Chapter 1595 Brother Ruan (two more)

   "Wow! So is he handsome?"

   "Of course he's handsome!" Ruan Qi frowned, "Puppy looks as handsome as his brother! They're all super handsome!"

  The hostess is also a handsome dog, and quickly asked: "Your brother is also a handsome guy?"

   Ruan Qi was about to answer, when the male host on the side suddenly let out an 'ah', "I remembered! Did Xiao Qi and brother go on the hot search together before? Was it the late night airport pick-up?"

The male host    said that Ruan Qi came back from filming abroad last month, and Ruan Munan went to pick her up at the airport late at night, but was photographed by the paparazzi.

   At that time, the paparazzi used the eye-catching topic # Ruan Qi and a man in an intimate embrace at the airport#, which scared netizens almost thinking that Ruan Qi was in love.

   It turned out to be Ruan Qi's brother.

"Ah! I remembered it too, and I've seen that hot search!" The hostess also remembered this, and said a little excitedly, "At that time, I also said that Brother Ruan Qi's back is really handsome and his figure is super. Good! So Xiao Qi, your brother is not only handsome in his back, but his face is also very handsome, isn't he?"

"Yes!" Ruan Qi especially liked to hear people compliment Ruan Munan, and answered happily, "My brother and I look alike, both with peach blossom eyes. However, my brother's temperament is very gentle, and he has a 100% chance of turning his head on the road. kind of."

   The two hosts exaggeratedly screamed.

   "Looks a lot like Xiaoqi, that brother is really good-looking. I like this one from Young Master Wenrun the most!"

The hostess said, tidied up her clothes with a pretentious attitude, and said shyly, "Xiao Qi, I'm still single, I wonder if you can introduce me to your brother? To be honest, I want to be your sister-in-law. ."

  Although he knew that this was the effect of the show, Ruan Qi almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

   She looked at the hostess in horror, "Mr. Xiaojing, I regard you as my sister, but you are jealous of my brother? Co-author, I'm just a tool person?!"

   The little girl's expression and tone were in place, and she went back and forth with the hostess, making the audience laugh.

  The hostess didn't expect Ruan Qi to be able to pick up the stalk so much, and she couldn't help but like her a little more in her heart.

   She waved her hand with a smile, and said with a shy face: "Oh, Xiao Qi, you are wrong. It's not your brother that I am greedy for, but your brother's body and face. To be honest, I am Yan Xinglian."

The male host on the side of    immediately pushed her with disgust: "What kind of sex? Isn't it just lustful? Brother Xiaoqi will never like a rogue like you. Xiaoqi, do you think it is?"

   Ruan Qi immediately crossed his arms and made a big rejection on his chest.

   "Mr. Xiaojing, although you are excellent, my brother is addicted to work and doesn't want to fall in love. He has already rejected more than a dozen blind dates!"

   Male host: "So your brother is a workaholic?"

   "Yes." Ruan Qi looked helpless, "He works every day except for work, a typical 007 work system enthusiast. His family persuaded him many times to find a girlfriend, but he just wouldn't listen."

  The male host heard the words and couldn't help but let out an 'Oh Huo': "Someone actually likes 007, your brother is so busy, isn't he a computer guy?"

   "Uh..." Ruan Qi thought about the business scope of Yunqi Group and nodded, "It's one of them, it's engaged in electronic technology."

"Wow! It's very tall when I hear it." The male host exclaimed, "You are a scholar, and your brother must be very good. I like 007, a workaholic, and handsome, such an excellent employee, your brother's company's The boss must love him to death, right?"

   Ruan Qi didn't want to reveal Ruan Munan's identity in front of the camera, so he had to laugh twice politely.

   Fortunately, this topic quickly turned over, and everyone began to chat about things related to "Blade".


The    variety show was recorded until more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

  After recording the show, Ruan Qi interacted with the fans downstairs, then left the TV station by car and went straight to the airport.

   arrived at the airport, and the group hurriedly boarded the plane back to the imperial capital. When the plane landed two hours later, Ruan Qi did not go home and went directly to the Imperial Capital International Hotel.

  Rong Yao League playoffs are two days away.

   The playoffs will be held in the Imperial Capital. The myq team flew in from Shanghai the day before yesterday and are currently resting at the Imperial Capital International Hotel.

   For the next two days, Ruan Qi stayed in the hotel for the final run-in with his teammates before the game.

   "Among the seven teams that entered the playoffs, TVT and 3w are the strongest. TVT is an old friend, so I won't analyze it first. Let's focus on 3w."

   On the last night before the game, Ruan Qi stood in front of the writing board and used a marker to draw a circle on the 3w ace player Ah Gun.

   "A Gun developed a new style of play, and his accuracy and hand speed broke his previous records. Thor and I made three plans to deal with..."

Jingle Bell--!

   The phone on the table suddenly rang.

  Ruan Qi put down the marker, took the phone and looked down——

   Ruan Munan.

  Why did my brother suddenly call?

   The little girl was a little surprised and quickly pressed the switch button: "Brother?"

   "Little Seven."

   Ruan Munan's gentle voice came from the receiver, "Are you still training? Did it bother you?"

   Ruan Qi hurriedly shook his head: "No. The training is over and I'm studying tactics. Brother, what's the matter with you?"

   "Yeah." Ruan Munan chuckled on the phone, "I just got off work and bought some late-night snacks on the way to comfort our hard-working Little Qinglong. Xiaoqinglong, can you come down? I'm outside the hotel."


   Brother here? !

  Ruan Qi's body is faster than his brain, he rushed to the window with a few strides, opened the window and looked out.

   In the darkness of the lights, a black Mercedes-Benz parked quietly on the side of the road. The person in the car seemed to know that she was looking at him, so he dropped half of the car window and reached out and waved at her.

   "Did you see me?" Ruan Munan on the phone smiled softly.

   Ruan Qi looked at the hand sticking out from the car window, and was very surprised, and quickly said: "Brother, wait for me! I'll go down immediately!"

   "Wear a mask." Ruan Munan did not forget to remind.

   Ruan Qi repeatedly agreed, hung up the phone, picked up a mask and ran out.

   "What are you doing, Xiao Qi?" Jin Yuanbao didn't have time to stop her.

   Ruan Qi pushed open the door like a gust of wind, and waved to the people behind him: "My brother bought a late-night snack, I'm going down to pick him up! Come back soon!"


   Outside the hotel building, a black Mercedes-Benz parked quietly on the side of the road.

   It was almost early morning, and there was no one near the hotel. Ruan Munan looked around vigilantly, and after confirming that there were no paparazzi, she lowered all the windows of the car.

  The little girl wearing a sweater and a mask ran out of the hotel in a hurry.

   Ruan Munan laughed and waved at her.

   "Little Seven, come here!"

  The little girl immediately ran from the door of the hotel to the opposite side of the road like a summoned beast, opened the passenger's door and went straight in.


   An extremely weak shutter sound mixed with the autumn wind dissipated in the night.

  In the dark place where no one can see, a distorted smile appeared on a face full of jealousy.

   Ruan Munan: I heard that my role is coming. [The corners of the mouth rise wildly]



   (end of this chapter)

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