Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1609: One wave has not settled, another wave has arisen (two more)

   Chapter 1609 A wave of unresolved waves rises again and again (two more)

  After experiencing many turmoils of being fostered and being a mistress, netizens are tired of Ruan Qi's negative scandal.

   They love to eat melons, but they don’t eat all kinds of melons. Real melons are sweet. They really don't want to eat this artificial melon that looks fake.

   However, netizens don’t want to eat melons, but some people insist on stuffing them in their mouths.

   At noon that day, a Weibo user posted several photos, and Aite Ruanqi questioned her sharply.

  【Flower Blossoms: Hello everyone, I'm Ruan Qi's sister-in-law in today's video. My sister is Tang Fang, fifty-six years old, a housewife with no income.

  As early as the first half of this year, my brother-in-law Yan Gang rarely came home, and every time he came back, he smelled of perfume. My sister suspected he had a woman outside and begged me to help her investigate.

  I hired a private detective, and after more than a month, I finally photographed the woman my brother-in-law cheated on. I want to ask @ Ruan Ruanqi, if you are not a junior, why would you get into my brother-in-law's car? On the night of the Golden Melody Awards, why did my brother-in-law drive to the backstage of the awards ceremony to pick you up? What's up with these photos? 】

  Flower blossoms and threw out eighteen photos at once.

   The protagonist in these photos is Ruan Qi, she is wearing different clothes, but she is in the same black Mercedes-Benz.

  Hua Hua Luo threw out this set of photos, and before everyone could see it, they threw out another set of photos.

  【Flowers bloom and fall: The black Mercedes-Benz on Ruan Qi’s car is owned by my brother-in-law Yan Gang. Vehicle registration information cannot be faked! [photo]】

  Flower Blossoms may be trying to vent her anger for her sister, so she didn't even type the code, she just revealed the relevant documents and vehicle registration information of her brother-in-law Yan Gang.

  The registration information showed that the black Mercedes-Benz that Ruan Qi was on was indeed Yan Gang. Yan Gang's car was bought in October last year, and the license plate number displayed on the registration information was exactly the same as the car that Ruan Qi was on.

   This time, netizens were dumbfounded.

  In the past, every time Ruan Qi broke a scandal, everyone believed it to be true and followed suit. But in the end, Ruan Qi slapped them in the face with strength.

   And this time, they learned to be smart and stopped scolding Ruan Qi. Instead, Ruan Qi was blasted with a stone hammer.

  【Ah, many photos, it should be considered as ironclad proof, right? 】

   Everyone was a little hesitant, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

   At this moment, Hua Hualuo revealed a third wave of evidence.

   She took the initiative to disclose the work place of her brother-in-law Yan Gang—

  【Blossoming Flowers: My brother-in-law Yan Gang is a senior executive of Yunqi Group. Everyone can find relevant information. This is his work permit [photo]. Just over a month ago, Ruan Qi had been in and out of the Yunqi Group several times. As far as I know, she has no business cooperation with Yunqi Group. @Soft Ruanqi, who are you going to look for in Yunqi Group? doing what? 】

   Flowers blooming and falling obviously came prepared. She blew her brother-in-law Yan Gang by blowing her own work information, and then released several surveillance videos at the gate of the Yunqi Group.

   In the video, Ruan Qi has indeed been in and out of the Yunqi Group. Although she was wearing a mask, sharp-eyed netizens still recognized some of her accessories.

   This time, the balance in the hearts of netizens who were swaying began to tilt.

   Ruan Qi has never had business cooperation with Yunqi Group, and she doesn't know anyone from Yunqi Group, so why does she often go in and out of the Yunqi headquarters building?

  There is only one answer—she went to Yan Gang.

  Yan Gang is an executive of Yunqi, so he naturally has the ability to help Ruan Qi get a pass. That's why Ruan Qi treats the Yunqi Group as his own home.

