Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1579: You are not trouble, but happiness (two more)

   Chapter 1579 You are not trouble, but happiness (two more)

   "What do you mean?" Xi Jiu frowned.

Old Davis took the wet towel handed by the servant, wiped his hands, and explained in a slow voice, "Miss Seven Kills does have a hint of vitality in the future, but that vitality is not in her. I can only sense that thread now. The existence of vitality, but it cannot be found."

   For the current Ruan Qi, that trace of vitality is the antidote that can turn her bad luck into a lucky one.

  The antidote now lies in someone else, Ruan Qi must find out that person, so that she can resolve the horrific hexagram and live smoothly.

   But now, old Davis can only sense the existence of vitality, but he can't find who it is on.

   Xi Jiu's face became more solemn after hearing this explanation.

   He lowered his head and glanced at Ruan Qi, grabbed her hand in his palm, and asked old Davis, "How can you find the person with life?"

Old Davis shook his head apologetically: "I'm sorry, with my ability, I can't find that person. I only know that the person with life has a deep relationship with Miss Seven Kills, this person should be Seven Kills Miss has been in contact with in the past, and the entanglement is very deep. As for the other..."

  Old Davis paused, frowned for a moment, and said in a hesitant tone, "Actually, I sensed some other information during the divination, but I'm not sure if it is related to the upcoming crisis."

   Xijiu: "What information?"

   "It's...a relatively depressing and closed scene." Old Davis looked at Ruan Qi and asked in a warm voice, "Miss Seven Kills, forgive me, I want to ask if you have any psychological problems?"

   Xi Jiu's face sank suddenly.

  Ruan Qi didn't expect old Davis to ask such a question, she was stunned for a moment, and then she nodded calmly and lightly.

   "Yes. I've had some bad things happen to me in the past, and I've had a heavy psychological barrier over the years. Does this have anything to do with future crises?"

"I'm not too sure." Old Davis shook his head, "I just felt your inner closure and depression in the process of capturing the vitality. Miss Seven Kills, you know medical skills, and you should also know that human potential is not infinite. People's psychological world is a box. If there are too many negative emotions in it, the box will blow up sooner or later."

   "Although I don't know why I sensed your heart in the process of capturing the vitality. But I think this is the guidance of fate to you, and it is also your heart that is crying out for help."

   "Miss Seven Kills, your heart needs to be vented. If you are too closed, you will gradually die. There is a saying in your country that you will die after you die. Fate is cruel, but there will always be someone who can create miracles."

   "Miss Seven Kills, you have a fiancé who loves you, and a family who loves you. Why don't you try to take a step toward them? Whether you die or not, at least while you are alive, you are close."

  Old Davis's voice was very gentle, with the vicissitudes and tolerance of the 70-year-old, and it struck Ruan Qi's heart word by word.

   Ruan Qi listened silently, her thick eyelashes cast shadows on the bottom of her eyes, which also blocked the turbulent emotions in her eyes.

Seeing that she didn't speak, old Davis sighed deeply and said, "Actually, before I met Miss Seven Kills, my Jennifer was ready to die at any time. She was so sick. He was in bed for three months when he was at his weakest, and was only able to survive on nutritional fluids every day."

"In those three months, I handed all my work to my son and stayed by Jennifer's side every day. She is a person who loves cleanliness and doesn't like having odors on her body. No problem. I wipe her body, wash her hair every day, and carry her to the bathroom.”

"Jennifer thought it was too much trouble for me and wanted the carer to do it. But I told her that I didn't find it annoying at all. On the contrary, it was a blessing to be able to take care of her and go through the hardest times with her. "

   Ruan Qi's eyelashes suddenly trembled twice.

Old Davis looked at her with a smile: "So Miss Seven Kills, you don't have to think that you are a trouble. People who really love you will only love you, not hate you. Maybe they are waiting for you to take the initiative to take this step, rely on them."

   "Being able to be depended on by someone you love is actually a kind of happiness." He smiled and looked at Xi Jiu, "Mr. Xi, what do you think?"

   Xijiu: "Yes."

   He lowered his eyes and looked at Ruan Qi, who was silent, with a deep voice: "It won't be annoying, just happy. It will never be a burden."

   Ruan Qi's left hand on his lap suddenly curled up.

   But the next second, a big hand wrapped around her curled up little fist, holding it firmly in the palm of her hand in a protective and tolerant gesture.

  Old Davis watched this scene gently, with a gratified smile on his face.

   "It's getting late, Miss Seven Killings and Mr. Xi will stay after dinner before leaving?"

   Ruan Qi quickly shook his head to refuse.

But old Davis interrupted her: "Jennifer must have prepared dinner for the two of you early. If you don't stay, I must go to sleep in the basement tonight. Miss Seven Kills, for my old body and bones. , please be sure to show some respect."

   As he said that, he also rubbed his waist, indicating that sleeping in the basement was really miserable.

  The old gentleman has acted to this point, what else can Ruan Qi say?

   Of course it is to stay.


  The old couple and the young couple shared a warm and hearty dinner at Davis Manor.

  After dinner, Ruan Qi stopped bothering too much, drove away with Xi Jiu, and returned to the Eagle Department.

   On the way back to the Eagle Department, neither of them spoke.

   After the driver parked the car outside the Yingbu Building, Xi Jiu took Ruan Qi out of the car and carried him all the way from outside the gate to the suite.

   The door to the suite was slammed shut, and the room was dark without the lights on.

   Ruan Qi was about to ask Xi Jiu to put her down, but Xi Jiu felt the darkness and carried her into the bedroom all the way.

   He put her on the low cabinet by the bedroom wall.

   Ruan Qi didn't know what he was going to do, so he opened his mouth to ask, but as soon as the word 'Jiujiu' reached his mouth, he was blocked by a hot and uncontrollable kiss.

   Xi Jiu was not very normal tonight.

   It may be that he was too frightened during the day, and his emotions were a little out of control. The forbearance on the way back by car was not because of calmness, but because of deliberate suppression before the volcano erupted.

   At this moment, the man who had endured all the way finally broke out.

  The sound of fabric tearing rang out in the dark, and the life of a knitted dress that was worn only once came to an end.

   Xi Jiu's movements were a little urgent. He hugged Ruan Qi out of control, and those burning eyes in the darkness seemed to be swallowing people into his stomach.

   Ruan Qi didn't even have a chance to breathe, and was dragged into the stormy sea together.

  This night, the lights in the bedroom have not been turned on.

  The rain outside the window also rained all night and didn't stop until dawn.

   What, please ask for a monthly pass



   (end of this chapter)

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