Chapter 1776 The nightmare has become a reality

  Edward finally accepted Ruan Qi's proposal.

  He let the onlookers disperse, and then moved the gift box to the open space with Xi Xi.

   "Mr. Bodyguard, are you sure you can really do it? I don't want you to be in any danger." Edward confirmed repeatedly.

  Xi Xi was confident and said ok.

  Ruan Qi: "Director Edward, Uncle Hee Hee is very powerful, so you don't have to worry about it at all. And I will accompany him by the side."

   Seeing this, Edward nodded, turned around and stepped aside.

  Xi Xi took the scissors from Homer.

   "Xiao Qi, back off."

  Ruan Qi obediently retreated behind Ho Ma.

  Xi Xi took the scissors, grabbed the ribbons on the gift box and cut them one by one, and then began to cut the seal on the gift box.

  Ruan Qi's heart slowly lifted.

  She stared intently at Si Xi's movements.

  As the seal was cut, the outer casing of the black-gold gift box fell apart, revealing the contents—

   is a giant candy.

  The wrapping paper of the candy is very bright, with a clown head with a red nose painted on it. Looking at the smiling face of the clown, Ruan Qi suddenly felt a sense of crisis in her heart.

at this time-


  The sound of a switch being activated came from the candy wrapping paper.

   Immediately afterwards, there was a 'Zi—', as if something was ignited.

  Ruan Qi's scalp became numb in an instant.

   "Uncle Hee Hee, run away!"

   Before the shout fell, the huge candy wrapping paper seemed to be inflated, and it swelled up instantly, and then—


   A huge explosion resounded throughout the set.

"What happened?"

   "What's going on? Is there a terrorist attack?!"

   "Gift box! That gift box exploded!"

  The studio was in chaos.

  The wrapping paper of the huge candy was blown to pieces, and Ruan Qi quickly retreated to the distance under the protection of He Ma.

   "Where's Uncle Hee Hee? How about Uncle Hee Hee?"

  Xi Xi, who was not far away, heard Ruan Qi's anxious questioning, and quickly responded to her: "Xiaoqi, I'm fine!"

  As early as Ruan Qi told him to avoid, Xi Xi immediately dropped the scissors and hid far away.

   Therefore, the explosion just now did not hurt him.

   "My God! Look!" Just then, a scream sounded, "Fire!"

  Everyone quickly looked at the gift box.

  The wrapping paper of the huge candy has been blown to pieces, everyone finally saw the real appearance of the candy—

   That turned out to be an ignition device!

  The ignition device is made of silver metal, with several wires densely connected to it. At this time, these wires were entangled, tightly entangled a clown doll as tall as half a person.

   It was the clown doll that was on fire at this time.

  Because it came into contact with the air, the ignited fire grew stronger and stronger. The fiery snake wrapped around the clown doll fiercely, burning all the beautiful clothes on it.

  Black-gray smoke rose with the flames, and everyone smelled a gasoline smell.

  Everyone was shocked by this sudden situation.

  Director Edward was the first to react: "Where's the fire extinguisher? Get the fire extinguisher and put out the fire!"

  The staff on the set woke up in a panic, and hurriedly searched for a fire extinguisher.

   At this moment, the burned clown doll seemed to have touched some device, and suddenly let out a shrill cry of a child—

   "It hurts! It hurts! Help me! Help me! Why don't you save me!"

  ...Why don't you save me?

…It hurts! burned us to death! Why are you not dead yet!

  The memory sealed in the depths of the subconscious suddenly cracked a gap, and the screaming cry in the horrible nightmare finally changed from a dream to a reality.

  Ruan Qi's head suddenly felt like a needle prick, and his delicate face, which had been modified by makeup, turned pale in an instant.

  (end of this chapter)

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