Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 524: Ruan Qi plagiarism? (Two more)

  Chapter 524 Ruan Qi plagiarism? (Two more)

Ruan Qi's face changed slightly.

  An Le noticed that she was looking at her clothes, and quickly shrank back, hiding her from her.

   "Ruan, Teacher Ruan..."

  Ruan Qi didn’t ask him why he went out so late, she turned sideways and said with a soft smile, “It’s too late, remember to go to bed early.”

  After speaking, she said goodnight, turned and walked to the kitchen.

  An Le, who was standing in the hallway, glanced at the camera that was already covered, his eyes filled with hesitation.

  He pursed his lips, watching the back of the little girl walking into the kitchen immediately, a surge of energy suddenly surged from the bottom of his heart.

   "Ruan, Teacher Ruan!"

  Ruan Qi stopped, turned around and looked at him suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

  I entered the house without changing my nervous shoes.

  He walked up to the little girl and opened his mouth, " are careful about Jane and Jianchao, he, he, he..."

  Because of being too nervous, his face flushed with anxiety.

  Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows calmly, with a warm smile in his eyes, "Don't worry, speak slowly."

  The little girl’s soft voice made An Le relax a bit.

  He took a deep breath, and spit out a sentence: "He will be against you!"


  In the early morning of the next day, the sleeping villa woke up in the morning glow.

  After everyone washes up, the director team handed over a task card to Ruan Qi Chutao.

"The fifth issue of "The King of Singers" will be broadcast live in two days. According to the rules of the competition, your four instructors will guide students to create team songs that belong to their respective teams. The relevant requirements have been written on the task card, please work hard. "

  Ruan Qi glanced at the task card in Chutao's hand.

  In less than two days, the instructor must not only lead the students to create a team song, but also learn to sing.

  After the broadcast of "Supreme Singer" on Sunday, the audience will vote according to the performance of the four groups of team songs.

  The group with the most votes will get the right to resurrection once in the final finals.

  Understanding the rules of the game, the students were full of morale in an instant.

  Chu Tao put the task card on the table, fluffed up her hair, and raised her eyebrows at Ruan Qi with a smile, "Mr. Ruan, draw the knife."

  Ruan Qi tilted his head, and smiled, "At the end of tomorrow, at the top of the Forbidden City, we will fight each other."

  Everyone was amused by the conversation between the two, and the tension just now disappeared.

  Due to time constraints, after breakfast, Ruan Qi and Chu Tao took their students back to their own practice room.

  At the same time, an unremarkable Weibo is like a stone, thrown into the calm lake.


  Jinhua Entertainment Office.

  Shen Wenqian stood in front of the window sill, carefully pouring the nutrient solution into the Petri dish of the water cloud lotus.

   Suddenly, bang bang bang——!

  The rough knock on the door made him shiver, and a bottle of nutrient solution almost poured in.

  Shen Wenqian quickly steadied his hand, and when he turned his head, he just saw Manager Tang who opened the door and entered.

  "What are you knocking on!" He scolded angrily, "More than 20 million beautiful flowers, if you break it, you can't afford to sell it!"

  If it is normal, Manager Tang will definitely reply.

  This time, he walked to the desk without saying a word with a calm face.

  Shen Wenqian noticed something wrong, "What's wrong with you?"

  Manager Tang didn’t speak, he shook the mouse to turn on the computer, and clicked on a link, "Come here and take a look."

  Shen Wenqian suddenly felt uneasy.

  He quickly closed the petri dish, walked to Manager Tang, looked up at the computer——

  [I don’t want to learn the piano: I don’t know if I’m too worried. I always feel that "Yi Nian" is very similar to a piece in the Eliza International Piano Competition some time ago. This is a video I recorded during the game. Can someone help me see it? [video]】

  Shen Wenqian's face changed slightly.

  He clicked on that video.

  The video was shot from the perspective of the auditorium, a bit far away from the stage, and it is hard to see who is playing on it.

  But the piano sound came out clearly from the video.

  The sound of the piano is beautiful, ups and downs, and exciting.

  But Shen Wenqian could not be infected by the sound of the piano, and his heart became heavier and heavier.

   Soon, the piano music that lasted more than four minutes ended.

  Manager Tang turns off the video.

  The office is silent and scary.

Manager Tang turned to look at Shen Wenqian with a gloomy expression, and sighed softly, "Even if I am a layman, I can hear that this piano piece is almost exactly the same as "Yi Nian". Old Shen, would you say Xiao Qi... …"

   "No!" Shen Wenqian interrupted him without even thinking about it.

  Manager Tang frowned, "But how do you explain this piano piece? It can't be the piano contestant who copied Xiaoqi?"

   "Why not?" Shen Wenqian asked naturally.

  Manager Tang almost choked when asked.

  He hammered his chest hard, "Old Shen, I know you protect the calf. But this matter..."

   "This is the pianist plagiarizing Xiao Qi!" Shen Wenqian said categorically, "I know what my baby is like! Xiao Qi is absolutely impossible to plagiarize!"

   After finishing speaking, he questioned Manager Tang, "You have worked with Xiao Qi for several months, don't you know what character she is? You doubt her?!"

  Manager Tang looked at his friend with an angry face, and he knew very well that this was a proposition.

  He quickly shook his head into a rattle, "Do not doubt or doubt! Xiao Qi is pure, gentle and innocent, kind and generous, and will never plagiarize!"

  Shen Wenqian, who almost ran away, put away the forty-meter-long broadsword with satisfaction.

   "But..." Manager Tang pointed to the computer weakly, "What should I do with this video? In case he is discovered by the sunspot..."

Before I finished speaking, the office door was knocked open.

   "It's not good! The video of the piano competition was pushed into the hot search!"

  Ruan Qi and the students soaked in the practice room for a day, and did not come out until it was almost dinner.

  Because of recording programs, the girl’s mobile phone is always in silent mode.

  She walked out of the practice room and took out her mobile phone. She saw more than 100 missed calls and dozens of WeChat accounts from Shen Wenqian.

   [Shen Ge: Xiao Qi, someone on the Internet broke that your "Yi Nian" is plagiarism. 】

  【Shen Ge: Take a look at this video. Call me back when I'm done. 】

  Ruan Qi's eyebrows moved, and he clicked on that video.

  The beautiful piano sound came from the video. She looked at the invisible figure on the stage, and her clear eyes gradually became dark.

  At this time, Shen Wenqian's video call came again.

  Ruan Qi picked up immediately.

  Shen Wenqian went straight to the subject: "Little Qi, have you ever shown the sheet music of "Yi Nian" to anyone?"

  Ruan Qi was slightly startled.

  She looked at the slightly exhausted agent on the screen, her eyelashes trembled slightly, "Brother Shen, don't you suspect me of plagiarism?"

  Shen Wenqian, who was busy with his feet on the ground, seemed to have heard some fantasy and couldn't help humming.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, if you have the ability to plagiarize, I won't lose so much hair!"

  The brain circuit is so straight that you can find it by stealing an ice cream, or plagiarize it?

    Recommend a text "Rebirth 80 Group Pet Sweet Bag", the author is a lucky star, a sweet pet age essay, everyone can help me lengthen the data, thank you


  (End of this chapter)

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