Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1608: Don't lose yourself for anyone (one more)

   Chapter 1608 Don't lose yourself for anyone (one more)

   Ruan Qi was not afraid of the shadow, and she was thinking about going to the police station.

  The middle-aged woman couldn't figure out why Ruan Qi was the mistress who seduced her husband, why she was so confident. Looking at Ruan Qi's bright and eye-catching eyes, she felt a sense of emptiness in her heart for no reason.

   "I, I don't go to the police station... You are secretly colluding, I can't fight you!"

   Ruan Qi: "I said that I will apply to the relevant departments to make the entire investigation transparent and open."

   "Then I don't believe it either!" The woman kept shaking her head and backing away, "Who knows what conspiracy you guys have! I won't go! I won't go!"

   The woman's face was "there are always people who want to harm me", and Qian Duo with a hot temper couldn't help frowning.

"You can't go to the police station, and you can't go through the legal process. What do you want? This eldest sister, this is the era of the rule of law. The entire investigation is transparent, and no one can harm you! If you are really worried, the media present can follow up with you. Go. We can't buy all the media, can we?"

  Qian Duo and Ruan Qi's attitudes were frank and frank, and they didn't seem to have done anything wrong at all. The balance that everyone tilted towards middle-aged women couldn't help but tilt back.

  Someone began to persuade the woman to go to the police station with Ruan Qi. As long as she has enough evidence to prove that Ruan Qi is a mistress, it does not constitute a crime of defamation.

   But the woman kept shaking her head and refused.

   "If I don't go, they will harm me. My husband is powerful and Ruan Qi is also powerful, and they will harm me!"

   The middle-aged woman's emotions gradually got out of control, and her withered hair flew around with the swaying of her head, like a lunatic.

   Ruan Qi noticed that the woman was in a wrong state, her expression changed, and she was about to step forward.

  The middle-aged woman suddenly let out a scream at this moment, and then her body softened and fell to the ground.

   "What happened? Why did it suddenly collapse?"

   "Looks like he passed out."

   "My God! What should I do? Why did I suddenly faint?"

   The middle-aged woman suddenly fainted, taking everyone by surprise.

   Ruan Qi's reaction was the fastest, he pushed aside the reporter who was standing in front of him, and rushed to the woman's side.

  The fans and media surrounding the woman hurried to stop her.

   "What are you going to do to her?"

   "She was forced to faint by you, what are you going to do?!"

   A fan who came to watch the game stretched out his hand to catch Ruan Qi.

  Ruan Qi turned his wrist, and his plain white fingers were like iron hoops, holding the fan's wrist.

   "Ah ah ah - it hurts! You let me go!" The fans screamed in pain.

   Ruan Qi threw his wrist away with a cold tone: "I want to save people. If you don't understand anything, just stay away. You can't afford to delay the emergency time!"

   Everyone around was shocked by her cold eyes.

   Ruan Qi said no more, turned the middle-aged woman's wrist, and caught her pulse.

  There was a lot of noise all around, and there were waves of people who wanted to join in to watch the fun. Qian Duo and the others formed a small encirclement, protecting Ruan Qi and the woman in it.

   Ruan Qi's pulse was very fast, and he let go after a while.

   "Too much mood swings, combined with excessive fatigue leading to coma. Not life threatening."

   Ruan Qi said, pressing her fingertips on several acupuncture points on the woman's body.

   She asked Qian Duo while nodding, "Have you called an ambulance?"

   "Yes." Qian Duo replied, "This is the first aid point, and the ambulance will be here soon."

   Ruan Qi made a 'um', and lowered his head to concentrate on pressing the woman's acupuncture points.

   pressed for almost three minutes, the pale middle-aged woman's eyelids moved, and her tightly closed eyes slowly opened the gap.

  The fans and media onlookers were shocked.

"woke up?!"

   "Really awake? Ruan Qi rescued her?!"

   "Ruan Qi still has medical skills?!"

   Amid the noisy commotion, the middle-aged woman's sanity gradually recovered.

   At this moment, someone held her up by the back of her neck, "Drink water."

   The middle-aged woman who wasn't fully awake opened her mouth subconsciously.

   The person who was supporting her put the mouth of the water bottle to her mouth, and poured the mineral water into her mouth carefully and slowly.

   The cool water flowed down the throat into the stomach, and the middle-aged woman's consciousness gradually recovered.

   She saw the person who gave her water.

   turned out to be Ruan Qi.

   The middle-aged woman's pupils shrank, she used all her strength to knock down the water bottle in Ruan Qi's hand, and struggled violently.

   "Go away! You broke up my family, don't touch me!"

  The mineral water bottle fell to the ground, and the water splashed Ruan Qi's hands and body.

   Qian Duo, who was protecting the calf, was in a hurry.

   "Why are you like this?! Xiaoqi kindly saves..."

   "Mom Qian." Before Qian Duo could finish speaking, Ruan Qi interrupted him, "Stop talking."

   She took the tissue from Liu Wanwan, wiped the water off her hands, and stood up slowly.

"I didn't break up your family, and I didn't become a junior." Ruan Qi looked down at the middle-aged woman, her voice was no longer as soft as usual, "I don't know who you were instigated by, and how many so-called so-called in your hands. Evidence. But I didn't do it, just didn't do it. If you insist on slandering me, we'll see you in court."

   The middle-aged woman looked up at her, panicking inexplicably.

Ruan Qi rolled the wiped tissue into a ball, put it in the pocket of her coat, looked at her and said, "Your physical condition is very poor. You are seriously lack of rest and you are overworked. I suggest you go to the hospital for an examination, don't put yourself Don't take your body seriously. No matter how important a man is, it's not as important as yourself. Don't lose yourself for anyone."

   "The ambulance will be here soon, Mom Qian, please accompany her, I will pay for the medical expenses."

After    Ruan Qi finished speaking, he stopped looking at the woman, turned and got back into the nanny's car.

  The nanny car started slowly and drove out of the crowd with difficulty. The middle-aged woman sat on the ground in a daze, looking at the nanny car with dazed eyes.


   This farce was quickly forgotten by Ruan Qi. The duel between the lord and Babylon is about to start, and she doesn't have much time to pay attention to those unnecessary things.

  On the Internet, the turmoil related to this farce has just begun.

  What happened to Ruan Qi and the middle-aged woman outside the venue has been hotly searched by netizens and the media.

  In the public, it is not uncommon to see social news such as the original mistress making trouble. But the little three turned out to be Ruan Qi, and this melon was too big.

   Netizens came to hear the melon one after another. After watching the video of Ruan Qi arguing with a middle-aged woman, they were all disappointed that the melon was not very authentic.

  [Since Ruan Qi debuted, it has been rumored n times that he has a gold master, and n+1 times he has been a junior. I'm tired of her scandal, let it go. 】

  【I feel sorry for the original eldest sister in the video. But I have to complain, big sister, if you have evidence, show it. What's the use of crying? 】

   [The original wife cried miserably, but I think she may have mistaken the mistress. Ruan Qi's face was frank, and she took the initiative to call the police. It didn't seem like she had done something wrong at all. 】

  【Let’s go, let’s go, Ruan Qi’s character is known to the whole country. Little San or something, impossible. 】

   Calvin, later. Second correction is being written, don't worry!



   (end of this chapter)

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