Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1578: Who is the person behind Ruan Qi? (one more)

   Chapter 1578 Who is the person behind Ruan Qi? (one more)

  Nie Beilou's words in a timely manner brought back Xi Jiu's broken sanity.

   He leaned against the wall, took a heavy breath, and closed his eyes to calm down.

Nie Beilou's voice rang again on the phone: "After Xiaoqi's twentieth birthday, I didn't find anyone to calculate her fate. In this way, I'll call those friends who are doing numerology in a while. , let them recalculate for Xiaoqi. If she is really the fate of the dead..."

  Nie Beilou paused, "We'll talk about this when you return to China. I'll also ask this stinky girl how much she's hiding from us."

   Nie Beilou felt distressed and angry when he thought that his precious apprentice had died once.

   The little girl is young, but she has a big idea and dares to hide anything.

   Even the thing that he died once dared to carry on his own.

Does    mean that his master is dead? !

  Nie Beilou gritted his teeth angrily, wishing he could go across the ocean to Country Y now and grab the little girl and give him a feast.

"Let's put the fate of the dead for a while, the left and right Xiaoqi are still alive, so don't worry about it. We are currently dealing with thirteen blood-colored stars. Xiaoqi and old Davis are grabbing life in the fortune-telling room. ?"

   "Yes." Xi Jiu replied.

Nie Beilou was silent on the phone for a moment, and said thoughtfully: "I have heard a little about the divination of the Davis family. Generally speaking, there should be no way to decipher a card like thirteen blood-colored stars. Who said there is still life in Xiao Qi? Old Davis?"

   Xijiu didn't know much about metaphysics and numerology before, so he didn't notice many flaws in Ruan Qi's words.

   Now being told by Nie Beilou, he also faintly sensed that something was wrong.

   He thought about it carefully, and said solemnly: "It's not old Davis. It's Xiaoqi who said that she met a master when she was young, and the master said that she had a strange life and had a chance to survive..."

"What nonsense!" Nie Beilou interrupted Xi Jiu irritably, "This girl has been under my nose since she was a child, and I even shave her baldness on the **** dog of the old Zhangtou's house next door. You know, why can't I remember that she met a master? You can believe this nonsense!"

   "..." Xi Jiu silently accepted the reprimand from his fiancee master.

Nie Beilou scolded a few words angrily, then calmed down and said, "Xiao Qi, this girl doesn't understand numerology, it is impossible to perceive whether she has life or not. There should be more mysterious people behind her to help her, I guess she can Resurrection from the dead is also the handwriting of this person."

   Xi Jiu suddenly remembered something when he heard Nie Beilou's words.

   When he and Ruan Qi reunited in the imperial capital a year ago, Ruan Qi once told him that it is best not to leave the imperial capital for the next week, and if you have to go out, try not to take a plane. Otherwise, he will have a **** disaster.

   Xijiu originally wanted to listen to Ruan Qi's words and stay in the imperial capital for a week. But later, an accident happened on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and he had to leave the imperial capital.

   Then, the disaster of blood light was fulfilled.

   Xijiu encountered an ambush on his way to Shanghai Airport. He didn't bring many people with him that time, and the enemy's firepower was too fierce. Even if his ancient martial arts realm was strong, he almost died in the hail of bullets.

   After that incident, Xi Jiu only thought that Ruan Qi knew numerology and profound arts, so she could predict the crisis.

   But now Nie Beilou said that Ruan Qi did not understand numerology.

   Then how did she find out that he had a **** disaster?

   Xi Jiu pondered for a moment and told Nie Beilou about this.

   Nie Beilou let out a sneer after hearing this.

   "It seems that this girl is hiding something from me, not only about her resurrection. She didn't have any ability to predict and divination before. I think this skill is mostly given to her by the people behind her."

Nie Beilou said, he couldn't help grinding his teeth again, and said to Xi Jiu, "Don't ask her about these things, I'll settle the account with her when I return to China. By the way, does the Xi family know the Zhuge family? I remember you The old man once asked Zhuge Lang to do divination for your father."

   China is a country with vast land and resources, capable of hiding dragons and crouching tigers.

   And among these capable people with hidden dragons and crouching tigers, there is a metaphysics family named Zhuge.

  The Zhuge family is good at numerology, looking at the past, and predicting the future. When Xi Jiu's father, Xi Xiaoran, went into trouble, Mr. Xi invited Zhuge Lang, the head of the Zhuge family, to come out and save him from death.

  Nie Beilou wanted Xi Jiu to go to Zhuge Lang and help Ruan Qi to find a way to survive.

   is just right, and Xi Jiu also has exactly this intention.

   "I'll call my grandfather in a while. Mr. Zhuge and my grandfather are old friends, and he will help so much. In addition to the Zhuge family, I will invite a few other numerology families. The number of people is great."

  Nie Beilou said with an 'um': "Then you can accompany Xiaoqi first. If there is anything, please contact me in time. I'm hanging up and call those old friends."

  Nie Beilou was thinking about Ruan Qi in his heart, so he didn't greet Xi Jiu and hung up the phone.

   Xi Jiu looked at the phone that hung up, opened the address book to find Mr. Xi's phone number, and quickly dialed it.

  Because Ruan Qi's matter has not been finalized, Xi Jiu didn't tell Mr. Xi in detail. He only vaguely said that Ruan Qi was in some trouble and needed to ask Zhuge Lang to come out.

   When Mr. Xi heard that his daughter-in-law had something to do, he immediately agreed without a word.

   After finishing the call with the old man, Xi Jiu called Gong Qi again.

   He asked Gong Qi to contact several aristocratic metaphysics families that he had befriended with the Xi family, and sent invitations to their patriarchs.

   He wanted to invite them together to discuss numerology.

   Xi Jiu made one call after another in an orderly manner, and the mess of things gradually became organized in his instructions.

   By the time the last call was finished, the ancient bell in Davis Manor had already struck seventeen times.

   It was past five in the evening.

   Ruan Qi and old Davis haven't come out yet.

  Xi Jiu felt a little stuffy in his chest, he unbuttoned his shirt twice, and then walked to the door of the fortune-telling room again, the doorman remained motionless.

  It gets dark much earlier in October than in summer.

   When the hour hand of the ancient clock gradually approached the number six, it was completely dark outside.

  The door of the fortune-telling room, which had been closed for an afternoon, slowly opened at the same time.

  Xi Jiu heard the sound of the door opening, her body started to act first, and she rushed to Ruan Qi with a single stride.

   He bent down and put his hands on the armrests of the wheelchair, his black eyes staring at the little girl.

   "Is the baby okay?"

   Ruan Qi shook his head, and smiled with his eyebrows curved.

   Xi Jiu breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her face was normal. Then he raised his head and looked at old Davis beside him.

   "Excuse me, old duke, is there any result from the divination?"

   Xi Jiu looked calm, but old Davis noticed the hand he was clenching tightly on the wheelchair.

   They are all people who love their wives like their lives. The old duke understood Xi Jiu's mood at this time, and nodded directly without hanging him.

   "I caught the vitality, but very faint."

   Calvin'd, and grinded for hours. Put one chapter first, and I'll go to the second chapter.



   (end of this chapter)

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