Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1596: Stand up for my brother (one more)

   Chapter 1596 Stand up for my brother (one more)

   In the car, Ruan Qi looked at Ruan Munan with bright eyes, her eyes filled with joy.

   "It's so late, brother, why did you come back?"

   Ruan Munan rubbed her hair with a smile: "Don't worry about you. You stayed in the hotel for three days and didn't go home. Grandpa and grandma all want you."

   said, he pointed to the rear seat, "Didn't you always want to eat the crayfish downstairs in my company? I bought some for you, and you will take it up and eat it with your friends later."

   Ruan Qi turned his head and glanced at the big box with the crayfish on the back seat, and was pleasantly surprised.

   "Thank you brother!"

   The little girl was as happy as a little bunny comforted by rua, her ears were up.

   Ruan Munan hooked her lips, looked at her tenderly, and was about to speak when the phone on the center console suddenly rang.

   He paused, took the phone, and frowned indistinctly when he saw the caller number on it.

   Ruan Qi saw that his expression was wrong, and asked curiously, "Brother, whose phone is it?"

   As she spoke, she looked at Ruan Munan's phone.

   But Ruan Munan didn't give her a chance to take a peek, so he hung up the phone and snapped the phone screen down.

   "No one, harassing calls."

   Ruan Qi was skeptical of this explanation.

  If it was really a harassing call, how could my brother have such an impatient expression?

   Ruan Qi was puzzled, but before she could ask, the phone that was pinned to the center console rang again.

   This time, Ruan Munan's face became even more ugly.

   He picked up the phone and pressed it off again.

   However, less than two seconds after hanging up the call, the ringtone rang again for the third time.

  The harsh ringtone is very abrupt in the quiet carriage, and it stimulates people's eardrums over and over again with extreme and persistent, making people irritable.

   Ruan Munan, who has always been warm and polite, showed impatience for the first time. He reached out to get the phone, but Ruan Qi moved faster than him, and grabbed the phone with a 'swish' with his little hand.

   "Who is so impolite at night and keeps calling people?"

   The little girl looked at the phone screen while muttering.

   The caller ID on the screen is a string of unfamiliar numbers.

   "Brother, whose number is this?" Ruan Qi asked Ruan Munan.

   Ruan Munan paused, looked at Ruan Qi with a subtle expression, and said slowly, "It should be Xia Ying."

   Ruan Qi: "?"


   "Xia Ying." Ruan Munan's tone was indescribable, "It's Cheng Wanqing's daughter."


  The daughter of Cheng Wanqing, the eldest lady of the Cheng family?

   The one who liked Boya before?

   But it's almost twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, why is she calling her brother?

   Ruan Xiaoqi was stunned for a moment, and soon remembered that Xia Ying seemed to be in love with her a while ago and started chasing her brother.

   Before she went to Yunqi Group, she happened to meet Xia Ying sending flowers to her brother.

   So... it's been almost a month, she hasn't given up yet?

   "I blocked several of her numbers, and the company didn't allow her to enter. But this woman was entangled endlessly, and it was annoying to death."

   Ruan Munan has always been gentle and courteous. Even when dealing with unrelated strangers, he is well-mannered and courteous.

   This is the first time he has expressed his disgust towards a person so bluntly.

   It seemed that Xia Ying really annoyed him.

   Ruan Qi remembered that when she went to Yunqi Group before, the secretaries and sisters at the front desk said that every time Xia Ying came to Ruan Munan, she would put on airs with the people from the company. The most extreme one even beat up Yun Qi's employees.

   Such an arrogant and unreasonable woman, let alone Ruan Munan, anyone who is entangled by her will be unbearable.

   Ruan Qi felt a little sympathetic to her brother, she said speechlessly: "It's been almost a month, why hasn't she given up? Didn't I ask Jiujiu to transfer two bodyguards to Yunqi before? The bodyguards don't work?"

   "It works." Ruan Munan frowned wearily, "After the Xi family's bodyguards went to the company, Xia Ying was thrown out twice by them and stopped coming back. But she changed her routine and started blocking me on my way from get off work."

   "I didn't want to entangle with her, so I changed the route. She couldn't block me, so she started calling me frantically. I have blocked seven or eight numbers of her."

   Ruan Munan is busy with official business and has to answer a lot of calls every day. It is impossible for Xia Ying to turn off her mobile phone and cut off contact with the outside world.

  Xia Ying also knew this, so she kept changing numbers to call him.

   Ruan Munan was annoyed to death, but there was nothing he could do. Xia Ying's woman seemed to have a disease in her head. No matter whether he threatened or warned, she ignored all of them, pestering him like a lunatic.

   In fact, if you put it in the past, Ruan Munan, a woman like Xia Ying, has many ways to deal with it.

   But recently, Ruan Fengmian and Yang Liu are secretly dealing with the Cheng family. Ruan Munan didn't want to cause more trouble, so she didn't take action against Xia Ying and endured.

   However, this kind of patience only fueled Xia Ying's reckless behavior.

  Xia Ying only thought that Ruan Munan was jealous of the Cheng family and did not dare to attack her, so she became even more arrogant.

   Ruan Munan told the recent events one by one, Ruan Qi was so angry when she heard it.

   Her brother, such a good person, was actually entangled by a lunatic like Xia Ying!

   is really good!

   The little girl's cheeks were puffed up, she took Ruan Munan's phone to unlock the screen, lowered her head and started fiddling.

   "What are you doing, Xiao Qi?" Ruan Munan looked at her puzzled.

   Ruan Qi quickly tapped his finger on the phone screen, and answered without raising his head: "Make a small program and blow up Xia Ying's phone. Brother, do you have a computer in your car?"

   Ruan Munan immediately brought the laptop from the back seat of the car.

   Ruan Qi opened the notebook and started typing code.

  About ten minutes later, she hit enter and transferred the applet to her phone.

   "It's done! Brother, come and see."

   Ruan Munan put her face close.

   Ruan Qi opened a black app on the phone screen, and a huge red button appeared on the main interface.

   "Next time Xia Ying calls to harass you, just press this button and the system will track her back to her phone and blow up her phone system."

   Ruan Munan heard this and said curiously, "Could it be that the wrong phone was blown up? I receive a lot of calls every day, can the app identify which one is Xia Ying?"

"Yes!" The little girl raised her eyebrows confidently, "This software has its own recognition function, and now the mobile phone numbers are all real-name systems, so it can be recognized. Not only that, it can also accurately locate people around Xia Ying based on IP. your phone number. Even if she wants to use someone else's phone to call you, she can't."

   Ruan Qi pressed the huge red button in the app as he explained.

  The five words "Automatically recognize" immediately appeared on the screen of the mobile phone.

   [The phone number has been identified as Xia Ying, do you want to carry out counter bombing? 】

   (end of this chapter)

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