Chapter 1589 Seeing Bai Li (two more)

   "The result of the divination"

   Ruan Qi spoke very fluently about matters related to Jiang Chunian's X organization. But when it comes to divination, she seems to have something stuck in her throat, so she can't say it.

   She really didn't know how to tell her family that she might die.

  The little girl stumbled for a long time, but she didn't get to the point.

   Xijiu saw that her anxious forehead was sweating, so she couldn't help but speak for her, "Uncle and aunt, it's hard for Xiaoqi to talk about this, I'll tell her for her."

   Ruan Fengmian, Yang Liu and Ruan Munan faintly realized that what they were going to say next might not be acceptable to them.

   Several people's hearts were raised.

   "Old Duke Davis gave Xiaoqi 13 blood-colored stars fortune-telling."

   Xi Jiu’s speech was very concise. He omitted all the process, without any detours, and directly and cruelly stated the fierce hexagram that Ruan Qi had divination.

  The three members of the Ruan family's faces became uglier the more they listened, until Xi Jiu said that old Davis had grabbed a chance for Ruan Qi, and a few people took a breath.

   But soon, they realized something was wrong.

"Xiaoqi's fate is strange? Can't predict the future?" Ruan Fengmian frowned in confusion, "Isn't it? Didn't the half-blind old fairy in our back village have fortune-telling for Xiaoqi before? He said her fate is very good. . How can it be strange?"

  "..." Ruan Qi was silent for a moment, then said speechlessly, "Dad, that old fairy is a liar."

   Ruan Fengmian: "Even if you are a liar, your destiny should not fail to predict the future. How can a good person have no future?"

  Yes, how can a good person have no future?

   Ruan Qi looked at Ruan Fengmian's concerned eyes, pursed her lips, and lowered her eyes sadly.

   Xi Jiu and Nie Beilou, who knew the inside story, were also silent.

  The atmosphere in the study was a little dignified.

  The three members of the Ruan family were keenly aware of the difference between Xi Jiu and Nie Beilou, and their hearts gradually filled with unease.

   Ruan Fengmian felt a little panic in his heartbeat, he sat up straight, his voice tightened: "What the **** is going on? Master Beilou? Ajiu?"

  Nie Beilou straightened his thin lips and looked at Xi Jiu expressionlessly.

   Xijiu pursed her lower lip and said in a deep voice, "Xiao Qi she..."

   "Jiu Jiu."

   Ruan Qi suddenly interrupted him.

  Xi Jiu turned to look at her, the little girl pursed her lips, and whispered, "I'll talk about it myself. I'll talk about this myself."

   Xi Jiu's black eyes showed concern.

   Ruan Qi shook his head to indicate that he was fine. Then, she turned her head and looked at Ruan Fengmian and the others.

   "Mom and Dad, brother, actually I..."

   It is very difficult to confess death to a family who loves you.

  Ruan Qi clenched his fists hard, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, "Actually, I died once! Now I'm a dead person!"

  The air in the study seemed to stop at this moment.

   The three Ruan family's ears kept echoing the words that the little girl had just shouted, and they only thought that it was all a funny dream.

  How could Xiaoqi die once?

   They are such a cute little girl from the Ruan family, who has always been alive and kicking, how can she be a dead person?

  The dead should be...not breathing and stiff.

   Ruan Fengmian didn't believe Ruan Qi's words, the corners of his lips twitched nervously, as if he was smiling, but his eyes were red.

   "It's impossible." He shook his head, as if to comfort himself, "My daughter is always alive and kicking, how could she be a dead person? Girl, you can't play such a joke with Dad."

   Ruan Fengmian said, and smiled again, as if feeling helpless for the mischievous little daughter.

   But Ruan Qi could hear the obvious trembling in his voice.

   Ruan Qi opened her mouth, and guilt flashed across her pretty peach blossom eyes: "Dad, I'm sorry..."

   The far-fetched smile on Ruan Fengmian's face completely dissipated in this "I'm sorry".

   His eyes became more and more red, and his voice trembled out of tune: "When did it happen?"

   "...Last year in August, not long after coming to the imperial capital." Ruan Qi couldn't bear to look at Ruan Fengmian's red eyes again, lowered her eyes, and told everything that happened this year.

   She said her original destiny - she should have died in a nightmare when she was exhausted of her mental power before she was twenty years old.

   Then, she said that she was killed by something falling from the sky at the crossroads last August, and some adventures that followed.

   "I met an old grandfather who helped me live until now. It was also he who told me that I had a chance to survive, and he helped me a lot."

The    artifact is a secret, Ruan Qi can't say it directly, he can only say that he is an old grandfather with magical powers that does not belong to the real world.

   The Ruan family became more and more shocked. If they didn't know that their little girl would not lie to them, they would even think it was a fantasy.

   "I thought you were resurrected because you met a hidden master, who saved you by changing your fate. I didn't expect the truth to be like this..."

   Ruan Fengmian was shocked, and even the well-informed Nie Beilou had a look of surprise in the eyes.

   He put down the teacup in his hand and asked Ruan Qi, "Can you invite that old man over to meet us?"

"Ah, yes yes yes. We should meet!" Ruan Fengmian hurriedly agreed, "The old man saved Xiao Qi, we should thank him in person. If he doesn't want to come, we can go to the door in person. But, um... he lives. Where? Cemetery?"

   Ruan Qi said that the old man did not belong to the real world, so everyone subconsciously thought he was a ghost.

   Ruan Fengmian was even ready to buy a cart of ingot candles. No matter whether the grandfather is a human or a ghost, he is his benefactor who saved his daughter.

   Ruan Qi did not expect his old father to have such a rich imagination. The corners of her mouth twitched, hesitating not knowing how to answer.

  Nie Beilou saw her hesitation, and said in a low voice, "Is that senior inconvenient to see people? If he doesn't want to, we can communicate by letter. I want to know your fate from him."

   "Communication by letter?" Ruan Fengmian was stunned, "Did you burn it for him?"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   Ruan Qi felt that if the elders of her family were allowed to talk more, the topic might be about moving the tomb of the old man Bai Li to make a golden body.

   In order to prevent such a horrible thing from happening, she decided to contact the 'grandfather' in the system.

  'Old Grandpa' was almost dying of laughter in the system.

As soon as    Ruan Qi's mental power came in, he heard the laughter of heaven and earth.

  "..." She silently looked at Bai Li, who fell down with laughter.

  Bai Li smiled and wiped away her tears: "Ruan Xiaoqi, your family is so interesting. You actually want to burn letters to me!"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  Ruan Qi rolled his eyes unbearably and said, "Uncle Bai Li, stop laughing. Master and the others want to see you, what should I do?"

  Bai Li tried her best to restrain her hilarious laughter, rubbed her belly that hurt from laughter, and said condescendingly, "I'll see you then."

   Ruan Qi was startled: "...But isn't the divine weapon a secret?"

   "Then sign a confidentiality contract." Bai Li replied, "Those who sign the contract will be struck by lightning if they reveal their secrets. Ask them if they agree or not. If they agree, I will meet with them."

   "But I don't have enough spiritual power right now, so I can't form a solid body. When I float out, don't frighten your family."

   (end of this chapter)

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