Chapter 1775 Huge gift box

  Ever since receiving the horrible severed finger and roses, Ruan Qi has become particularly sensitive to words like 'gift' and 'sign for'.

  Hearing the courier say that someone was delivering gifts to the crew, her scalp went numb, and her whole body suddenly became alert.

   "Someone gave us a gift?" Director Edward was a little surprised, "Is it a fan of which actor?"

   Courier: "I'm not sure about this. There's no sender's name on the gift box, it just says it's for the crew of "Lord of the Rings". Do you want to sign for it?"

   "...Then accept it." They specially gave gifts to the crew, and it was difficult for Edward to refuse. He took the delivery slip and signed his name, then asked the courier, "Where is the gift?"

   "Outside, things are a bit big, please wait a moment."

   The courier said, then turned and ran out.

   Not long after, the sound of wheels came from outside the door. Edward opened the curtain and saw that the courier actually pushed a super large gift box nearly one person's height in with a trolley.

   "My God, this gift box is too big!"

   "Whose fan is this a gift from? Isn't it too embarrassing? The gift box looks so expensive!"

   "What's inside? Take it apart and have a look."

  Everyone gathered around the huge black and gold gift box and kept looking at it. The assistant director also found scissors, gearing up to cut the ribbon.

  Ruan Qi looked at the black box that was taller than that person, feeling more and more uneasy.

   "The courier has been delivered. If there is nothing else, I will go first." The courier folded the trolley and waved his hand to say goodbye to everyone.

  After the courier left, the assistant director eagerly stepped forward with scissors.

   "Director, shall I unpack the gift box?"

"What's the rush?" Edward rolled his eyes at him, and took out the courier receipt that he had just signed. "I really don't have the name of the sender. Sending such a big gift box to the crew, but not even leaving a name, there are really people in this world." Such a good person and good deed?"

  Edward's voice talking to himself is not low, and everyone on the set can hear it clearly.

  Everyone calmed down because of the excitement of the gift box.

   "It's a bit strange. Even if you are a true fan, you should at least leave a fan book." The assistant director put his ear on the gift box and listened carefully for a while, "There is no sound, it should not be a bomb."

   "Oh **** Lauren, have you been shooting too many cop movies? How could such a big gift box contain a bomb? An atomic bomb?!"

  Associate director Lauren smiled sarcastically: "Aren't I afraid that everyone will be in danger? Director, what should we do now? Do you want to open the gift box?"

  Edward couldn't make up his mind for a while.

  Ruan Qi, who was standing outside the crowd, saw that Edward was hesitant, and finally found a chance to interject.

   "Director Edward," she said in a soft voice, which immediately attracted everyone's attention, "My bodyguard knows Huaguo Kungfu and is very skilled. How about asking him to open the gift box for everyone?"

  Edward's eyes lit up.

   "Ruan, is your bodyguard really good at kung fu? Very good?"

   "Yes." Ruan Qi gave Xi Xi a wink, and Xi Xi immediately stepped forward, raised the shooting prop weighing a hundred catties with one hand, and played around as if playing around.

  Everyone at the scene dropped their eyes in shock.

   "My God, how could he be so strong? Is this really Huaguo Kung Fu?!"

"Yes, this is Hua Guo's internal strength." Ruan Qi half-truthfully fooled everyone, "Uncle Hee Hee's kung fu is very powerful, even if there is danger, he can dodge it immediately. So let him do it for everyone Open the box."

   Edward: This is a master



  (end of this chapter)

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