Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1604: Xi Jiu's fiancee is Ruan Qi (one more)

   Chapter 1604 Xi Jiu's fiancee is Ruan Qi (one more)

  Simple two words, three little hearts, like hot oil poured on a raging fire, swoosh ignited everyone's nerves.

   Everyone stared at this Weibo posted by Xi Jiu and felt a little subtle.

   Are they thinking too much?

  Why do they think that what Xi Jiu wants to say is not 'together', but 'together'?

   There is also that photo. Although it is a group photo, only Xi Jiu and Ruan Qi are sitting, and everyone else is standing. How does this group look like...

  【Like a group photo of the bride and groom with relatives and friends at a wedding banquet. 】

   This netizen woke up the dreamer with one word.

   Everyone gasped.

   Isn't that the case?

  If Ruan Qixijiu changed into a wedding suit, this photo would be a real wedding banquet scene!

  【…Fuck, this photo of Xi Jiu is too showy, did he really mean it? 】

  【This group photo... I'm not thinking about the cp brain. Only he and Ruan Qi were sitting, and everyone else was standing, which was a bit fun. 】

  【Don't you think the word 'together' is more subtle than this photo? I always feel that Mr. Xi is secretly making official announcements...]

   [Xi Jiu's operation is really a bit violent. He sent out the photo in such a grand manner, and accompanied by such two words that make people want to think, isn't he afraid that his fiancee will see it? 】

   Netizens who were dying in front of a photo were reminded like this, and they suddenly remembered that Xi Jiu has a fiancee.

  Yes, how dare Xi Jiu post such ambiguous photos and texts on his Weibo?

   Isn't he afraid that his fiancee and future father-in-law will see it?

   Everyone thinks that Xi Jiu's operation is a bit confusing. Said he had a good relationship with his fiancée, but he was ambiguous with Ruan Qi. It can be said that he really likes Ruan Qi, and he always shows gifts from his fiancee on Weibo.

   So who does Xi Jiu like? Did he have one foot on the boat? Is Ruan Qi a junior?

   The more everyone analyzes, the more confused they become, and some even begin to suspect that Xi Jiu has no fiancée at all.

   Because a man with a fiancée, even if it is a business marriage without emotion, it is impossible to express ambiguousness to another woman on the Internet so recklessly.

   Just look at those wealthy families who go to the entertainment sector every day. The inside of those giants is all messed up, and they are playing like a mistress and a little fresh meat, but they still work hard to show the illusion of conjugal love and family harmony in front of the media.

  The rich and powerful need face and the interests of marriage.

  The emotional turmoil of wealthy couples will have an impact on the company's stock. If the person in power breaks out scandals such as cheating and breaking the law, it will cause serious loss of interests to the group company.

   Therefore, no one is stupid enough to gossip with another woman on the Internet unscrupulously on the premise of having a fiancée.

   Even if Xi Jiu really has a deep-rooted love for Ruan Qi, he should at least cover it up, instead of doing all kinds of sleazy actions, so that everyone's mind is full of CCP.

   Therefore, many people began to suspect that he had no fiancée at all.

   [But Mr. Xi always shows his affection on Weibo. For the watch that his fiancée gave him on his birthday, he posted 18 pictures in 36 degrees to show off. Du Xiu's heart is so mad, you are telling me now that the fiancée doesn't exist? 】

  【It is impossible not to exist! Unless Xi Jiu is delusional, what is he doing out of thin air to create a fiancée? 】

  【But if there is a fiancée, Xi Jiu's intentions towards Ruan Qi are so obvious, why hasn't the fiancée appeared yet? Is she a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? 】

  【Fuck! My brain is going to explode. This thing is really fascinating! What happened to these three people? ! 】

   A powerful family member, a popular female star, and a fiancee whose name is unknown. It was obviously the entanglement of three people, but it made netizens all over the country worry.

   Everyone is analyzing, analyzing the mysterious fiancee, analyzing Xi Jiu's feelings for Ruan Qi, and analyzing Ruan Qi's role in this triangular relationship.

   Just when everyone was in dire straits, a comment posted by an obscure Weibo user caught everyone's attention.

  【Have you ever thought that Xi Jiu's fiancee is Ruan Qi? 】

  Everyone: ? ? ?

   This Weibo user did not wait for everyone to relax, and posted a second post.

  [Xi Jiu posted a photo in May this year. In the photo is the rainbow little white horse water cup given to him by his fiancee. Fans of Ruan Qi should know that she has a rainbow little white horse backpack. 】

   Next, Article 3.

  [In August, Xi Jiu posted an architectural drawing on Weibo, saying it was a birthday present for his fiancee. Ruan Qi's birthday is in August. On the night of Ruan Qi's birthday, Xi Jiu also posted a Weibo without writing anything but a little love. 】

  【With so many coincidences, do you really think it’s just a coincidence? 】

  This humble Weibo user is like a contemporary Leeuwenhoek, holding a microscope to compare the various timelines of Xi Jiu and Ruan Qi crazily.

   Netizens were dumbfounded.

   Netizens were shocked when they saw the pupils.

   Netizens watched with enthusiasm.

   Everyone started flipping through Xijiu's Weibo in the chronological order stated by the Weibo user.

   The rainbow little white horse water cup that was posted in May, the architectural drawings posted in August, the little love that Ruan Qi sent on his birthday...

  Everything is right!

  【…………Lying…………Slot! ! ! 】

  【It's all right, all right! Little white horse, architectural drawings, little love! Is this really just a coincidence? ! 】

  【Ruan Qi's rainbow little white horse backpack, I know, the price is **** expensive. Just now I went to the official website to check it out. Guess what I found? 】

  【…The backpack is sold in combination with the Little White Horse water cup. [Smiles] But I've only seen Ruan Qi carry the Little White Horse's bag, but I haven't seen her use the Little White Horse's water cup. [Smiles] So, where did the water glass go? 】

  Suddenly, a groaning sound came one after another.

  The little white horse's backpack is on Ruan Qi, so... where is the matching little white horse water cup?

--exist! seat! Nine! of! manage! male! table! superior!

  ...So, Xi Jiu's fiancee is really Ruan Qi?

   But isn't Ruan Qi from the countryside? What benefits can she bring to the Xi family? How could the Xi family allow Xi Jiu to marry her?

  【Fuck! Who said that wealthy families must get married because of profit? Can't it be true love? 】

【that is! With the strength of the Xi family, there is no need for a marriage of interests at all. And because of the temperament of the master of the Xi family, do you think he would sacrifice himself to marry? 】

  【Gu Feiyang said in an interview a few years ago that his ninth brother will not marry someone he doesn't like, and he might end up alone in his life. Therefore, it is impossible for Xi Jiu to find a woman he does not love to marry for the benefit of the family. Family marriage is pure nonsense! 】

   Second correction is grinding, Calvin hurts his hair, oh.



   (end of this chapter)

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