Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1581: By your side, there will always be me (two more)

   Chapter 1581 You will always have me by your side (two more)

   Ruan Qi's idea is actually very simple. She only hopes to make her family and Xi Jiu happy within her power.

   She hopes that what she brings to everyone is happiness, not sadness.

   Even if she does die one day, she hopes that her family and Xi Jiu will be happy when they think of her.

   The little girl cried and twitched, and spoke her heart out intermittently.

  Xi Jiu knew what she was thinking, and her heart felt like a blunt knife, and the pain was terrible.

  The children of other people's families do what they do, and they do nothing like quarreling with their parents, running away from home, or rolling around.

   But the little girl in his family was obviously raised by the elders, but she is sensible and distressed, and she has to take care of such a big thing by herself.

   Xi Jiu sighed, hugged Ruan Qi and sat down on the sofa, digging out her little face from her neck.

   "Baby," he squeezed her chin and made her look up, "Look at me."

   Ruan Qi cried and looked at him with watery eyes.

   Xi Jiu gently wiped away the tears from her face with a tissue, and said solemnly, "Baby, what I'm going to say next may make you uncomfortable. But you have to listen carefully."

   He held the little girl's face, looked into her eyes, and said word by word.

"Baby, if you die, I will accompany you. I know what you want to say, you hope I can look forward, I can think about my parents, and you hope I can live strong. But baby ,I can not do it."

   "Baby, I am an ordinary person. I have no steel and iron bones, and I am not omnipotent. I am selfish and cowardly. I just want to be by the side of the people I love."

"My mother is accompanied by my father, and so are your parents. Your brother Ruan Munan will have a lover who only belongs to him in the future, and even Da Hui is accompanied by Xiao An. Everyone living in this world has them Destined destination. And my destination is you."

   "Baby, if the tired bird has no home, he will die. You always want to leave happiness to everyone, but baby, if you are gone, I will have no happiness."

  Xi Jiu has never said so much, but today, word by word, he cut open all his thoughts.

  If he had never met Ruan Qi, he might have lived in such a dull and lonely life until the end of his life.

   However, he met her.

   Ruan Qi is his honey.

   If a person has tasted the sweetness of honey, how can he endure the bitterness of loss?

   Ruan Qi is the only sunshine and color in his life. If she dies, what will life without color and sunshine be like?

  Xi Jiu's voice was low and hoarse, and her tone was obviously very gentle, but those words were like a small hammer, which struck Ruan Qi's heart with pain.

   She suddenly realized that maybe she really did something wrong before.

   Her scruples, concealment, and evasion all seemed extremely despicable in front of Xi Jiu's sincere and strong feelings.

   She always wished Xi Jiu a good life, even without her, she also hoped that he would be happy.

   She thought about him blindly, but forgot to ask Xi Jiu what he really wanted.

   Now she finally knows.

  What Xi Jiu wanted was to be with her in life and death.

   Ruan Qi couldn't hold back his emotions and started to cry again.

   She hugged Xi Jiu's neck, leaned on his shoulder and said 'I'm sorry'.

"...Jiujiu, I won't hide anything from you in the future, I'll tell you everything." The little girl's voice was hoarse, her nose was full of tears, "I can't leave Jiujiu. I don't want to die. Woo... I don't want to die! I want to be with Jiu Jiu for the rest of my life!"

  The always strong little girl finally cried and spoke her heart.

   Xi Jiu felt extremely distressed, hugged her tightly and wished to embed her in her body.

   "Baby don't cry," he kissed her red ears from crying, "You won't die, you won't die. Baby, no matter what you do, I will let you live."

   "...But what if I can't live?" The little girl began to dig into the horns.

   Xijiu laughed, attached to her ear, and promised softly: "Then I will accompany you too. Baby, whether you live or die, you will always have me by your side."

   So, don't be afraid.

  Whether it’s the fireworks world or the underworld, we will always be together.


  Because of the last few words Xi Jiu said, Ruan Qi burst into tears and the earth shook.

  Shen Wenqian, who was sleeping in another room, was abruptly woken up by this horrific cry. With his head on the chicken coop, he knocked on the door of Xi Jiu's room in a daze.

   "Master Xi, what's the matter? Xiao Qi cried?"

   The howling of ghosts and wolves in the room stopped abruptly.

   Ruan Qi stared at the rabbit's eyes in horror, and twitched his words: "Shen, why is Brother Shen here?!"

   Xi Jiu thinks the little girl's stammering appearance is too cute.

   He hooked his lips and said with a smile: "He is your manager, of course he will follow us when we return to China."

   Ruan Qi then remembered that today is the day he was supposed to return to China.

   Originally, Shen Wenqian bought a return ticket the day before yesterday.

   But yesterday, too many things happened at Davis Manor and Xi Jiu lost control and tossed Ruan Qi all night. Ruan Qi was tired and lethargic, unable to catch the morning flight at all, and Xi Jiu was reluctant to go to the flight with her injured legs.

  So, with Shen Wenqian's approval, Xi Jiu decided to go directly by private jet.

   "It took an hour to apply for the flight route. We just took off not long ago. Shen Wenqian said that there may be fans picking up the plane when he returned to China this time. He was afraid that you would not be able to handle it alone, so he went with us."

  Ruan Qi heard this, and the rabbit's eyes widened a little again, "Pick up, pick up the plane? Fans are coming to pick up the plane?!"

   Xijiu nodded slightly.

   Ruan Qi sat up straight, "Then what about my eyes? How can I see fans when I cry like this?!"

  The little girl said, and hurriedly looked for a mirror in the cabin.

   As a result, she couldn't find the mirror, so she could only turn on the camera of Xi Jiu's mobile phone and use the front camera as a mirror to take a look——

In the    high-definition pixel lens, there is a miserable little pity whose hair is messed up into chicken coops, his eyes are swollen into walnuts, and his eyes are as red as a rabbit.

   Ruan Xiaoqi: "..."

"this is not me!!!"

  The little girl was very broken.

  She put the phone back in Xi Jiu's hand, hurriedly jumped onto the carpet, put on her slippers and rushed out.

   The door to the room opened with a click.

   Standing outside the door, Shen Wenqian saw the little crazy girl.

  Shen Wenqian: "..."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   The two looked at each other for a long time.

  Ruan Qi witnessed Shen Wenqian's expression change from sleepy and dazed to dull eyes, then surprised and shocked, unbelievable, and finally collapsed completely.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi! What did you do to yourself?! How did your eyes become like this!!!"

   "Shen, Brother Shen, listen to me, I just had an accident..."

   "What an accident! You're going to meet fans in eight hours! What do you want to see? Those swollen walnut eyes that are taller than Mount Everest!"

   "No...I can explain..."

   "Explain the fart!!!"

   At an altitude of 30,000 feet, Shen Wenqian's collapsed scream rushed out of the cabin, reached the atmosphere, and shook the universe——

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, go and wash your face for me right away! If your eyes don't get swollen within an hour, I will jump off the plane with you in your arms! Body! Hide! Sea!!!"

   Ruan Xiaoqi: Woohoo...


   Another sweet chapter, Mr. Xi yyds!

   For the sake of being so sweet, treasures, give a monthly ticket [beautiful]



   (end of this chapter)

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