Chapter 1774 Lingering spirit

  Ruan Qi thought that the staff member was sent by the director Edward to pick her up, so she nodded and said, "I am."

   It turned out to be the actor who played the Eastern Immortal!

  There was a sudden sound of air-conditioning on the set.

  Because of the aesthetic differences between the East and the West, many foreigners are blind to the looks of Chinese people, and their standards for judging beauty are also different from those of Orientals.

   But this aesthetic difference obviously does not apply to Ruan Qi.

  Ruan Qi's beauty can break the dimensional wall and aesthetic barrier. In the words of overseas fans, Ruan Qi unifies the aesthetic standards of the East and the West.

   This sentence is not an exaggeration at all, at least everyone in the crew of "Lord of the Rings" is now beautified by Ruan Qi.

   Even a few female staff members couldn't help but let out small exclamations.

   "My God, she is really the actor of the Eastern Immortal!"

   "Mom, I think I saw an angel! She is so beautiful!"

   "Oh my God! Isn't she Ruan Qi? Director Edward actually invited Ruan Qi here! I'm her fan!"

  The whispers were not loud, but Ruan Qi, who had sharp ears and eyes, could hear them clearly.

  She smiled softly at the few staff members in a friendly manner, and then asked, "Is Director Edward here?"

   "Come here." A man's voice sounded outside the set.

   Immediately afterwards, the door curtain was lifted, and Edward, who was wearing long trousers and a T-shirt, rushed in hurriedly.

   "Oh my dear Nguyen, you look prettier after not seeing you in months! This long dress suits you very well, and I'm proud of my casting eye."

  Ruan Qi smiled and hugged Edward.

   "Director Edward, you have become more handsome after not seeing you for a few months."

The unshaven Edward immediately narrowed his eyes with joy: "Ruan, your eyesight is awesome, and I think I have become handsome too! In order to express my love for you, dear Ruan, I decided to use your fixed makeup photo today Let's do some publicity!"

   "The Lord of the Rings" has attracted the attention of movie fans from both the East and the West since it was launched. The popularity of this movie is unquestionable. Edward used the fixed-makeup photos of the Eastern Immortal to promote it, which was beneficial to Ruan Qi and did no harm.

  Ruan Qi readily accepted Edward's kindness.


  Two hours later, Ruan Qi finished her makeup.

  When an oriental fairy in an icy blue dress, as cold as ice and snow, walked into the set, he immediately received countless surprises.

   "My God! How can it be so good-looking?!"

   "Damn it, I can't describe her beauty in words!"

   "Can I take a photo? Can I take a photo?! I want to take a photo with her!"

  Edward was also amazed by Ruan Qi who turned into an oriental fairy.

He was stunned for a few seconds before exclaiming exaggeratedly: "My God! Ruan, you are the most perfect oriental fairy in my mind! Hurry up, take your places, and take a makeup photo right away! I will send the photo out soon , I want the whole world to see Ruan's beauty!"

  The machines on the set immediately started running quickly.

  Ruan Qi's expressiveness in front of the camera is beyond doubt. She has experienced countless simulation teaching in the system space, and she has already perfected her acting skills and camera control.

   One after another perfect makeup photos were taken.

  Edward's old face flushed with excitement, and he edited the picture for Ruan Qi himself.

   This shot took more than an hour.

  After all the makeup photos were taken, Ruan Qi began to prepare for the first scene of the Eastern Immortal.

   "Excuse me, is this the crew of "Lord of the Rings"?" A voice suddenly made Ruan Qi recite his lines.

  Everyone on the set stopped working and turned to look towards the door.

  At the entrance of the studio, an ordinary-looking man raised the curtain and looked at everyone with a somewhat restrained expression.

  Staff: "This is the crew of "Lord of the Rings", may I ask who you are?"

   "I'm a courier." The man quickly replied, "Someone sent a gift to the crew of "Lord of the Rings", please sign for it."

  (end of this chapter)

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