Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1580: Daddy Xi who coaxes the baby (one more)

   Chapter 1580 Daddy Xi who coaxes the baby (one more)

   That night, Ruan Qi fell asleep crying.

   When she woke up again, the bed under her was no longer the one from the Eagle Department, but a large snow-white bed on a private plane.

   The little girl who just opened her eyes is half-sleeping still.

   She stared sleepily at the ceiling of the cabin, and a few question marks slowly popped out of her little head.

   "Awake?" A man's low voice came from his ear.

   This voice is very magnetic and very pleasant, but Ruan Qi shrank his neck in a conditioned reflex, and the whole person became a lot more energetic.

  Last night, Xi Jiu used such a magnetic and powerful subwoofer to make her promise over and over again that she would not leave him.

   Ruan Qi couldn't count how many times he promised. By the end, her voice was so hoarse that she could barely speak.

  But even so, Xi Jiu still didn't let her go.

   He made her promise over and over again, dragging her back from the bed again and again. In the end, except for the two wounds where the stitches were well protected, other parts of her body could be described as extremely tragic.

   Thinking of last night, Ruan Qi felt that her waist, legs and buttocks hurt everywhere.

   She grabbed the quilt and wanted to cover her head, but Xi Jiu took a step ahead of the quilt and hugged her into her arms.

   "Baby is angry?" The man's pleasant voice spread out from his chest.

   Ruan Qi can't hear this voice the most right now. As soon as I heard it, my whole body became soft, my scalp was numb, and my face was madly congested.

   She had a small red face, buried her head in the man's chest like an ostrich, and pretended to be dead with her eyes closed.

   Xi Jiu couldn't help but laugh.

  The temperature of the air conditioner in the cabin was a little cold. He wrapped the quilt around the little girl, and then carried the whole silkworm baby into his arms.

   Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand and pressed the back of Silkworm Baby's neck, lifted her out of his chest like a milk cat, then squeezed her chin and dropped a kiss.

   Ruan Qi was pinched by his chin, unable to move, and could only passively endure the man's intimacy.

   It was originally just a light kiss, but because the little girl was too good, the light kiss gradually turned into a deep one.

   The little girl who was kissed with red eyes and a heartbeat couldn't bear it. Just before the gun went off, the little paws turned into scissors, pinching the flesh around Xi Jiu's waist with a knife.

  Xijiu's waist and abdomen had almost no soft flesh, all of which were strong muscles. Ruan Qi's strength was like a mosquito bite, and it didn't hurt at all.

   But he knew that if he kissed again, the little girl would really get angry.

  For sustainable development, Xi Jiu decided not to covet the immediate pleasure. He left the little girl's lips and kissed her gently on the cheek.

   "Baby," he raised his head slightly, his black eyes fixed on the little girl's eyes, his voice was hoarse: "Do you remember what you promised last night?"

   Ruan Qi took a sudden breath.

   She raised her eyes and looked at Xi Jiu with complicated eyes: "Jiujiu, I..."

   "You promise that you will never leave me." The man pressed the back of her neck and kneaded her, his movements were gentle but extremely strong, "Baby, you can't leave me. You can't have an accident."

   Ruan Qi opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

Xi Jiu didn't give her a chance to speak, and said in a hoarse voice: "You don't tell me about Jiang Chunian, you don't tell me when you recover your memory, and you still don't tell me when you discover the X organization. Are you going to tell me if I wasn't there?"

   "Baby, am I not worth your trust?"

   For the first time, the man who has always been cold-hearted showed a hurt expression. He looked a little decadent. He looked at Ruan Qi with a heavy gaze, and there was a trace of grievance and confusion in the depths of his dark eyes.

   Ruan Qi suddenly panicked.

  Ignoring her sore and sore waist, she struggled to get out of the quilt and hugged the man's neck tightly.

   "Jiujiu, I didn't rely on you. I just... I just don't want to cause you trouble..."

   "Only unfamiliar people are called trouble." Xi Jiu's voice was hoarse and scary, "Baby, I am your lover. How can you feel that you are trouble?"

  Ruan Qi opened his mouth, his eyes turned red.

   Of course she knew that Xi Jiu was her lover, and would not find her troublesome.

   But because she knew this, she didn't dare to say anything.

   She didn't want to see Xi Jiu worrying about her all day long.

   She wanted Xi Jiu to be happy.

  But...she seems to be self-defeating.

   Ruan Qi hugged Xi Jiu's neck tightly, trying to coax him. But when his emotions reached a certain level, his throat seemed to be blocked, and he couldn't speak.

   In addition, there have been too many things happening recently, and just after escaping from the X organization, he fell into the fierce hexagram again.

   Ruan Qi was only a 20-year-old girl no matter how powerful she was. With so many emotions accumulated, she was anxious again, and her mentality suddenly couldn't stand and collapsed.

  In an instant, the tears flowed down like a flood that had opened the gate, all flowing into Xi Jiu's collar.

   Xi Jiu sensed something was wrong and wanted to look up.

   But the little girl hugged his neck tightly, her crying body trembled, but she couldn't make a sound.

   Xi Jiu's expression changed suddenly.

   "Baby!" He tore Ruan Qi off his neck with all his strength.

   The little girl's face was flushed from crying, and her pretty little face was full of tears.

   "Jiu, Jiu Jiu..." She cried out with difficulty.

   Xi Jiu quickly took her into his arms.

   "Baby, Jiu Jiu is here. Don't cry, baby don't cry."

   But Ruan Qi was still crying.

   The little girl who rarely sheds tears seems to have lost control of her lacrimal glands.

  Xi Jiu was anxious and distressed. He picked her up with his arms and let her sit on his right arm as if holding a child. He got out of bed and started walking around the cabin.

   "If the baby doesn't cry, the eyes will be swollen and not beautiful."

   Xijiu has always been taciturn outside, and even with Ruan Qi, most of the time he acts as a listener.

   He really doesn't know how to say sweet words, so he can only imitate those parents who coax children and say some childish words in a low voice.

'It doesn't look good when your eyes are swollen when you cry', 'The best baby will buy you candy if you don't cry'... At the end, the anxious and sweaty Xi BOSS even said 'If you cry again, you will be spanked'. All said.

   The crying little girl was probably frightened by the spanking, her crying stopped suddenly, and she hiccupped fiercely.

   "Jiu, Jiu Jiu..." The little girl opened her walnut eyes in horror, and a second wave of tears began to accumulate in her eyes.

When    Xijiu saw her, he quickly coaxed her: "No spanking. The baby doesn't cry, no spanking."

   Ruan Xiaoqi breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but burp again.

  She hugged Xi Jiu's neck like a child, pressed her wet face to his neck, and rubbed her tears on his clothes regardless.

"...I don't rely on Jiujiu," the little girl's voice was full of tears, and the tears were still flowing out, "I just want Jiujiu to be happy. If I really die, I want to let Jiujiu be happy before I die. Nine happy."

   (end of this chapter)

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