"About 200 to 300cc." Xixi thought for a while and replied, "I donate blood every time I donate 400cc. The blood that came out of the wrapping paper just now should be less than the amount of blood I donated each time."

   Ruan Qi's expression changed suddenly.

   The threshold for blood donation in hospitals is 400cc, and drawing more than 400cc of blood will cause harm to the human body. And although the blood in this bunch of roses was less than 400, it was close to this value.

   Who is this blood drawn from?

   How is this person doing now?

   Did he/she donate the blood voluntarily, or was it forced?

  In addition to the above questions, there is another very important and crucial question - why did the person who sent this bouquet of roses know that she was staying in this hotel?

   The hotel was reserved by Shen Wenqian a few days ago. Apart from their team members, only Xi Jiu who came with her knew.

   And none of these people can reveal her check-in information to the outside world.

   Where did the flower giver learn about this hotel?

   Ruan Qi thought for a long time, his face became more and more solemn.

   A big hand suddenly and gently landed on top of her head.

   "Baby, don't think about it." Xi Jiu's low voice sounded above her head, "Leave this to me, and baby can work with peace of mind."

   Ruan Qi subconsciously grabbed the corner of his clothes, "Jiujiu, that blood volume..."

"I know." Xi Jiu understood what she meant. "The blood in the bouquet is not too small. I will tell the police about this later. If this matter really involves human life, Xi will cooperate with the police. When the case is solved, the Eagle Department will also help.”

  There are two mountains, Xi's and Yingbu, even if the police in country M can't do anything, they can lie down and find clues.

   Ruan Qi's worries dissipated a lot. She asked Mo Lan to buy some gifts for the frightened front desk employees, and then returned to the room accompanied by Xi Jiu.


   That night, Xi Xi and Shen Wenqian came back from the police station in a hurry.

   Ruan Qi, who was having dinner, immediately put down his chopsticks and stood up: "How is the investigation? Has the flower delivery person been found?"

   "I found it, it's a homeless person." Xixi answered while taking off his jacket, "The man said that someone gave him a lot of money and asked him to send a bunch of flowers to the front desk of this hotel."

   Xijiu: "Who gave him the money?"

   "The police are still investigating. The unemployed man didn't see the man's appearance. He only knew that it was a man with a particularly hoarse voice, a thin body and black hair."

   "Your voice is particularly hoarse?" Ruan Qi couldn't help frowning.

   Before, she had always suspected that Jiang Chunian was the one who sent the roses and the artificial severed finger. Jiang Chunian was indeed thin and had black hair, but his voice was not particularly hoarse.

   Could it be that she guessed wrong?

   Ruan Qi looked at Xi Jiu suspiciously, Xi Jiu patted the back of her hand and continued to ask Xi Xi, "Does that person have any other characteristics?"

   "Other characteristics... oh yes," Xixi suddenly remembered, "the unemployed man said that he was wearing a pair of extra thick gloves and a scarf!"

  L.A. in December is not as cold as the imperial capital. Although the temperature difference between morning and evening is relatively large, wearing a thin coat and thin sweater is enough to keep out the cold, and you don't need to wear scarves and thick gloves at all. Normal people can't wear them, and they will feel hot.

   The person who made the homeless send flowers wore a pair of extra thick gloves and a scarf.

   This is really weird.

   "The man left after giving the money and roses to the homeless. The police are now investigating the surveillance near the homeless home. If there is any news, we will be notified as soon as possible."

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