

  Xi Jiu's heart suddenly ached violently.

   He held the phone tightly, his left hand tightly covered his chest, and his body leaned against the wall weakly. The trachea is like a bellows leaking air, making an unpleasant hissing.

   Nie Beilou on the other end of the phone found that Xi Jiu's breathing rate was not right.

   He hurriedly shouted: "Xi's kid! Calm down! No matter if Xiao Qi is dead or not in numerology, she is standing in front of us alive! She is still alive!"

   She is still alive.

The words    are like the only light in the darkness, shining into Xi Jiu's collapsed world.

   The heart that split open suddenly stopped the blood, and the frozen blood began to flow again.

   Xijiu is like a thousand-year-old human figurine being injected into life, and the collapsed world is rebuilt with steel and iron bones.

   My strength is because of you.


   The old man Baili is about to be exposed.

   The second one will be delivered, alright.



   (end of this chapter)

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