Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 525: The iron proof is like a mountain, it's not white (three shifts)

  Chapter 525 The iron proof is like a mountain, it's not white (three shifts)

  Girl, you too value yourself!

  Feeling the contempt of Wang Zhi from her own agent, the little girl was very happy to be trusted, but she still bulged her cheeks angrily.

  Brother Shen is laughing at her!

  Good mad!

  The angry little girl forcefully inserted the straw into the yogurt bottle, and took a bite.

"The original manuscript of "Yi Nian" has only been read by my mother and a few of my elders, and even Teacher Yan has only read the adapted version." She swallowed the yogurt, and suddenly remembered something, "Brother Shen, the piano in the video What is the game called?"

   "It seems to be called Yi..." Shen Wenqian didn't remember either. He turned over the computer and said, "Oh, it's called the Eliza International Piano Competition."

  Ruan Qi's peachy eyes narrowed slightly, "Is it the match on February 1st?"

  Shen Wenqian shook his head, “I’m not sure about this. The blogger who posted this video didn’t write the date. What's wrong?”

  Ruan Qi did not speak.

   She lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, “Brother Shen, I will call you first, and I’ll get back to you later.”

  After hanging up, Ruan Qi retrieved the phone number of the Chinese piano master Yuan Shurong from the address book.

  She remembered Yuan Shurong saying that he was one of the judges of this Eliza Piano Competition.


   Just when Ruan Qi contacted Yuan Shurong, there was already a lot of trouble on the Internet.

  The video posted by the blogger ‘I don’t want to learn piano’ has more than 300,000 reposts in one hour!

  #阮柒PLanyi#, #一念PLany#, #伊莉莎琴赛一念# and other seven or eight topics have become popular on major forums and websites.

  The marshmallows were caught off guard, and before they could come forward to clarify, they were scolded by Heizi.

   Soon, someone made an audio comparison between "Yi Nian" and that piano song——

  The similarity is 87%! ! !

  【Iron proof! Ruan Qi's plagiarism didn't run away! 】

  【Fuck, 87% similarity, why didn’t Ruan Qi copy the entire song? 】

  【Uh...Although the evidence is conclusive, it is about Ruan Qi that there will always be a reversal. Don't comment first. 】

  【Also reverse the fart! Could it be that Ruan Qi was copied from the piano competition? 】

  【Why can't it be plagiarism Ruan Qi? 】

  【Eliza Piano Competition started in December, and the final finals on February 1st. Ruan Qi's "Yi Nian" was released on February 20th. Isn't it obvious who is before and who is behind? 】

  【Fans don't wash it. Ruan Qi copied the ironclad evidence and couldn't clean it even with bleaching powder. 】

"Someone is doing things here." Manager Tang frowned. "That'do not want to learn piano' is just an ordinary person. There are not even a hundred fans. It is impossible to cause such a big sensation in such a short period of time. Someone. Add to the flames in the back."

  Shen Wenqian: "Where is the navy? Have you touched the opponent?"

   "Several navy studios." Manager Tang replied, "The other party is very strict and can't ask who the employer is."

  Shen Wenqian frowned tightly.

  Manager Tang glanced at him and said, “This man behind the scenes is obviously trying to kill Xiao Qi. Now all the evidence points to Xiao Qi plagiarism. If we can’t find stronger evidence to refute, Xiao Qi will be very dangerous."

  Shen Wenqian nodded with a sullen face.

  Suddenly, Xiao Zhang from the public relations department cursed ‘fuck’.

   "Brother Tang, Brother Shen, someone has a rhythm, Yan Jiuyuan’s fans are tearing up with cotton candy!"


  "Yi Nian" is suspected of plagiarism, 87% similar to piano music.

  The evidence is conclusive and cannot be denied.

  Netizens shouted at Ruan Qi. At the same time, Yan Jiuyuan, who sang her back, was also affected.

  (End of this chapter)

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