   These few paragraphs of monitoring are too real, and everyone doesn't want to believe it and has to believe it.

   This time, the storm that had been brewing on the Internet for a whole morning finally overturned the huge wave.

   Ruan Qi actually became a mistress!

   The target is an old man who is nearly sixty years old and older than her father!

   A third party who breaks up other people's families will always be reviled by others. No matter what the identity of the third party or the glory he has won, no one can tolerate it.

The words of    condemnation began to stab Ruan Qi like a sharp blade.

   Of course, not everyone will believe the word that flowers bloom and fall. Many netizens believe in Ruan Qi's character and still maintain a neutral attitude.

   However, these netizens haven’t had time to say a fair word for Ruan Qi, and the remarks condemning Ruan Qi are like a plague, spreading to the entire network.

  # Ruan Qi Xiaosan#

  #Ruan Qi broke up other people's families#

  #Ruanqi flowers bloom and fall#

  # Ruan Qi Yan Gang#

  Seven or eight topics, as if they had made an appointment, were airborne on the Weibo hot search list.

  The topic square was opened a little, and there were overwhelming condemnations and abuses against Ruan Qi. The wind of public opinion was like a tsunami that suddenly rose from the sea, and it was so violent that everyone was caught off guard.

   Ruan Qi's support club immediately noticed that the situation was wrong and contacted Shen Wenqian immediately.

   Shen Wenqian called Ruan Qi while letting the public relations department control his speech.

  Ruan Qi had just finished lunch and was sitting in the venue watching the second-half showdown between the Lord and Babylon.

   The phone in her pocket suddenly buzzed and vibrated, she took it out and took a look, then got up and went to the backstage.

   "Hello? Brother Shen?"

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, have you read Weibo?" Shen Wenqian got straight to the point.

   Ruan Qi looked blank: "Weibo? No, I've been watching the game. What happened to Weibo?"

   "The woman you met this morning, her sister broke the stone hammer evidence that you and Yan Gang had an affair. Ruan Xiaoqi, when did you get into Yan Gang's car?"


   Ruan Qi was stunned: "Yan Gang's car? Who is Yan Gang?"

   "You don't know?!" Shen Wenqian's voice was raised, "You don't know who Yan Gang is, how could you get into his car?"

   Ruan Qi was in a fog when asked.

  She understood every word Shen Wenqian said, but she couldn't understand it together.

   "Brother Shen, I really don't know any Yan Gang, and I've never been in his car. Wait a minute, I'll check Weibo first, and I'll call you back later."

   Without waiting for Shen Wenqian to ask again, Ruan Qi hung up the phone and opened Weibo.

The    Weibo hot search list is now full of topics related to her. She clicked into one at random, found Huahualuo's Weibo page, and frowned when she saw the black Mercedes-Benz in the photo.

   She quit Weibo and called Shen Wenqian.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi?"

"Brother Shen, I saw the photos of the flowers blooming and falling." Ruan Qi spoke very quickly, "I did get into that black Mercedes-Benz, but it was my brother who was driving, not Yan Gang. The person who picked me up at the back door was also my brother. There should be a surveillance recorder in that car, so I immediately called my brother and asked him to pull out the surveillance camera.”

   Shen Wenqian's hanging heart fell to the ground.

  With the monitoring recorder, all rumors can be self-destructed.

   "Then you should make a phone call. There is obviously a navy on the Internet leading the rhythm. This matter cannot be delayed. The sooner it is resolved, the better it will be for you."

   Ruan Qi answered, hung up the phone and was about to call Ruan Munan, but Ruan Munan called first.

   Ruan Qi hurriedly connected: "Brother, I want to get the surveillance video of the Mercedes-Benz you usually drive."

   Ruan Munan on the other end of the phone paused, with a faint anger in his voice.

   "Xiao Qi, someone took a step ahead of us and stole the surveillance recorder."

   (end of this chapter)

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