Chapter 1654 TV Drama Nominations

  Penguin Music didn't expect Ruan Qi to release a song, and it could break the platform system.

   In order to quell public anger, Penguin Music official Weibo quickly apologized and said that a programmer had been killed and the system will be repaired immediately.

   With the full efforts of all the programmers of Penguin Music, the crumbling platform system was finally restored within three minutes.

  Suddenly, the backstage sales curve of "Wanting" jumped up a lot.

  【Report—! Ten minutes after the launch of "Wanting", the single sales have exceeded 2.5 million! Total sales exceeded 8 million! 】

  【Re-report——! Fifteen minutes of "Wanting" is online! Total sales exceeded 10 million! 】

  【"Wishful" topped the Penguin Music Week Music Chart! 】

  【All major domestic music platforms have reached the top! Congratulations to Ruan Qi! 】

   In less than 20 minutes after going online, "Want to" dominated the major music charts in China.

   Immediately after, the audio clip of the song swept the Internet like crazy.

  【After listening to the full version of "Wannabe", it's so good! Ruan Qi is really awesome! 】

  【Ah ah ah ah, is "Wishful" actually a folk song style? ! I love listening to folk songs so much, I'm going to buy it now! 】

  【The domestic music scene sings a song of friendship, "Wanting" can be included in the classics! 】

  This new song, Ruan Qi broke the public's inherent impression of her, spanning from pop music to minor ballads.

  Compared to popular pop songs, folk songs have higher requirements on singers and creators in terms of composition and singing.

  There are many folk songs in China, but there are very few really classic works that can be sung and resonate with everyone.

  No one thought that Ruan Qi would dare to turn his new song into a ballad.

   But it turns out that not only did she do it, she did it very, very successfully.

   "Wanting" has been online for nearly half an hour, and the growth rate of the sales curve has gradually become smaller, but the play volume curve of this song has begun to increase exponentially.

   In today's era of fan economy, the sales of a song can no longer fully represent the quality of a song.

   But the amount of play and popularity can be.

   The playback volume of "Wanted" is increasing wildly at an unbelievable rate.

   At the same time, on major domestic forums, topics related to "Wannabe" also quickly became popular.

  #"Wannabe" is nice#

  #Absolutely beautiful ballad#

  #Ruan Qi's "Wanting" broke the record of broadcasts#

  #"Wanted" single loop#

  #"Wannabe" is the first in the number of broadcast faults#

   The discussion on Weibo and "Wanyan" also exploded.

  【Fuck! The data of "Wannabe" is too scary, is it real? 】

   [Let's just say, the winners of the Lemmy Awards do have diamonds, and they can't accept it. 】

  【"Wanted" has been online for an hour, and the number of plays has reached the top of this month's new songs. Moreover, it is the fault-type first, pulling the second place with more than 10 million views! 】

  [Currently, the sales volume of "Wanting" is 6 million copies, but the number of broadcasts is more than 20 million. That is, if there are 6 million people who bought the song, does the average person loop the single at least three times? 】

  【This song is really nice, once you listen to it once, you are addicted to it. After listening to it twice, it starts to sing along. 】

  【Shallow sadness, faint nostalgia, burning friendship, an excellent song will resonate with everyone. I admit I was struck by it. 】

  【Just called an old friend who I have known for 20 years, and he is also listening to this song. We haven't been in touch for almost seven years, so next week we decided to go back to our hometown to meet and visit our alma mater. 】

  ——"Wanted" brought back friendship for those living in the fast food era.

   This is the highest evaluation given by domestic authoritative musicians.

   At the same time, Wei Song, the gold-medal composer who participated in the creation of this song, also posted a long Weibo for "Wannabe".

   [Wei Song: When I learned that Xiao Qi's new song was a ballad, I objected 10,000 people. There are many domestic folk songs, but too few can be included in the classics. Different from pop music, to create a good ballad, not only talent is needed, but also the full emotion that has been accumulated. Xiao Qi is too young, and I worry that her emotions are too weak.

   But then I got slapped in the face.

The day   Xiaoqi sent me the first version of the demo, I listened to it five times, then picked up the phone and called a few old friends.

   I was resonated with this song, it brought back my long-lost emotions.

  I used to think that Xiao Qi was a very talented singer. But now I think she's a little musical monster.

  A young man in his twenties can create music that can make me, an old man in his fifties, cry. I don't know if it's because she's too powerful, or because my tears are too shallow.

   Recommend "Wanting" to everyone, and may you all find your lost friendship and original intention. 】

  Wei Song's small composition was liked by everyone.

  In today's hurried and fast era, few people can sink their hearts to find the feelings they once forgot.

The song    "Wildness" succeeded in doing this.

   "Wild" is completely popular.

   "At present, all the major domestic music charts have reached the top. The foreign music charts in Lai Mei are now ranked third, but the data is growing rapidly. I believe it will not take long to squeeze into the second place."

  Shen Wenqian recounted all the music chart data at home and abroad, and then said to Ruan Qi with a smile, "Ruan Xiaoqi, congratulations, the character of the most popular singer at the Lemy Awards has finally been established."

   The explosion of "Wanting" is not only a good thing for Ruan Qi, but even Jinhua Entertainment also enjoys dividends.

  Since Ruan Qi acquired Fengyu, many artists of Fengyu Entertainment have also signed to Jinhua.

  It is difficult to manage if there are too many artists. Those entertainers who signed up to Jinhua always felt that Jinhua Entertainment was a small workshop, not worthy of them, and they were clamoring to leave every three days.

   If they really wanted to leave, Shen Wenqian would not stop them. The entertainment industry is so big, and Jinhua Entertainment is rich and wealthy now, and they are not inferior to their few wrists.

   But they didn't really want to leave, but wanted to play hard to catch, and threatened Jinhua to give them more resources by canceling the contract.

   There was even an old-fashioned diva who came out of Fengyu, and expressed his dissatisfaction with Ruan Qi openly and secretly, feeling that Ruan Qi was not worthy of being the first sister of Jinhua, nor did she deserve to enjoy so many resources.

  It's all right now, it's all slapped in the face.

   A song "Wannabe" not only became popular all over the country, but also became popular overseas.

   Even the stock of Jinhua Group rose a lot.

  No one dared to question the status of Ruan Qi Jinhua's first sister.

   When that old diva saw Shen Wenqian today, just like a mouse seeing a cat, she turned her head and ran away without saying hello.

   And those entertainers who have different intentions in Jinhua Entertainment were also completely shocked by the explosion of "Wannabe".

"Your position in the domestic and foreign music circles is now completely established. The next step is film and television." Shen Wenqian took out the prepared schedule, ""Blade" has already signed up for the Jinsheng Awards in December this year, if nothing else, You can at least get a nomination." [See off-topic]

   [Take a leave of absence]——Today, my son came to my aunt, and my stomach hurts and I can't straighten my waist. Please take a sick leave, I will only write one more update today, let me take a while.



   (end of this chapter)

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