Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1590: Bai Li is now in the world (one more)

   Chapter 1590 Bai Li is in the world (one more)

   Ruan Qi was the first to know that there was such a thing as a nondisclosure contract.

   She hesitated for a moment and asked worriedly, "Will signing a confidentiality contract have any bad influence on my family? For example, life loss, fortune, etc..."

   Bai Li couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard this.

   "Stinky girl, old man, I am an orthodox artifact, not a crooked one. It's just a contract. As long as your family doesn't reveal the secret, the contract won't have any effect on them."

   Ruan Qi felt relieved when he heard the words.

   She exited the system and said to Ruan Fengmian, "Dad, in fact, that old grandfather has always followed me."

  "?" Ruan Fengmian was stunned, "I've been following you? Is he the spirit behind you?"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   Did her dad read too many ghost and **** novels, why is his brain so big?

"He is not a spirit behind him, nor is he a ghost. He is a kind of spirit body." Ruan Qi explained helplessly, "I discussed it with him just now. He said that he could meet with everyone, but the fathers must sign a confidentiality agreement. "

   Ruan Fengmian: "Confidentiality contract?"

   "Yes." Ruan Qi nodded, "The confidentiality contract is signed by spiritual power. If the signer leaks the secret, he will be bombarded by five thunders."

   The body may not be able to withstand a single thunderbolt, let alone five thunderbolts.

   Ruan Qi wanted everyone to think about it again, but Ruan Fengmian nodded and agreed without thinking about it.

   "Okay, I'll sign. How about you, daughter-in-law?"

   Yang Liu, who was sitting beside him, had not recovered from the blow that Ruan Qi had died once.

   Her eyes were a little red, and she said dumbly, "Of course I have to sign. That old man is Xiao Qi's savior, and even if I don't sign, I won't reveal his secret."

   "I also signed." Ruan Munan said along with his mother, "I want to thank him in person for saving my sister."

   The three members of the Ruan family did not hesitate.

  Nie Beilou and Xi Jiu couldn't miss this opportunity to communicate with Bai Li.

   Ruan Qi saw that everyone had made up their minds, so he used his mental power to contact Bai Li.

   "Uncle Bai Li."

   "I heard it." Bai Li's voice sounded in her mind, "I'll make a contract now."

  Not long after Bai Li's voice fell, several mental powers rushed out of Ruan Qi's body.

   They were divided into five directions, rushed towards Ruan Fengmian Xijiu and the other five, and then got straight into their eyebrows.

  In an instant, the contract was formed, and the spiritual imprint of the white glass artifact was imprinted in the sea of ​​memory of several people.

   All this happened too fast, it only took a few seconds from start to finish, and Ruan Fengmian and the others hadn't reacted.

   At this moment, they suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice in the study.

   "Seven girls, get me a chair, I want to sit."

   This voice should sound like an old man, but his tone is very lively.

   Ruan Qi couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard Bai Li's request: "Uncle Bai Li, you are a spirit body and you are not tired. What chair are you sitting on?"

   "What happened to the spirit body? The spirit body can't sit? Hurry up! Get me a chair!"

   The members of the Ruan family who were stunned in place finally realized who the voice was.

   Ruan Fengmian hurriedly pushed Ruan Munan: "Mu Nan, hurry up and bring a single sofa outside."

   Ruan Munan got up and was about to leave.

   But before he took two steps, he was stopped by an invisible force.

   "You don't have to be so inspiring, just get a chair." Bai Li's lively and casual voice rang again, "Just the one by the wall, Ruan family boy, help me get it."

   After the words fell, the invisible force that was blocking Ruan Munan dissipated.

   Ruan Munan suppressed the shock in her heart, walked quickly to the wall and lifted the chair.

  Bai Li: "Just put it next to the seventh girl. Oh, yes, yes, just let it go. Ruan family boy, please let me go, I'm coming out."

   Ruan Munan immediately stepped aside.

   The next moment, a white light suddenly lit up in the study.

  The white light is not dazzling, with a holy gentleness.

   Everyone in the Ruan family watched with bated breath, and a misty figure slowly condensed in the gentle white light.

   That figure was very illusory, and he could only vaguely see the outline and facial features. He came out of the white light, floated to a chair and sat down.

   "Hello everyone. The first time we met, my name is Bai Li."

  Bai Li's voice is very easy-going, with a bit of urchin-like liveliness, very familiar.

  But none of the Ruan family replied.

   They were all shocked by Bai Li's not very materialistic approach.

  However, the Ruan family had seen strong winds and waves, and they quickly recovered from their shock.

   Ruan Fengmian stepped forward first: "That... Senior Bai Li, hello. I'm Xiao Qi's father, Ruan Fengmian."

   said, he was about to stretch out his hand and give Bai Li a courtesy shake.

   Ke had just stretched out his hand halfway when Ruan Fengmian suddenly remembered that Bai Li was not a real body.

  ...this is a bit embarrassing.

   Ruan Fengmian's warm and handsome face showed a bit of apology.

  Bai Li waved his hand indifferently: "Everyone is their own people, don't care about these details. I'm not enough spiritual power now, so I can't condense it into a solid body. When I can consolidate it later, you can hold it for as long as you want."

   Ruan Fengmian was relieved when he heard the words.

   The old fairy looks very easy-going, and should not be unbound from his daughter casually.

   It’s fine if you don’t untie it.

   As long as he can keep his daughter alive, he is willing to recognize Bai Li as his ancestor.

   For the sake of her daughter, Ruan Fengmian has no air in front of Bai Li. He said hello to Bai Li, and then prepared to introduce the Ruan family.

  Bai Li interrupted him.

   "No need to introduce, I know the Seventh girl's family. I'm bound to the Seventh girl, and I can see what happened to her outside. You are all very good people."

   When Ruan Fengmian heard the words, he swallowed the introduction of his family, and prepared to thank him for saving Ruan Qi's life.

  Bai Li seemed to know what he was going to say and interrupted him again.

"I don't need to say thank you. Old man, I have lived for tens of thousands of years, and the seventh girl is the only one who binds me. The relationship between me and the seventh girl is the same as you and her. I treat her as my own family and save her. I want her too."

   "So you don't have to be restrained. I'm used to being casual, and it's uncomfortable for you to restrain me too much."

The old man Bai Li always said something, and Ruan Qi also echoed: "Uncle Bai Li is right. Dad, don't be so nervous. Uncle Bai Li doesn't eat people, he has a good temper, and he was arrested a few days ago. I'm pulling my beard."

  Bai Li: "..."

   This goes without saying.

   Can you leave a pair of bottoms for the old man?

  Under Ruan Qi's merciless revelation, the Ruan family finally understood Bai Li's true character, and their hanging hearts also fell to the ground.

   "Since Senior Bai Li said so, then we will not be polite to you. That, er... Senior Bai, can you eat fruit? Let me wash it for you?"

   Bai Li's eyes lit up immediately.

   (end of this chapter)

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