Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1603: CP powder is too powerful (two more)

   Chapter 1603 CP fans are too powerful (two more)

   Immediately afterwards, Ruan Qi did not stand firm, and stepped back together with Qin Qingdi, falling back when he tripped on the bench. No one else reacted, but Xi Jiu stood up instantly, rushed over with a few strides, and supported the little girl.

  【Fuck! The speed of the reaction is incredible! 】

  【No one else reacted, only Mr. Xi noticed. He must have been staring at Ruan Qi, right? 】

  The video continues to move forward.

After    Xijiu supported Ruan Qi, Ruan Qi looked back at him. Ruan Qi was startled when fans screamed suddenly in the video, and Xi Jiu made a subconscious action at this time——

   He stretched out his left hand and blocked Ruan Qi, his figure slightly sideways, blocking in front of her.

   This set is a micro-motion, if you don’t slow down the video, it will be difficult for everyone to notice.

   But the almighty CP powder just picked up these details.

   This time, those passers-by and netizens who don't want to drink cp can't hold back.

  【In emergencies, people's first reaction is the most real. Everyone was startled when the screams sounded in the video. Only the Xi family's first reaction was to protect Ruan Qi. 】

  【This subconscious reaction is absolutely incredible. It was said before that Xi Jiu was not ordinary to Ruan Qi, but I don't believe it. But seeing this, I am a little bit convinced. Only if you put one person in your heart, will you subconsciously protect her when the scream suddenly erupts. 】

   Xijiu's series of subconscious micro-actions made the hearts of the majority of netizens start to move.

   But this is not the most exciting.

   The excitement is still to come.

   After the fans screamed in the video, Ruan Qi looked a little flustered. Because of the shooting angle, everyone only saw that she seemed to say something to Xi Jiu, and Xi Jiu withdrew her hand on her back.

   At this time, an arrow suddenly appeared in the video, the arrow pointed to Xi Jiu, and a few words appeared next to him - pay attention to the corner of his mouth.

   Everyone immediately held their breath and stared at Xi Jiu.

  The video began to play at double speed and slow, and in the middle of the slow play, Xi Jiu retracted his hand, and then... He looked down at Ruan Qi's profile, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

  Everyone: ! ! ! ! !

  【He smiled? ! 】

   [He stared at Ruan Qi's profile and smiled? ! 】

  【After Ruan Qi finished talking to him, he laughed? Didn't Gu Feiyang say that his ninth brother had facial paralysis and never smiled? ! 】

   Xi Jiu's fleeting smile shocked all netizens.

  Laughing is actually a very normal thing, even if Xi Jiu has an iceberg face, it is impossible not to laugh all his life.

  However, if you stare at Ruan Qi's side face and smile, then something is wrong.

   And if you want to laugh you can laugh, laugh generously and raise the corners of your mouth to the sky without breaking the law. But Xi Jiu wanted to laugh and held back, the corner of his mouth twitched, but the smile in his eyes was overflowing.

   This kind of reaction of secretly wanting to laugh but not being able to laugh, only staring at the little girl from the side, really poked everyone's heart.

  【The little couple is really hammered! 】

  【I don’t know if Ruan Qi has any thoughts on Xi Jiu, but Xi Jiu definitely does. He is protecting others and staring at them and laughing, showing that he is tempted. 】

  【Ah ah ah ah, these two are so good! Are they together? I really hope they are real! 】

   This video has hammered countless netizens into the cp pit of 7963.

   But there are still a small number of passers-by who want to smack CP, but they did not enter the pit.

  ——Because Xi Jiu said on Weibo that he has a fiancée.

   This kind of cp of a married man and other women, they really can't move.

  【Ruan Qi and Xi Jiu are indeed a good couple, but from a moral point of view, I can't do it. Otherwise, I will feel sorry for Xi Jiu's fiancee. 】

  【+1. No woman can accept her fiancé and other women's cps. Although I like the interaction between Ruan Qi and Xi Jiu, I really feel that Xi Jiu is staring at Ruan Qi so much on the premise of having a fiancée, which is really a bit scum. 】

   Xijiu has a fiancée. This is something that everyone knows. He often shows gifts from his fiancée in three hundred and sixty degrees on Weibo. It is good to see the relationship between the two.

   However, in the video released today, it is also obvious that he has thoughts on Ruan Qi.

   Having a fiancée and treating Ruan Qi differently, this seems to be suspicious.

  Many people questioned Xi Jiu's behavior, and some black fans even started jumping up and down, saying that Ruan Qi was a junior.

  79 CP fans naturally would not allow Ruan Qi to be stigmatized, and immediately quarreled with the black fans.

  The topic square is getting more and more smoky. I don't know if someone is leading the way or what, more and more people are questioning the illicit relationship between Ruan Qi and Xi Jiu.

   This time, Marshmallow couldn't sit still.

   Ruan Qi has a lot of CP fans in the entertainment industry, with Shen Shi, with Anle, and even with hard candy like Shen Wenqian.

   Marshmallow is very Buddhist on weekdays and will never interfere with these CP fans. Anyway, Ruan Qi doesn't follow the traffic route. They can drink it if they want. As long as it doesn't have a bad influence on Ruan Qi, they can drink it casually.

  But this time, someone said that Ruan Qi was a junior.

   The marshmallows exploded all at once.

   [You guys just smack cp and scold us for what Ruanbao does? Ruanbao didn't admit his relationship with Xi Jiu, and he didn't hook up with Xi Jiu in the video, how could he become a mistress? ! 】

  【What kind of person is Ruanbao, who does not know in the whole country? She would fight her life to save anyone who was robbing a child on the side of the road. Would a girl with this kind of character be a mistress? What an international joke! 】

  【Do you need to be a junior with Ruanbao's ability? Musician, academic leader, e-sports leader, and the largest shareholder of Xinjinhua Group. In her capacity, do you think she needs to feel wronged to be a mistress? 】

   [What the Xi family thinks about Ruanbao, that's his business. Ruanbao didn't do anything, it's not an appointment to take Ruanbao away. 】

   Marshmallow has a large number of people and has a strong fighting ability. Within ten minutes of the end of the game, the wind of public opinion began to reverse.

   At this moment, Xi Jiu, who had not posted on Weibo for a week, suddenly posted a photo like a corpse.

   The photo should have been taken in the restaurant box.

   In the photo, several people from the myq team stand in a row.

   In front of them, Ruan Qi sat on the chair with frowning eyes, next to Xi Jiu in a black shirt.

   On the other side of Xi Jiu, stood Gu Feiyang in a red leather coat. On the other side of Ruan Qi, Qin Qingdi and Bai Yuchen stood side by side, Qin Qingdi's hand was placed on Ruan Qi's shoulder intimately.

   This is a big group photo, there are a total of eleven people in the photo. Only Ruan Qi and Xi Jiu were sitting, and the other nine surrounded them like stars holding the moon in the middle.

   Xijiu posted this photo without repeating too many words, but only attached two simple words and three small symbols with bright red and full colors——

   [Xi Jiu: Together. [Love][Love][Love]]

   Mr. Xi: Thank you to our family and friends for coming to our wedding banquet. A photo is attached, so that you can have fun with the people.



   (end of this chapter)

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