Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1653: The new song "Wannabe" is online! (two more)

   Chapter 1653 The new song "Wannabe" is online! (two more)

   Xi Jiu gave her a pause for wiping her hands.

   "I ate," he said, "simply drank two mouthfuls of porridge."

  Ruan Qi had been asleep before, and Xi Jiu was not in the mood to eat. Knowing that he had no appetite, Nie Beilou brought him porridge and side dishes.

   But Xi Jiu couldn't eat it, so he simply drank two sips and stopped eating.

  Ruan Qi saw his reaction and guessed that he must not eat well.

  She took her hand out of his palm, grabbed his fingers and shook it, "Jiujiu, I'm not uncomfortable anymore. Go and eat some more."

   Xijiu didn't want to leave the little girl.

  He is a strong man, he is not hungry after eating one meal less. He wanted to accompany the little girl more than to eat.

   But Ruan Qi grabbed his fingers and snorted twice.

   Xi Jiu couldn't stand her coquetry the most, and her heart, liver, spleen and stomach suddenly softened into a pool of water.

  He nodded helplessly: "Okay, I'll go eat now."

   Ruan Qi immediately raised his eyebrows happily.

  Xi Jiu's half-eaten meal was still on the table next door. He took it to the microwave to warm it up, and then ate it as fast as he could.

  After eating, he sent the lunch box back to the cafeteria, and then brought back a bowl of golden sticky corn gooey.

   "Baby, would you like something to eat?"

   Ruan Qi had not eaten for more than six hours, plus she had vomited, and her already hungry chest was stuck to her back.

  The corn mush was soft and sweet, and she felt an appetite when she smelled it.

   Xi Jiu helped her to sit up from the bed.

   Ruan Qi leaned against the head of the bed, endured the dizziness, and drank most of the corn paste with a straw.

After    finished drinking, she took a deep breath and asked Xi Jiu, "Where are the master and the master?"

   "Go to the cafeteria to eat."

   Ruan Qi made an "oh", hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Jiujiu, did the hypnosis... fail today?"

   Xi Jiu held a corny hand with a meal.

   Ruan Qi immediately understood.

  No wonder she didn't restore her memory, it turned out to be a failure.

   Ruan Qi had already anticipated this result.

   She knows best in her own mind what her mental state is. If a single mental hypnosis can restore her memory, then she will not have nightmares every night in the past ten years.

   "Jiujiu, what did Master and Grandmaster say?" Ruan Qi asked Xi Jiu.

  Xi Jiu put down his rice bowl, pursed his thin lips, and said solemnly, "Two more hypnosis. If it still doesn't work, go to forced hypnosis."

   Ruan Qi heard the words 'forced hypnosis' and was stunned for a moment, then nodded calmly.

   "In my case, forced hypnosis is indeed the best method."

   Xi Jiu frowned tightly: "Baby, the electric shock will be very painful, and the drugs required for forced hypnosis also have side effects on the brain."

   Ruan Qi was sleeping for a few hours, Xi Jiu read the information about the forced hypnosis sent to him by Nie Beilou.

   It turns out that forced hypnosis requires not only electric shocks, but also auxiliary drugs.

   Most of these drugs stimulate the cranial nerves. Within a few days after the forced hypnosis, the user will experience various adverse reactions such as emotional loss, coma, and inability to sit and stand.

   Of course, these reactions will gradually disappear as the drug is metabolized. But in this process, the person taking the medicine will be very painful.

   Xi Jiu only felt cold hands and feet after reading those materials.

   He knew that forced hypnosis was the best way, but he really couldn't bear Ruan Qi to suffer so much.

   Xi Jiu's brows were wrinkled, Ruan Qi looked at him, raised his hand and rubbed his brows.

   "Jiujiu, don't worry. Although forced hypnosis is uncomfortable, I'm also very good. I can survive it."

   Xijiu never underestimated Ruan Qi's will and character.

   But it was precisely because he knew that the little girl was strong that he felt more distressed for her.


"I'm really fine." Ruan Qi put her hand on his neck, her eyebrows curled, "Forced hypnosis is painful, but as long as I recover my memory and find life, I won't die, right? Compared to living, this point What is the discomfort? The big deal is to eat a few more delicious meals to make up for it.”

   The little girl's optimism made Xi Jiu feel distressed and sad.

   He took her into his arms and rubbed her cheek lovingly: "Baby, I will always be with you."


   Ruan Qi rested for a few hours, and his mental strength finally returned to normal.

   She and Xi Jiu had dinner at the teacher's gate. After eating, the two left with Nie Beilou.

  Because the mental power hypnosis is very depleted of vitality, it cannot be operated frequently. So Chu Yujiang set the next hypnosis in twenty days.

   Ruan Qi took a day off after returning home, and then went back to work again.

   At this time, the eyes of the entire Internet and the entire music world have already turned to her new song, "Wannabe".

   There are two days left before "Wanting" will be launched.

   This is Ruan Qi's first song after winning the Lemmy Award for Most Popular Singer.

  Everyone is looking forward to it.

  Everyone wants to know whether the only Chinese singer who has won the Lemy Award in the past ten years, this maverick little girl in the Chinese entertainment circle, will truly create more amazing results.

  [I just listened to the chorus that Ruan Qi sang in the last live broadcast. It doesn't sound like shit, it's really nice, and the more you listen, the better you get. 】

  [The video of Ruan Qi singing a cappella chorus has broken records on Weibo. 】

  【The pre-sale volume of "Wanting" on major domestic music platforms has also broken records. 72 hours of pre-sale, 2.6 million copies! Sales exceeded 7 million! 】

  【The arrogance is still Ruan Qi's arrogance. Obviously not a traffic artist, but he has more traffic than a traffic artist. 】

  【The traffic of traffic artists comes from fans, and the traffic of Ruan Qi comes from the whole people. Not a dimension, can not be compared. 】

  【Looking forward to "Wanted", go online soon, I really want to hear it! 】

  Everyone is looking forward to "Wild".

  The major forums and Weibo hot search lists are full of topics and discussions related to this song.

   In such a situation of public attention, let alone Shen Wenqian, even the gold medal lyricist and composer Wei Song and Leng Yi, who have seen great winds and waves, feel a lot of pressure.

   In order to live up to Ruan Qi's trust, these two music bigwigs showed their 120-point housekeeping skills and tried their best to make this single perfect.

   Two days later, Monday.

   At nine o'clock in the morning, "Wanting" was launched on time.

  Five minutes later, # Ruanqi's new song sales exceeded 4 million # and rushed to the top of the hot search.

   After another three minutes, the top topic on the Weibo trending list was changed to—

   Penguin music system crashed.

  【Fuck! Can Penguin Music still work? Ruan Qi's new song was squeezed out by the system before I could buy it! 】

  【Penguin Music Spicy Chicken! If I knew that Ruan Qi was releasing a song today, couldn't I stabilize the system in advance? 】

   [Damn, I just finished buying "Wanting", and I can't enter the system before I can listen to it. 】

   [Just now, the Penguin Music official replied on Weibo, saying that there were too many people who bought "Wishful", which squeezed the system and collapsed. Programmers are fixing it, so please wait. 】

   Penguin Music: Immediately kill a programmer and sacrifice to heaven!



   (end of this chapter)

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