Xi Jiu made no secret of his possessiveness in this regard.

Ruan Qi didn't plan to keep this bunch of roses at first, and she liked to spoil her boyfriend, and nodded happily: "Okay, I'll listen to Jiujiu. Uncle Hee, take the roses to the first floor and give them to them. The lady at the front desk."

   Xixi responded and left the room with the rose in her arms.

  Mo Lan and the others stayed behind to help Ruan Qi pack her luggage.

   Ruan Qi went abroad to work a lot this time, and brought a lot of clothes and accessories. Shen Wenqian, Mo Lan, and two assistants couldn't finish it all. Seeing that they were so busy, Ruan Qi simply pulled Xi Jiu to join in.

   Several people were busy in the cloakroom when Xi Jiu's cell phone on the locker suddenly rang.

  The harsh ringtone was particularly abrupt in the quiet cloakroom, Xi Jiu frowned and picked up the phone.

"Homeowner, something has happened." Xixi's eager voice came from the phone, "I just gave the roses to the front desk of the hotel, and some waiters at the front desk opened the bouquet wrapping paper, and it turned out to be full of blood. I followed Xiao Qi's instructions. The teaching method identified it, it should be human blood!"


   A few minutes later, Ruan Qi and Xi Jiu hurried to the front desk on the first floor of the hotel wearing a mask.

  The front desk has been cleaned roughly, but Ruan Qi, who has a keen sense of smell, still smells a **** smell. The countertop at the front desk is made of warm yellow marble. With the bright light of the crystal lamp, you can clearly see the uncleaned bloodstains.

   "Little Seven, the head of the house." Xi Xi walked out of the staff lounge on the side of the lobby.

   Ruan Qi immediately walked over: "Hee hee uncle, how is the situation? What about the waiters?"

   "Frightened and resting in the lounge. The hotel and I have already called the police, and the police are on their way."

  Ruan Qi was relieved when he saw that no one was injured.

   "Hee hee uncle, what about that bunch of flowers?"

   "It's in the lobby manager's office, you come with me."

  Xi Xi brought Ruan Qi and Xijiu to the lobby manager's office.

  The office was guarded by two bodyguards from the Xi family, and the bouquet of roses that had been cut from the wrapping paper was placed on the desk.

   Ruan Qi raised his foot and walked over.

   As we all know, in order to keep the bouquet fresh, florists choose to use flower mud or nutrient water to nourish the roots of the flower branches when wrapping the bouquet. However, in order to prevent the turbulent flow of nutrient water, and also for the sake of beauty, the flower arranging team will tie a ribbon at the base of the flower branch slightly upward to fix the wrapping paper.

   After buying a bouquet, people usually cut the ribbon with scissors, or cut a hole directly from the bottom of the wrapping paper, and then insert the flower root into a vase with water, so as to make the flower last longer.

   Those front desk waiters used the second method, directly using scissors to cut a hole at the bottom of the bouquet wrapping paper.

   But he didn't think that what came out of the opening was not transparent nutrient water, but scarlet blood.

   Thick and scarlet blood flowed onto the counter, and then, amid the screams of the waiters, Xixi was sent to the lobby manager's office at the fastest speed.

   At this time, blood splattered around the desk can still be seen, and there are several shocking bloodstains winding on the desk.

  The fiery red rose, with scarlet blood, is extremely weird.

   Ruan Qi stared at the picture for a few seconds before lowering his head and leaning over to the flower root, smelling it carefully.

   "It is indeed human blood."

   The expressions of everyone in the office changed.

   Ruan Qi turned to look at Xixi: "Uncle Hee Hee, you have witnessed the whole process of the incident just now. Can you roughly calculate how much blood is in this wrapping paper?"

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